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Posts posted by sugarboy

  1. I have been playing around today with sockets, just to build up some experience with them before I move on to something else so I set up a xml document on my web server with a few lines of code. Then socket than retrieves the information from within that document and displays them like such.

    Cigarettes: Newport

    Music: Electro/House

    Drink: Jager


    (Just some random values Lol.)

    What I am trying to do is make the values like Newport, Electro/House, & Jager align with each other. So it would look a more organized I guess you would say. Kinda like this

    Posted Image

    I tried inserting extra spaces between the static text of the echo and the variable(which would be newport, electro/house, & Jager) but that doesn't seem to work much.


    Can anyone suggest to me a possible way to achieve this? I would greatly appreciate it.


    Also if it helps this is basically what I am using for the echo.

    if ($regex(%temp,/<cigarettes>(.*)</cigarettes>/)) {
      echo -a Cigarettes: $regml(1)
  2. I have queried several keywords both here, on Google, and other search engines, but I couldn't seem to find a collection of the .wav files for the sounds of MSN Chat from back in the day. Is there any chance that someone is still hanging on to these and would be willing to share them?

  3. Well i version check a person, and I dont get anything, not a thing in channel or status, Could it possibly be my theme ? I am using a mts theme and here is what the theme looks like.


    Name Raziel
    Author AnGeL_0f_LiFe
    Email [email protected]
    Description totally remade, but the blue prevails :P (yeah, i lov€ blue =])
    Version 2.0
    MTSVersion 1.0
    scheme1 Raziel v1.0 Font
    Prefix 4::::3
    TimeStamp 2-[4 HH:nn:ss 2]-
    ParenText 2[4<text>2]
    Mode <pre> 2Mode: 2[4<modes>2] 3by:4 <nick>
    UserMode <pre> 2UserMode:4 <nick> 3changes his modes to:4 <modes>
    Join <pre> 2Join:4 <nick> 2[4<address>2]
    JoinSelf <pre> 3Welcome to4 <chan>
    Part <pre> 2Part:4 <nick> 2[4<address>2] <parentext>
    Kick <pre> 2Kick: 4<knick>3's ass was kicked by4 <nick> <parentext>
    KickSelf <pre> 2Warning: 4You3 were kicked by4 <nick>3, from4 <chan> <parentext>
    Quit <pre> 2Quit:4 <nick> 2[4<address>2] <parentext>
    Topic <pre> 2Topic Change:4 <nick> 3changes 4<chan>3's topic to:4 <text>
    Nick <pre> 2Nick Change:4 <nick> 3changed to4 <newnick>
    NickSelf <pre> 2Info: 4You3 changed to4 <newnick>
    Invite <pre> 2Info:4 <nick> 3has invited you to join4<chan>
    ServerError <pre> 2Error:4 <text>
    Notice <pre> 2Info:3 Notice2[4<text>2]3 was received from4 <nick>
    NoticeSelf <pre> 2Info:3 Notice2[4<text>2]3 was sent to4 <nick>
    Rejoin <pre> 2Rejoining 4<chan>2...
    TextChan 2[- 3<cmode>4<nick> 2-> . 3<text>
    TextChanSelf 2[- 4<cmode>3<me> 2-> .4 <text>
    ActionChan <pre> 14Action:3 *14<cmode><nick> <text>
    ActionChanSelf <pre> 14Action:3 *14<cmode><me> <text>
    DNS <pre> 2DNS Resolving:3 Looking up 4<address>...
    DNSError <pre> 2DNS Resolving: 3Unable to resolve 4<address>
    DNSResolve <pre> 2DNS Resolving: 3Resolved 4<address> 3to4 <radderss>
    TextQuery 2[- 4<nick> 2-> .3 <text>
    TextQuerySelf 2[ 3<me> 2> .4 <text>
    ActionQuery <pre> 2Action:3 *4<nick> <text>
    ActionQuerySelf <pre> 2Action:3 *4<me> <text>
    TextMsg <pre> 3TextMsg2[4<text>2]3 was received from4 <nick>
