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Posts posted by -¤Antoni¤-

  1. Don't you still charge to get your room registered? If so, that's not free chat. As far as the web messenger thing, no thanks. I don't trust MSN enough to keep the same password long then a week, so why would I keep logging into some website that is probably more vulnerable then the server Hotmail is stored on?


    Actually, the right point of view about that is : Buzzen Supported rooms are a gift offered to donators but people take it in reverse (= I pay to get a BSR) and that's typical of our current society which is very careful about its money :lolwave: Therefore, it's perfectly normal 'cause I would take it the wrong way as well :P

  2. :) I haven't run into a lot of down time on v2, except for the updates, which they seem to be trying to do at a consistent time each day. :)


    See, we're not so crazy about those pretended downtimes! :P I won't always say Buzzen is the best because it isn't, nothing is perfect in our world :o

  3. I confirm what Yahoo said : it's only down for server updates and it doesn't last long, 2 minutes is the average. I don't know why you've been told that it was more down than up! There is for sure still a certain amount of bugs but those server reboot are the consequences of the bug fixes and it is surely not more down than up :o

  4. Only thing is that 80% of its chatters joined BECAUSE it was an MSN clone. And they ain't bothered with credibility stuff ( or were the staff members till the new ocx/ajax/whateveryouwannacallit started to look like it's finally gonna happen).


    Yup, that is why I said we know there will be a loss :P Credibility is more a general topic on the Net than directly linked to the users ;)


    Lets wait for the future to see what is coming (omg, what a philosophy :lbounce: ) :whistle:



    Or another chat service :)


    Yep and it is taken into account aswell and... for sure; if french-speaking chatters prefer another chat service without a minimum of professionalism, they're the only ones concerned (I'm talking about the FRENCH chat sites I know of course).. Buzzen is not that stupid; we know there will be a chatter loss but Buzzen will at least gain in credibility because it won't be an MSN-Clone anymore and I think everyone here agrees that the credibility is more important than the amount of chatters.

    If they're not a lot to leave, well, that will be a good point but the debate ends here I guess :P

  6. Well, in any case, if you cant support Active X, you cant use Buzzen V2, because Flash Player IS an Active X.

    But I seen "for new buzzen, not any components is needed, and active x are not secured". Not true.


    Flash Player = Active X = needed for Buzzen V2 = Buzzen V2 not compatible with IE 64 bits for example, or not compatible with an IE without Active X support (or if user had turn it off).


    Then lol buzzen V2 need an active X :)


    And in any case, Buzzen v2 way is very so slow... I dont know how it's possible that coders imagine that users will be agree with that...




    Furthermore, people have choice of clients. At the moment server supports flash, ajax, and mirc clients. In future, there will be support for activex client, and other kind of applets and clients.


    The ones who still have a 56k connection these days and who wants to chat @ Buzzen when v2 is released will just have to choose another client than that Ajax/XForms/whatever one :P


  7. Buzzen, your willingness to keep improving, and updating your chatters on your server problems is a good quality. I only wish you would pour all your time and effort into your own chat.ocx, instead of illegally using someone elses.


    What about if they have a team to work on the new ocx and another team working on fixing the current bugs ?




    (Yeah, it's a bit :offtopic: )


  8. Ive had a lil personal runin with buzzen.

    have a group of about 400 members who are chatting inthere 24/7. All of them have no experience in Irc sooooo i was looking for a good alternative to move the chatroom to.

    Now there i was, trying out a test room and went to the helpdesk with a very simple question.

    I was told to make the 50 bucks "donation" otherwise they wasnt allowed to answer and help me, call me crazy but that stinks!


    Error, ive looked into the server you support too but get "cant find page" most of the time.



    For the anal grammar and spelling checkers out there. Im dutch ... sue me


    We want a name :lmaojump:





    Seriously... what you're saying is weird lol (I didn't say you didn't tell the truth :P). We've never been told to tell the user this thing :/

  9. I'm happy to be the "victim" of a bug on MSN Chat. I've never paid anything to them and one day (about one year and a half ago) my account was like a subscription one. Anyway I didn't chat there so I didn't care about it lol

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