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Everything posted by Xaggeration

  1. Yeah, and you clicked "Okay, I agree" to their terms and conditions when signing up for their services. They are not there to simply satisfy some nerd that likes to type legal documents. It is so companies that large can screw customers to accepting, or ignorant to read the contracts plainly given to them. You had your chance then to disagree with the fact that they can take away just about every service you paid for, with or without notice, or compinsation. Don't get me wrong, it's a shady ass thing to do, but hell, you'd do the same thing setting up a company. You were screwed out of what?, 10 bucks for that month you had to pay for without chat. If your that cheap over 10 bucks, maybe you shouldn't have been paying to do what others have done since the beginning of time for free.... chat/talk/communicate. And I believe it is a big deal that other chat services illegally used the ocx. If its not such a big deal, I'll be over tommorow to borrow your car. See ya then.
  2. Now will MSN actually follow up on their so-called investigation.... doubtful. Just as if you asked any other question. You get the "we are currently looking into your issue..." bullshhh.
  3. Hopefully. I don't want that thing breeding.
  4. Should make one for msn's chat death in 2003. that's when it really died. They just finally buried it now.
  5. If your going to make fun of someone or something, do it in a fashion that others can actually understand. It is not only an embarassment to yourself, yet you cast a shadow of doubt on all of us out there that make fun of others. Please try harder next time. As that was plainly and simply stupid.
  6. Competition is the basis of progression, and inovation. Without it, we'd all be in the stone age. I agree with you that MSN is too blame, and that bickering over which chat is better won't help either. But yet everyone should be able to voice they're opinion. If I say that I don't like Buzzen, I give reasons. I also have reasons I don't like other networks, includeing VSIXc, which is the chat I support. And hell, if we wern't fighting over which is better and what not, we'd all be in the arcade like Lynx. lol
  7. So I shouldn't say I don't like a certain chat? I should agree with everyone and everything? Come on, get real. If everyone was okay with everything, then there would be no progression in anything we humans do. If we don't complain, then nothing changes. Peace and love is great and dandy, until you get to the point where I can't have an opinion. If I hate something, or someone for that matter, I'm going to make it known.
  8. There is better networks not useing the MSN OCX. If you took the time to read the rest of the posts in this thread, or other threads, you would see there are many chats too choose from. *Cough**Cough*VSIXc*Cough**Cough
  9. I actually was over exaggerating, to make my point. Thanks for noticeing.
  10. Plainly and simply, whatever. Take a prozac and chill out.
  11. I'd love to see you do that. Even if just to see it done differently.
  12. I'm sure theres prolly millions of ways to impliment a chat. I'm just doubtful that anyones really bothered to try. Alot of people likely see it as, "If it's not broken, don't fix it." Just hope theres still some of those people out there that are original, and enlightened. I'm neither. lol.
  13. And as I have said, I would be really glad if they are working on other things(ocx). And that I have absolutely no problem with them useing the ocx. Just don't take credit for others work. And the 2-way convo gives the rest of the forum more to read. It's an open forum. If others wanted to jump in the convo, they can and will.
  14. Why reinvent the wheel? They may have never reinvented the wheel, but they have improved it. There is no way my low profile tires are going to work on my blazer so I can go mud running. Upgrade, Update. Plain and simple, do your own work. I'm sure no one on here is going to say ripping a script is okay, then whats the difference with an ocx. Even if it is MSN's. lol
  15. And I'll be glad if they are. MSN clones are fine with me also. I won't use them myself, but they are okay with me. As I have said I was just annoyed with the "I did alot of work setting up this MSN clone.".
  16. I don't care if someone uses MSN's ocx. Personally, MSN was and is a piece of, you know. The only problem I have is when people say that they have done so much work on a MSN clone chat. You took someone elses work. Big toughy to do that. Don't praise an msn clone and say the amount of users is due to YOUR hard work. No, it's due to the same laziness that led these people to use the msn ocx. People don't want to change or learn anything new. That is basically the only reason half these clones are still up. Due to the chatters inflexibility.
  17. He wasn't really insulting you. Just expressing how he felt about the look of the chat. But I believe that it could have been said in a more tactful, tastefull way. Zantetsuken, maybe next time add some constructive critasism instead of out right bashing it. I myself, I like the layout. Looks sleek. I might suggest adding a few more curves/bends to the silverish areas on the left and top.
  18. Trust me, it's actually quite fun to flog a dead horse. Especially when people are promoteing that dead horse for the work it didn't do. When the ass(msn), I'm sorry, donkey, did it. Stop saying they did so much work, and I'll stop whipping it.
  19. Hard work? Seriously? Any idiot can build a chat network based off someone elses ocx. Hell, if i felt like wasteing a day or two I could build one off MSN's ocx.
  20. sparkpea - nice layout(still needs work though), no users phreik - never liked msn, so i dont feel like going through another msn look-a-like. And I have never heard a single person in my whole life say that. Just thought I'd add that.
  21. We could just leave this topic to actual discussions on Buzzen topics. I dunno, thought that was the point. Not, "Buzzen's good because of this. Buzzen sucks cuz of this." Just discuss Buzzen topics: chat/scripting, etc. This whole argument is pointless. If you don't like Buzzen, then you don't like Buzzen. You made it known already. If you like Buzzen, then you like Buzzen. You made it known already. Battering back and forth doesn't change the facts.
  22. I dont think there will be too many Buzzen chat scripts out very quickly. As they are an MSN clone, don't most scripts still run on there anyway. Plus if they are making they're own OCX(RUMOR) then things will change and scripts will have to change with it. So I don't suspect very many Buzzen scripts released for awhile.
  23. Google: Actually giving a darn about the community. I hope those jerks Verizon and the rest of them try and lobby against Google. I do not see how they'd win. Undercutting the competition, it's the American way of life .
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