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Posts posted by wolfy

  1. Nope, that wasnt judgment it was opinion.

    It may look personal comment but its not!

    because simply if you offer me script or addon last thing i care for is your attitude, if your script or addon is good i'll use it no matter your behavior was, but when you offer me chat service where i will communicate with you so i should care about this issue.

    That was the point.

    Edit:"So in simple words: i like VSIXc but i dont like the way you promoting it! make sence?"

  2. Allow me to start my post off-topic a littel bit without forgetting the buttom line!

    Most of people who supporting VSIXc now used to support ChatsUSA before, is same way with same agressive attitude!

    That proove one of many imortant things that you people are very united pack.

    I say this because even if VSIXc the best chat on net (and maybe Chatsusa was the best before VSIXc was made),

    but still i dont get why always this attitude has to show up, and why you always have to disvalue other services to proove that your service is good.

    If you think VSXc is the best (and maybe it is) let it talk about itself, or atleast talk about the great features in VSIXc without attacking other services, and let people choose...


  3. DigitalX, You forget something important!

    There is team/staff working hard there and for me they are friends.

    chat is not always technical detailes (how similar to msn or how diffrent) chat is trust and communicating with people.

    Yes many people like msn styles and all microsoft products, maybe because its trustble.

    Now you acting like you made vsixc wich mean you smart and the others who made similar msn like chat are stupid, lol

    Yes Clone, why you keep talking about it :lolwave:

  4. i understand exactly what you have mate , run connection fix that i post will fix the chat ocx for web not only for script .

    about hack << word its just the alias name i dont know why they call it like this anyway you can rename it whatever , the most important is to try that connection fix type :



    and try to join from web .

    if that didnt work ! go to tools menu in ur IE , and then go to internet options , delete cookies , delete files , and clear history . then browse chat.msn.com , and click the ugly smily face to install the active X . and try to join msn chat first b4 groups .

    and if you want my email go to my profile .

  5. well my guarddog v4.4 is workin semlessly n great, but one thing i cant get it to do, when an admin on my script tries to host or dehost some1 with the !host nickname or !dehost nickname, doesnt work, the script doesnt reply to the admin's command, same thing with the admin tryin to kick or ban some1 using its command, how can i solve this? huh.gif

    Check The users color in vincula options . turn it off ...

  6. LOOOOOOOOOL @ Porn hacks .

    if you are using vincula just type /msn.msnocx then type /msn.hackocx

    no need to add the aliases if you afraid to do lol_sign.gif


    by the way an mrc code can be a backdoor , but it cant be a spy code offtopic.gif

  7. ;Add This Code in Remote (Alt+R)
    ;Right Click or Scroll tne main menu to see "Run Connection Fix" Sclick and click it .
    alias msn.msnocx run regsvr32 /s $+(",$msn.registry(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ActiveX Cache\\0),\MSNChat45.ocx")
    alias msn.hackocx run regsvr32 /s $+(",$scriptdir,msnchatx.ocx")
    alias msn.resetocx msn.hackocx | .timer 1 5 msn.msnocx
    menu * {
     Run Connection Fix:/msn.resetocx 

  8. Sercencer v3 has no connection , wich mean that NEO and Spike1506 left the door open for you to add the connection you like in it .

    Just make sure that the connection Compatibility match with the mIRC version in the script you wann use , you can simply over-paste the latest version of mIRC in your script to replace an older one .

    Hope that answer what you are looking for .

  9. I didnt notice that this thread under guard dog section lol_sign.gif

    Oh yeah guard dog script kicker is good thumbup.gif

    The main purpose of publishing my script kicker because its handy with that dialog , and very easy to use by new scripters .

  10. The allowed list wont be saved in file .

    its a user level , you will find it in script editor >> users

    it will be added like Allowed:*! $ial($nick) $msn.decode($nick)

    Thats why the halt on join look like : if (allowed isin $level($ial($nick,1))) { halt }

    So if you add allowed by $address(nick,1) the halt on join should be if (allowed isin $level($address($nick,1))) { halt }


    personally i dont like to add levels by writing in text file , but if you want that i can do it for you .

  11. There is no 100% script detector .

    Just for who check $9 == connection tag and $6 == nickname ...so $9 != $me dosent exist lol_sign.gif

    on *:join:#: { 
     if ($nick == $me) || (Admin isin $level($$ial($nick $+ *,1))) || (allow isin $level($address($nick,1))) || (allow isin $level($address($nick,6))) || (allow isin $level($$ial($nick,1))) || ($level(*! $+ $address) == allowed) { halt } 
     set -u5 %who $nick 
     enable #whoraw 
     who $nick 
     timer.who 1 5 disable #whoraw 
    #whoraw off
    raw 352:*:{ 
     if ($9 != $null) && (%who == $6) {  access $comchan($6,1) add deny $address($6,1) 0 | kick $comchan($6,1) $6 (*)[S][C][R][I][P][T] [-] [B][A][N](*) }
    #whoraw end



  12. I use vincula 4.9 EZR 4.8 , i made changes on it to update passport (after msn change the net passports) .

    i dont know if am allowed to post the download link here , i will pm you anyway .

    Many of my friends use it and Its safe dont worry (no backdoors) .

  13. Try This : $snick($active,1) instead of $11

    Admin Control
    .add:{ auser admin *! $+ $$ial($snick($active,1)).addr $msn.decode($snick($active,1)) | notice $snick($active,1) Heyyyyyy  $snick($active,1) | notice $snick($active,1) You are now an Admin , For commands type ~admin :D }
    .remove:{ ruser admin *! $+ $$ial($snick($active,1)).addr | notice $snick($active,1) You have been removed from my Admin List :). }

    Also make sure that you have alias msn.decode if you dont have it , copy it from any other vincula .(while you dont have alias msn.decode you wont get the nick beside the address)


  14. If you dont have a special nicklist work on dll , and its just the mIRC costum nicklist , the popups codes should work , you can use $1 or $$1 for slected nickname .

    If your nicklist kinda addon sometimes popups dosent work notworking.gif

  15. I voted yes .

    Well i would say , mIRC v 16 , new vincula , new theme , new nicklist , new dialogs , updating and replace some of massive addons in it , and the most important more protections . that what i look for in new kenobi oops.gif

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