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Posts posted by crabman

  1. I reformatted my pc and now I cant get the fonts to load on fracture......mirc fonts wont work either....the fracture dialog box opens but wont load the fonts.....im getting a message im missing a windows component for mirc t run properly

  2. I just reformatted my pc and im using the fracture updated 1.4e and it keeps giving me an error unable to load fonts ....also when I shut mirc down im getting a missing windows component message. This was doing the same thing on my older version of fracture Ihad as I just recently downloaded the newer version. I went into the scripts editor and manually loaded everything to no avail.

  3. Let's not get childish. I may not like "THE CHAT THAT WE DARE NOT SPEAK IT'S NAME", but, I don't need to write something to destroy their network. I'd be just as bad as MSN or any other big corporation that leaves their clients in the open wind.




    ijust scrolled but i swear im not being chidish lol



  4. well if no one likes or aproves of what "THE CHAT THAT WE DARE NOT SPEAK IT'S NAME" did by cloning msn.......why not write the scripts to reak havoc on thier network.........that chat or any other is doomed anyway........without the advertising clout of msn or yahoo thier will be very few newcomers and soon the older chatters will go thier own way.......because i doubt if any new pc users will set thier homepages to "THE CHAT THAT WE DARE NOT SPEAK IT'S NAME".com


    im an american and i definitly oppose what bush is doing in iraq.......lets face it the weapons of mass destruction are in iran or will be there shortly.......its amazing that they prosecuted saddam ........because it was the americans that gave him the chemical weapons in the first place to help in thier war against iran......i believe ronald raygun did that.........but if we are fighting terrorists we should be in syria that is thier headquarters but i doubt if thier oil supply was large enough for bush and haliburton........oh and when saddam invaded kuwait it was at one time part of iraq .......we the americans annexed that or maybe the english im not quite sure

  5. i guess the author of the buzz zyrus script claimed the macros he loaded wouldnt work .........and claimed it because of buzzens setup the macros wouldnt work........so i loaded part of an old godzilla script into my buzzen script and the macros work fine ........in the directory of godzilla 2 remove the dialogue file,the pics folder,the popups file, the macros file,and the fakes file.........and place them in the buzz zyrus main folder........you will have to search the harddrive too find the buzz folder.........load the dialogs /load..........it works fine for me..... :lmaojump:

  6. Yeah, and you clicked "Okay, I agree" to their terms and conditions when signing up for their services. They are not there to simply satisfy some nerd that likes to type legal documents. It is so companies that large can screw customers to accepting, or ignorant to read the contracts plainly given to them. You had your chance then to disagree with the fact that they can take away just about every service you paid for, with or without notice, or compinsation.


    Don't get me wrong, it's a shady ass thing to do, but hell, you'd do the same thing setting up a company. You were screwed out of what?, 10 bucks for that month you had to pay for without chat. If your that cheap over 10 bucks, maybe you shouldn't have been paying to do what others have done since the beginning of time for free.... chat/talk/communicate.


    And I believe it is a big deal that other chat services illegally used the ocx. If its not such a big deal, I'll be over tommorow to borrow your car. See ya then. :ozzmatized


  7. interesting convo........it sounds like a bunch of jealous lovers feuding over a woman........who cares if buzzen is using msn's ocx..........the million dollar question is whom did msn steal the ocx from.......its not like bill gates hasnt pirated software himself.....and has tried to hold a monopoly on software .........personally i have msn premium for 10 bucks a month and msn hasnt even sent me a hey wer'e sorry for the inconvienience we are closing our chatrooms........or heres a refund because we offered you this service at this price and now we are going to reduce your services but offer no refund........MSN SUX

  8. say goodbye to msn chat.......and while your at it sign up for the lawsuit im planning against msn.....this lawsuit contends that msn has planted subliminal messages in thier webchat so as to cause chat addiction......msn now abandons these addicted people,,,,,,,,WARNING THE SURGEON GENERAL SAYS SUDDEN WITHDRAW FROM CHAT MIGHT CAUSE SERIOUS WITHDRAW SYMPTOMS..........these symptoms include cramps in your fingers.........the urge to clone.........the urge to moof.........the urge to bash someone verbally from your keyboard.......should you experience any of these symptoms PLEASE CONTACT YOUR ATTORNEY IMMEDIATLY :lolwave:

  9. if you mean remote

    press Alt +r

    no thats the script editor and iteresting how that opened lol..........in the other msn scripts you open the main folder .........and you see the mirc icon and all the other things the author has to install ,,,,,,,and that where i need to add the trivia script items......the buzzen client has a script diretory and it contains alot of the addons but not mirc itself,,,,,,,,,the main folder has the buzzen setup ........i need the mirc directory



  10. Trust me, it's actually quite fun to flog a dead horse. Especially when people are promoteing that dead horse for the work it didn't do. When the ass(msn), I'm sorry, donkey, did it.


