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The Gate Keeper

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Everything posted by The Gate Keeper

  1. lol you guys go all out at your scripts, i wish i could do the same with GD5, i get kinda bored easy though, and also full of school work now.
  2. very nice error, looks pretty sweet
  3. even if you did have the idea, you would make it, but with great amount of differences. Ozzy has seen my whisper dialog, and yes it does look similar to the one in simple script, but he knows that it is my own work, with assistance of err0r. If you have an idea which is from another script, don't just do a face lift of it, use the basic idea, and make your own model which looks very different to the original, but operates the same way. This is display and in coding, this will really show your true ability to script, and if you can't do either, and show that it is your own work, i wouldn't recommend posting any screenshots which claim to be your work, and i wouldn't release anything which claim to be your work, otherwise you will just tarnish your name, but i think that might be a little to late, but as they say, it is never late to change. You should take a long hard look at the way you do your work, and maybe rethink why you are even scripting.
  4. yea it is ozzy, when i made my nicklist, i made it so that it would refer back to mIRC's hidden nicklist. I don't use sline or anything, just stright did seltext.
  5. lol, my expertise in GuarDDog v. 4, confuse everyone with mass alias in 1 page . this should give you some help. it is the alias i use to retrieve the nick position. gdnick { return $nick($active,$iif($did($did).sel > %me,$did($did).sel,$calc($did($did).sel -1))) }
  6. yea that's what i was saying before. You are going to run into problems around this area. You need to either store all the names in a hash table/ini file, and each time you right click on that nick, it checks for the real nick or i did in GuarDDog v. 4, where it stores the position that i am ment to be in a variable, and if that user is after my number or equal to my number in the list, it plus 1 and then checks for the information, that way you get the right info. 2 alternatives you can try, both will work, but speed wise, i'm not to sure.
  7. put this in your init of dialog didtok $dname <id> 44 %mirc.adminsonline
  8. only way to replace a section in the line is by reading that line first, setting it to a variable, replacing what you want in that variable, and then writing that back over the line. example: alias txtrepex { var %filename $?="Please enter the directory to the file in which you want to replace" var %linetoreplace $?="Please enter the line number in which you want to replace" var %readingline $read(%filename,%linetoreplace) var %toreplace $?="What would you like to replace in the line" var %afterreplace $?="and the replacement is" var %enterline $replace(%readingline,%toreplace,%afterreplace) /write %filename -l $+ %linetoreplace %enterline } this example is very basic, and can be done in a lot less lines if you know what you are doing. try and read through this, and see how it works.
  9. alias html return $+(",$scriptdir,dll\nHTMLn_2.9.dll,") alias mdx return $+(",$mircdir,system\dll\mdx.dll,") ozzy's code is correct, the one that i posted is in the same format as you want it, but this one should work.
  10. to fix that, change /msg to .msg
  11. i'll have a crack at this. Haven't actually been around IRCD but it should be the same thing. replace the things in brackets with what you want it as on <level>:TEXT:*:?: { var %t $strip($1-) | if (%t == %roompass) { /mode +h $nick } } remember to put that into remotes, and to set %roompass in your variables as what you want the speicial code to be. so in the variables, it would be something like %roompass 12345 it seems very basic, but from what i can, it does answer your question.
  12. nothing new really, just the basic use of dialogs and mdx. still looks nice to look at, but nothing special.
  13. please keep in mind that Immortal is for MSN Chat and not for IRCD
  14. lose the background on the windows, and change the mirc font to something other then the standard. It looks like you are just starting to learn scripting or are between beginner to intermidate so yea. Thats what you work says.
  15. yes ozzy, that is the main reason, cause there is no real point in having a bot because it isn't like irc, its more of a java based or dhtml based chat so yea, its useless to have a bot anyways.
  16. well, yahoo isn't really a benifical zone for scripts/bots because you have no powers in there anyways.
  17. look up cheeta, it was the program i originally used when i first started using bots, but now i chat on msn so yea. cheeta is pretty good so yea, only thing is that kicks and that are applied to yahoo so yea.
  18. it could be a problem with your connection, not your internet connection but whatever you use to connect to the server. I'm guessing your using vincula, but you should really email the creator of Godzilla and ask him/her
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