    TextMsgSelf <pre> 3TextMsg2[4<text>2]3 was sent to4 <nick>
    Ctcp <pre> 2[4<nick>2] ctcp4 <text>
    CtcpSelf 2[4<nick>2] ctcp4 <text>
    CtcpChan <pre> 2[4<nick>2/4<chan>2] ctcp4 <text>
    CtcpChanSelf 2[4<nick>2/4<chan>2] ctcp4 <text>
    CtcpReply <pre> 2[4<nick>2 - 4<chan>2] ctcp 3reply4 <text>
    CtcpReplySelf 2[4<nick>2]2 ctcp 3reply4 <text>
    Whois <pre> 2Whois:4 <nick> 2[4<address>2] is 4 <realname>
    Whowas <pre> 2Whowas:4 <nick> 2[4<address>2] was 4 <realname>
    Echo <pre>4 <text>
    EchoTarget <pre> 2[4<target>2]4 <text>
    Error <pre> 4<text>
    RAW.001 <pre>4 <text>
    RAW.002 <pre> 2Host: 4<server>3 running version4 <value>
    RAW.003 <pre> Server created on:4 <value>
    RAW.005 <pre> Protocols supported by this server:4 <text>
    RAW.250 <pre> Total connection(s):4 <value>
    RAW.251 <pre> Users: 4<users> 3Invisible:4 <text> 3Servers:4 <value>
    RAW.252 <pre> Operator(s) online:4 <value>
    RAW.253 <pre> Unknown connection(s):4 <value>
    RAW.254 <pre> Number of channels formed: 4<value>
    RAW.255 <pre> Local clients: 4<users> 3on4 <value>3 server(s)
    RAW.265 <pre> Local users: 4<users> 3Max: 4<value>
    RAW.266 <pre> Global users: 4<users> 3Max:4 <value>
    RAW.302 <pre> Userhost:4 <nick> 2[4<address>2]
    RAW.311 <pre> 4[ 2Start of whois 4]
    RAW.314 <pre> 4[ 2Start of whowas 4]
    RAW.319 <pre> 2Channels:4 <chan> 
    RAW.312 <pre> 2Server:4 <wserver>  2[4<serverinfo>2]
    RAW.301 <pre> 2Away:4 <text>
    RAW.307 <pre> 2Registered Nick:4 <isregd>
    RAW.313 <pre> 2IRCop:4 <isoper>; <operline> 
    RAW.317 <pre> 2Idle/Signon:4 <idletime>2/4<signontime>
    RAW.318 <pre> 4[ 2End of whois 4] 
    RAW.369 <pre> 4[ 2End of whowas 4] 
    RAW.315 <pre> End of 4/who3 list for <chan>
    RAW.324 Modes:4 <modes>
    RAW.332 Topic:2 "4<text>2"
    RAW.333 <pre> 2Set by:4 <nick>3 on4 <text>
    RAW.341 <pre> 4<nick>3 has been invited to join 4<chan>
    RAW.352 <pre> 4<cmode><nick> 2[4<address>2]4 <realname>
    RAW.353 <pre> 2<chan>:4 <text>
    RAW.366 <pre> End of 4/names3 list for <chan>
    RAW.375 <pre> Message of the day:
    RAW.372 4<text>
    RAW.376 <pre> End of 4/motd3 command.
    RAW.391 <pre> Date: 4<value>3
    RAW.401 <pre> No such nickname: 4<nick>
    RAW.403 <pre> No such channel: 4<chan>
    RAW.404 <pre> Unable to send message to 4<chan>
    RAW.421 <pre> Invalid command: 4<value>
    RAW.433 <pre> 4<nick>3 is already in use. Try [<nick>]
    RAW.471 <pre> Can't join <chan> [its full +l]
    RAW.473 <pre> Can't join <chan> [its invite only +i]
    RAW.474 <pre> Can't join <chan> [you're banned +b]
    RAW.475 <pre> Can't join <chan> [requires key +k]
    RAW.482 <pre> You're not operator [@] on <chan>
    RAW.Other <pre> <text>
    Colors 1,2,2,4,3,3,2,2,2,2,2,3,2,2,4,2,2,2,2,2,3,1,3,1,4
    RGBColors 255,255,255 0,51,102 49,99,156 82,133,190 195,195,195 128,0,0 160,0,160 255,124,0 255,252,0 0,244,0 0,140,144 0,252,255 0,0,255 255,0,255 128,124,128 208,204,208
    BaseColors 2,3,4,1
    CLineOwner 0
    CLineOP 2
    CLineHOP 2
    CLineVoice 3
    CLineRegular 4
    CLineMe 0
    ClineCharOwner 0.
    ClineCharOP 0@
    ClineCharHOP 0%
    ClineCharVoice 0+
    FontDefault Tahoma,10
    FontChan Tahoma,10
    FontQuery Tahoma,10
    FontDefault Tahoma,11
    FontChan Tahoma,11
    FontQuery Tahoma,11

  4. Alrighty I did just as you instructed and now my toolbar is not showing up at all. I mean, The bar itself is there, however none of the icons or text is there.