    Stop saying they did so much work, and I'll stop whipping it.

    well msn isnt issueing any refunds for the people that signed up for subscription chat...........they havent even as much emailed its subscribers to let them know about the closings so if msn dosent have to own up to its agreement then why should its users worry about legality's on thier part........anyone watch that movie about bill gates and steve jobbs on tv?.........i did and bill gates did his share of software piracy ........that guy is a total scumbag :taz:

  11. Extract all the files with it to your script directory, then open the actual mIRC. Then, type this:


    So, if my folder it was in was called ppupdater, I would do this


    it was close it wound up being load/ -rs VincPPUpdater.mrc and it worked thanx :fixed:

  12. being the dummy that i am i cant seem to get that passport updater to load even though it has instructions.......so does anyone know the command to load that ? :notworking:

  13. i doubt very seriously someone stole your email acct that easily. Most likely they used a msn account freezer to block you from using your account. Basically what it does is try to log in over and over with the wrong password which makes the account unavailable for login. Security feature. Great Job MSN NOT!

    correct in my haste and being this was an msn account just for chat i dont remember doing it but my profile url address used my email addy .....it must default to it if you dont insert your own address.......all the time thinking these guy were hackers [email protected] i was just recently able to access this account because another user in my room posted the same problem i was having with her account.......she had the would be hackers on her messenger.......anyway she said she could access her account again and i tried mine aand it worked.......i looked at my profile and there was my email addy in the damn url........THANX MSN FOR PROTECTING MY PRIVACY AND CHANGING THE PROFILES ON EVERYONE.........oh and error thanx for the msn freezer thing i think thats what they used .......i was more focused on how they got my email addy <wo0t>


  14. sorry but i downloaded a christian ethics script to get the updated cookies grabber for the new msn updates........now i have copied the whole remote vinculla and pasted it into another script .......however when i go to update my cookies i get this message......... /update: not connected to server (line 722, vincula.mrc) so i have been manually taking the cookies from one script to another.........so does anyone know why im getting that message and it wont update properly?

  15. i reset my password but it is saying that someone has tried to many times to access the account with either the wrong password or email addy.........so the freeze thing is sounding more feasible........just dont know how they got the email addy

    my privacy always matters as should everyone elses......like i said no one had that addy.......i never even used the email with that addy......and if we have an msn employee giving out personal info on people it matters to all that frequent these rooms

  16. no because they got my email addy.........this was a tottaly bogus account strictly used for chat......i had not given anyone that addy.........and this is the second time it happened........now ill try logging in again today to test your theory though.........but how did they get the addy in the first place?.........i removed the account from my msn premium account.........but the backdoor theory on the script makes sense because the addys and passwords are stored on it........like i said im using genisis with the modified vincula.........and i downloaded that off of this site.......if there is a backdoor perhaps someone might investigate that possibility

    i reset my password but it is saying that someone has tried to many times to access the account with either the wrong password or email addy.........so the freeze thing is sounding more feasible........just dont know how they got the email addy

  17. i doubt very seriously someone stole your email acct that easily. Most likely they used a msn account freezer to block you from using your account. Basically what it does is try to log in over and over with the wrong password which makes the account unavailable for login. Security feature. Great Job MSN NOT!

    no because they got my email addy.........this was a tottaly bogus account strictly used for chat......i had not given anyone that addy.........and this is the second time it happened........now ill try logging in again today to test your theory though.........but how did they get the addy in the first place?.........i removed the account from my msn premium account.........but the backdoor theory on the script makes sense because the addys and passwords are stored on it........like i said im using genisis with the modified vincula.........and i downloaded that off of this site.......if there is a backdoor perhaps someone might investigate that possibility

  18. For the second time now the sameusers from another room have staked a claim in chattampabay a room i frequent........using the dcc send 1234567899 or whatever numbers they have been moofing the regs out of the room........it affects about 3 users .....being the rebel that i am i quickly gave my 2 cents about these users........the one user uses a nickname of Identity thief(ghost).......this user then proceeded to spam my email addy in the room correctly and changed my password so i couldnt use that account anymore.........i have never used this account to email anyone i was logged in using the regular msn chat client........and this is the second time this has happened the last time they changed my chat nickname in my master account ......and i was so miffed about it i called and canceled my msn account......i renewed a few days later.....this recent one dosent bother me as much becuase it is just a passport account for chat......the original time though with my master account made me extremely mad because my personal effects from friends and save emails in that account.......these people are nothing but moderrn day peeping toms........im not exactly the best chatter but i have no desire to read someone elses emails or thier computer stuff......my question is simple since i dont have my passwords stored in cache and the only place i have them is in the script i use(genisis)........how did they get my email addy and password ......how do i stop them from doing it in the future ?and if any of you that are savy with the scripts come in chattampabay and teach these buttheads a lesson.......the helpdesk is useless........and i really suspect insider info coming from either a sysop or msn employee........because several of us have gone to the help desk and they simply say they cant prove it even though they have spammed the dcc send right in the room.........i know if im ever using a script in the room all it takes is one and im thrown out for spamming a macro......the reason i feel there is insider info is because these guys could moof me when im using the regular chat client but couldnt do a thing when i logged on using a script ........anyone in my opinion that has knowledge enough to hijack an email account can certainly destroy a script in a chatroom.....they had 3 names time checking me they finally left........that user also goes by the nickname of tater and requents the lobby1

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