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The Gate Keeper

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Posts posted by The Gate Keeper

  1. i would suggest the other approach for general use (disregarding superowners as they are server particular, not general IRC) as general IRC may have different prefixes.


    try and learn to combine if statements where possible... for example...


    on @*:join:#:{
    ;Auto Voice
      if (!$nick($chan,$mnick,') && $readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$iif($ini($settings(chanoptions.txt),#,0) != 0,#,Default),AutoVoice)) {
        .sockwrite -tn buzzen mode # +v $nick 

  2. if you know a bit of javascript, you should be able to pass it names and such to do things like add/remove users and that from the list. then using javascript to perform the appropriate tasks.


    this should stop it from stealing the focus as it won't refersh the whole page, but doing things like seeing the table's inner html (or using a list), and just doing it that way. speed shouldn't be affected too much if the code is reasonably efficient. that should solve the loss of focus.


    as for getting the menus working, i lack the knowledge in that, but if javascript can do callbacks to the script, you should be able to get it going. but i'm not too sure.

  3. guys, i know that he departed from here in a less than likeable manner, but we should respect him and the hard work he did put in whilst he was here. Even though we may not have agreed with some of the methods, he did contribute. Please be more respectful.


    X has moved on... may be best to leave it at that?

  4. does that feature not use the IE engine to access updates though?

    nope. they are 3 seperate things. You have "Internet Options" (not part of IE, you can access this via control panel > network > internet options, and yes it is the same as the one in IE, because IE links to this), "Internet Explorer", and then there is "Windows Updates" (also connecting to Internet Options).


    "Internet Options" are suppose to be environment proxy (as unix has it, where all your proxy work should be done in 1 area, but there are still programs that have their own proxy set up within them, e.g. firefox).

  5. i think you misinterpreted him travis. I believe he just wants something that will tell who are the 20 most active users. This is probably all you want...


    on *:TEXT:*:#: {
      inc -eu2 %topcount.[ $+ [ $chan ] $+ . $+ [ $address ] ]
      if (%topcount.[ $+ [ $chan ] $+ . $+ [ $address ] ] == 1) {
        inc %topvoice.[ $+ [ $chan ] $+ . $+ [ $address ] ]
      if (!top20 isin $1-) {
    // echo out the top 20    


    This is the sort of template to use. I forgot how to get all the variables that begin with something or if its even possible, so i just left it as this so hopefully travis/err0r can complete the code. If its not possible the other alternative is to use a hash table as ini would be quite slow for a constant task like this.


    I put in the topcount so that people can't flood it and it will only count 1 message every 2 seconds. I'm use to working in C++/Java where you work with maps and that to do this sort of thing. Individual variables are quite limiting when you understand multi-dimensional variables.

  6. i wouldn't mind getting the hang of VBA, as i do a bit of person excel stuff. I've done a few peices of code, but i know its not the appropriate way, and definitely not the way i would do them in any other language (even VB.NET/C#).

  7. lol, well funny enough, this stuff is significantly easier than what we were being taught last year in algorithms and complexities where i scored a 50! (the pass mark). But yea, university teaches a lot of things which may not be useful for your career, but they teach it so that you learn advanced material which could be used, or just gives you the ability to learn complex stuff.

  8. i'm studying artificial intelligence at the moment, want to try? basically its just path finding algorithms, basic gameplay algorithms, and nearest neighbour stuff. its all pretty simple, just remembering it all...


    time of year for exams...

  9. easiest way is to just grab one of the mIRC exe files that looks right, and copy/paste it into the location. It should solve the problem.


    i'm guessing you've used some program to hack it to change the icon, so its a bit hard to say how to change it back, but the quickest fix is copy only the exe, to override the current one.

  10. it is good that you are here trying to learn, but really, if you are getting code out of someone else's program, you should state where it came from, then clearly define what is required.


    but like many here, we all started by doing the same approach, but the difference is that we attempted to have a go... perhaps you should as well? have a go at fixing it yourself. mIRC comes with a very nice help file, and you've seen enough code to understand atleast that mIRC has a scripting basis that is event driven.

  11. err0r has a point as well. Open sourced provides free community wide production. Hence its massive collaboration and collection of addons which make firefox one of the biggest draw cards if you are after some of the nifty stuff that aren't standard to browsers. And because it is open sourced, the code gets criticised a lot more, ensuring that the continual patching provides a better, cleaner, safer environment of code. But of course, getting to that state means that bugs/exploits/flaws need to be found first.


    So there are pros and cons to open source software, but all in all, you are getting a free peice of software, no ads or strings attached, and has great support in terms of addons.

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