    Here is muh current code if it helps you.


    on *:start: {
     /dialog -m toolbar toolbar
    dialog toolbar {
     title "Toolbar"
     size -1 -1 1000 11
     option dbu
     list 1, 1 0 1000 14, size
    on *:dialog:toolbar:init:0:{ 
     dll dlls\ultradock.dll Dock -1 $dialog($dname).hwnd top toolbar
     dll dlls\mdx.dll SetMircVersion $version 
     dll dlls\mdx.dll MarkDialog $dname
     dll dlls\mdx.dll SetControlMDX $dname 1 ToolBar list arrows flat wrap nodivider > dlls\bars.mdx
     dll dlls\mdx.dll SetDialog $dname style
     dll dlls\mdx.dll SetBorderStyle 1
     did -a $dname 1 +av 1 Connect
    on *:dialog:toolbar:sclick:1:{
     if ($did($dname,1).sel == 1) { popup }
    and this is what is in muh alias
    popup {
     dll dlls\popups.dll New popup 16 16
     dll dlls\popups.dll SetStyle popup bordericon
     dll dlls\popups.dll LoadImg popup icon small images\connect.ico
     dll dlls\popups.dll LoadImg popup icon small images\disconnect.ico
     dll dlls\popups.dll AddItem popup end + Connect $cr server irc.myserver.com
     dll dlls\popups.dll AddItem popup end + 0 0
     dll dlls\popups.dll AddItem popup end + 3 3 Disconnect $cr disconnect
     dll dlls\popups.dll popup popup $mouse.dx $mouse.dy

  5. this is what is commonly known as a dropdown.


    this is what you need using popups.dll:

    ;in the dialog
    did -a $dname 1 +av 1 Connection
    ;as a dialog event
    on *:dialog:mydialog:sclick:1:{
     if ($did($dname,1).sel == 1) { popup }
    ;as an alias
    popup {
    dll popups.dll New popup 16 16
    dll popups.dll SetStyle popup bordericon
    dll popups.dll LoadImg popup icon small $shortfn($scriptdir) $+ images\connect.ico
    dll popups.dll LoadImg popup icon small $shortfn($scriptdir) $+ images\disconnect.ico
    dll popups.dll AddItem popup end + Connect $cr server irc.myserver.com
    dll popups.dll AddItem popup end + 0 0
    dll popups.dll AddItem popup end + 3 3 Disconnect $cr disconnect
    dll popups.dll popup popup $mouse.dx $mouse.dy
    ;edit to suit the directories


    if you're not releasing you're script you could use this file


    hope this helps ^_^


    The link that you included does not work, Instead it just takes me to the index page of mircscripts.org. I don't have the popups.dll file and I looked on that site and all i could find it xpopups.dll Do they work the same or do I need to keep searching for popups.dll? Thank you for the assistance that you have provided so far. I really do appreciate all of your help.

  6. I am working on a toolbar have just redoing it and I want it to have connect and then disconnect as a dropdown option of the toolbar this is what i got but its not working


      did -a $dname 1 +a 1 $chr(9) Connect.
     did -a $dname 1 +v 2 $chr(9) Disconnect.

  7. On, Sorry if this isn't in the right category but i figured since I have a ircd server and this relates to a script that if for that server i should post here. Okay anyways to the question.


    I am writing a basic, yet simple script for my server. I thought the idea of having it display a message upon connection to the server. Not a /motd but just a simple echo kinda like.


    on *:connect:{
      .echo You are connected to bleh bleh server


    Is this possible? If so could someone please help?

  8. with the nicklust Im having alot of trouble with it, Im confused to h**l do i have to like set alias's or something? I mean i read teh entire help file and I actually think i am now dumber for having read it...

  9. -,- doesn't work, I think i got it entering the keeper wrong but this what i got

    .1 min:/access # add deny * $+ $ial($$1).addr 1 | kick # $$1 (1 min access ban)
    .5 mins:/access # add deny * $+ $ial($$1).addr 5 | kick # $$1 (5 min access ban)
    .15 mins:/access # add deny * $+ $ial($$1).addr 15 | kick # $$1 (15 min access ban)
    .1 hour:/access # add deny * $+ $ial($$1).addr 60 | kick # $$1 (1 hour access ban)
    .24 hours:/access # add deny * $+ $ial($$1).addr 1440 | kick # $$1 (24 hours access ban)

  10. Thanks TGK for the info. I am reading the help file right now but im like terribly confused... I like that fact that its not a dialog cause if it was you would have to have a on join refresh of the nicklist which would cause a very slight lag right?

  11. From what i heard it was similiar to nicklist.dll but was named nickLUST.dll because nicklist.dll was already widely released. Thanks err0r I actually had a friend send me it via messy but It's good to see it on the site now. Perhaps more people will use and let us peek at teh screenshots w0ot.gif

  12. Okay, I have read teh readme.html file that comes with this dll I downloaded it ofcourse from here. now. I was trying to why this isn't working correctly. the mircustom.dll it is a folder in the mIRC directory named dlls for the record. this is currently what i have, and I am getting no response. Please let me know if i have made an error somewhere as I am still in my noob stages of using dlls. Thank you for any support and assistance.


    /dll dlls\mircustom.dll SetIcon -m images\tinkerbell.ico

  13. im not exactly sure, its just like msn but ermm. I just cant figure out why the remotes arent working the regular on *:text: ones do, but even when i add access to user it gives me /auser insuff parameters

    and i fixed that and now the access remotes dont work

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