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Status Updates posted by Vindicator

  1. Have to study for an algebra quiz. YUK! Great way to spend the weekend. lol Not a bad week at work but am predicting great work hours comming up as soon as parts start comming in. Going to check on the NFL drafts to see whats in store for this season. :-)

  2. Jake Locker? :| Was hoping for Blaine Gabbert.

  3. This year July has 5 fridays 5 saturdays and 5 sundays. This happens once every 823 years. This is called money bags. So copy this to your status and money will arrive within 4 days. Based on Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui. Those who read and do not copy will be without money. So let's all try. I read it so I had to post it

  4. Well off to work. Going to miss my loves. Pretty sure its going to be one of those weeks to where we are going to try and catch everything up. Talk to you all soon. :-)

  5. Good day and week! Time to get back to business tomorrow night. Should be a good chance of putting in a lot of hours. Will see how it goes as it progresses.

  6. Starting up the grill. Stop by to have a bite if ya want. ;-)

  7. Poke! Bobbie TheZepp Haythingy Poke! Jennifer Lynn Martinez hahahaha

  8. Whatever you put into life you get the same back into yours. It has been proven to me many times that this saying is true. :)

  9. Describe me in ONE word, using the THIRD letter of you're name. This is fun. Answer me and then copy as you're status and see what people say about you.

  10. You know your a redneck when you have a peice of printing paper as a mouse pad. :)

  11. Got humidifier out. Me and Jenn cleaned it out and it's working like new! It will help lil Braydons congestion that he has going on. Poor guy has the same stuff his daddy did when I was younger. :-(

  12. ╔════════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ════════════════╗☼ ♥If you have a gorgeous daughter put this as your status.♥ ☼ ╚════════════════ ೋღ...

  13. I can't do anymore web designing until I get my GPA back up in school. Plus having problems with my server that is like way over my head to figure out how to fix. I am thinking that it has something to do with microsoft's update that I recently did. It is taking up way too much of my time.

  14. Computer coding, scripting, databasing, encrypting, and now my brain is completely fried! Will sleep now to regain my brain again. ;-)

  15. Shut Down for a week at work. Will be able to get all them things that have been hanging to the side done finally.

  16. lol 12 hours final paper is done and class is over! Yay!!!!! I am glad that is over with. Not bad considering I did'nt start on my final paper until 12 hours ago. Now time to enjoy the rest of my day and night off. :) STRESS FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOOO

  17. Going to spend the next 24 hours with 5 hour energy drinks, sweet tea, laptop, and my final paper that is due before midnight on Sunday. :)

  18. ty you all for the birthday wishes. I am finally 21. Shew thought I would never get there. :)

  19. Might be having some time off. Due to the japan tsunami and earthquake, nissan may be shutting down Thursday and Sunday which will be a four day weekend. Then they may shut down 18 thru the 22. Will know more as the week progresses.

  20. Had a good weekend with the family! About to head off to work.

  21. Im hacking you again my love. I love you so much. You are so careing, honest, hard working, loveing, and a giver. I am so lucky to have you and so are our kids. I can't wait to marry you. Your the best husband ever. Love Jenn

  22. Off for the next two days!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!

  23. I hacked you facebook. I love you. Love your wifey. XOXO. Im so bad. LOL Have fun at work tonight.

  24. † * (| Ɲȫ₮₩ |) * †

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