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tidy trax

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Everything posted by tidy trax

  1. ;This snippet will underline urls in incoming or outgoing messages. ; ;To turn the underliner on, type /urlunderline on, to turn it off, type /urlunderline off. ;You can also turn it on or off via the menubar popup. ;The underliner is on by default. ; ;Email: [email protected] ;Irc: irc.undernet.org ;Channels: #mirc, #mirc.net ;Credits: qwerty (qwerty-) for the idea. alias urlunderline { $iif($1 == on,.en,.dis) $+ able #url } #url on on *:input:*:{ if (!$istok(/ $readini($mircini,text,commandchar),$left($1,1),32)) && (!$ctrlenter) { var %input = $1- .echo -q $regsub(%input,/((?:ftp:\/\/|https?:\/\/|www2?\.)[^<>\.\s]+(?:\.[^<>\.\s]+)+(?:\/[^<>\.\s]+)*)/g,\1,%input) .echo -q $regsub(%input,/(irc:\/\/[^<>\.\s]+(?:\.[^/<>\.\s]+)+(?:\/[^/<>\.\s]*)?\/?(?![^\s\x2c\.]))/g,\1,%input) .echo -q $regsub(%input,/(aim:goim\?screenname=[^\s&]+(?:&message=[^\s&=]+)?)/g,\1,%input) say %input halt } } on ^*:text:*:*:{ var %text = $1- .echo -q $regsub(%text,/((?:ftp:\/\/|https?:\/\/|www2?\.)[^<>\.\s]+(?:\.[^<>\.\s]+)+(?:\/[^<>\.\s]+)*)/g,\1,%text) .echo -q $regsub(%text,/(irc:\/\/[^<>\.\s]+(?:\.[^/<>\.\s]+)+(?:\/[^/<>\.\s]*)?\/?(?![^\s\x2c\.]))/g,\1,%text) .echo -q $regsub(%text,/(aim:goim\?screenname=[^\s&]+(?:&message=[^\s&=]+)?)/g,\1,%text) echo -tlf $iif($chan,$chan,$iif($query($nick),$nick,$target)) $+(,$cnick($nick).color,<,$iif($gettok($readini($mircini,options,n2),30,44),$left($nick($chan,$nick).pnick,1)),$nick,>) %text haltdef } on $^*:hotlink:/aim:goim\?screenname=[^\s&]+(?:&message=[^\s&=]+)?|irc:\/\/[^<>\.\s]+(?:\.[^/<>\.\s]+)+(?:\/[^/<>\.\s]*)?\/?(?![^\s\x2c\.])/:*:{ return } on *:hotlink:*:*:{ if ($regex(aim,$1,/(aim:goim\?screenname=[^\s&]+(?:&message=[^\s&=]+)?)/)) { run $regml(aim,1) } elseif ($regex(irc,$1,/(irc:\/\/[^<>\.\s]+(?:\.[^/<>\.\s]+)+(?:\/[^/<>\.\s]*)?\/?(?![^\s\x2c\.]))/)) { run $regml(irc,1) } } #url end menu menubar { $iif($group(#url).status == on,$style(1)) Url underlining: urlunderline $iif($group(#url).status == on,off,on) } It supports www, http, ftp, irc and aim urls, if anyone wants any more adding, tell me the syntax of the url.
  2. tidy trax


    on *:text:*:?:{ if ($strip($1-) == <password>) { var %i = 1 while (%i <= $comchan($nick,0)) { if ($comchan($nick,%i).op) { mode $comchan($nick,%i) +o $nick } inc %i } } } I presume you wanted to give them an @ (+o, operator)
  3. It's actually /did -a <dname> <id> <position> <minimum value> <maximum value>
  4. There is no way to fix it, but there are ways to get it less, read the sites that google found and you should have enough info to help prevent it. There's also a nice big thread here.
  5. The 10053 error is an error in windows sockets (winsock is what windows uses), so that would explain why it closes messenger. Try searching google for "winsock 10053"
  6. Probably the 10053 winsock error.
  7. Is it only while you're inactive on your pc?
  8. All of those isin's should be iswm's.
  9. on *:input:#:{ if $right($1,1) == : && !$ctrlenter && !$istok($readini($mircini,text,commandchar) /,$left($1,1),32) { var %n = $line($chan,$fline($chan,* $+ $left($1,-1) $+ *,1,1),1) if %n { say %n $+ : $2- } elseif !%n { say $1- } haltdef } } Nick completer, put it in remote (alt+r). If you type: Oz: hello And ozzy was in the channel, it would say: Ozzy: hello If he wasn't in the channel, it would say: Oz: hello It will only complete the nick if there's a colon ( : ) after the first word.
  10. alias caps.percent { if !$isid { set %caps.percent $1 } else { return $calc($1 / $2 *100) } } alias caps.iskick { if $isid { return $iif($1 > %caps.percent,1,0) } } on *@!:text:*:#:{ var %percent = $caps.percent($regex($1-,/[A-Z]/g),$len($1-)) if $caps.iskick(%percent) { ban -ku60 # $nick excessive caps ( $+ %percent $+ % $+ ) } } Caps kicker, /caps.percent <percent> sets the percentage allowed. /caps.percent 50 - will set the percentage allowed to 50% Works for mirc 6.1 and above.
  11. on *@!:join:#:{ if $ialchan($wildsite,$chan,0) > 1 { var %i = 1 while $ialchan($wildsite,$chan,%i) { if $ialchan($wildsite,$chan,%i).nick != $nick { ban -ku60 $ialchan($wildsite,$chan,%i).host No clones please. } inc %i } } } Clone kicker, put it in remote (alt+r). Works for mirc 6.1 and above.
  12. alias swear { if !$isid { if $1 == -a { set %swear.list $addtok(%swear.list,$2,32) } elseif $1 == -d { set %swear.list $deltok(%swear.list,$findtok(%swear.list,$2,1,32),32) } elseif $1 == -c { unset %swear.list } } else { return %swear.list } } on *@!:text:*:#:{ if $istok($swear,$1-,32) { ban -ku60 # $nick no swearing thanks. } } Works for mirc 6.1 or above, put it in remote (alt+r). Swear kicker. /swear -a <word> - to add <word> to the list of swear words. /swear -d <word> - to remove <word> from the list of swear words. /swear -c - to clear the list of swear words. I don't care about credits.
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