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Posts posted by Tewl

  1. No it isn't multi channel/room but I have been thinking on an idea to make having mutliple instances of the client less of an eye sore. This will be like err0r suggested an icon in the toolbar but rather than each client displaying an icon only 1 in which the user can right click and select the channel/room they wish to restore to view.

  2. Not a script; not even anything to do with mIRC. Sorry folks lol


    Most of you who hang around me on Buzzen know I started writting a client / bot whatever you want to call it for Buzzen. It has been an on and off project for me for about 2 years now and I am finally making good progress on it. A main issue with writting this client is I am writting it in C# and I do not know a single person I can get C# specific help from. But with help from forums and the infinate patience of Chuck and Hawk I've managed to get to where I am now. Which is an alpha release, so to say. It is far from finished there are still a fwe kinks to work out and a lot of things I want to add. Right now I am just wanting to let people have an idea of what it is going to be like and get your input on it.


    Get it here

  3. Look! MSN died long before the servers shut down. In order to keep interest you must be popular, neither VSIXc nor Buzzen are even half what MSN was even in it's lowest point it had more than twice as many users as either of those networks. I've been on several networks check many of the channels on each and it alway turns out that their are a few rooms with a lot of people where 70% of the room just idles and never says anything. On top of that, those same people are idling in all the other rooms as well; some even idling rooms on the other servers as well. Which brings me to my conclusion...


    The truth is chat is dead, period. Ya I miss MSN but as err0r said; it is dead and gone. It has been replaced with MMOs and 3D environments like SecondLife. I see so much more activity chat wise inside these environments in 20 minutes of being online than spending all day on any given chat server.


    I'm not saying give up on chat or scripting, hell if you enjoy something don't worry about what anyone else things keep at it. What I am saying is that no network is going to become near what MSN was, at least not without a serious financial backer and some good publicity.

  4. * Update (minor)


    One little thing after another... I swear :@


    Anyways I fixed issue where user specific queries were being displayed in the channel instead of as whispers.


    Downloadable script has been updated.


    To avoid losing your settings and such you can replace only the "buzzen.mrc" file located in the scripts folder.

  5. * Update (Important)


    Timer added to join commands when joining multiple channels. This was added to stop flooding out when reconnecting to the server.


    For those that have downloaded the script from my site. The altercations have been made to the downloadable copy on my site.

  6. For those who do not know. I have posted my script on my website for download.


    The mIRC executable is not included in the download.

    I advise you use the most current version of mIRC when running the script.


    Check the starting post for further details.

  7. * Update (minor)


    Went back to a global regex replace for the styles in order to limit the tokenize errors received.

    I am still sorting out an error with the reconnection timer stopping when a sockwrite error is received.

    Remember if you see any errors please feel free to post them here or you can find me in %#DevCafe



    << Credited code has been replaced >>

  8. * Update


    Only one update this time.


    I added coloring of nicknames in the nicklist to show who is away and who is not.


    How it works...


    When the names are collected and parsed in the 353 event, I check the away status in the profile data and if the user is away I add their name to a hash table which on the 366 event is cycled through and colors all the names in it. This method could also be managed by color nicknames based on the data recieved in the 352 which is recieved when you send the /who <channel> command. After that, any time a 821 or 822 is recieved the color is altered depending on status. In this connection the color #0 represents the default color for nicknames and the color #15 represents the user is away. You may wish to change this depending on your color scheme.



    I cannot stress this enough. I have had several people complain to me that they could not get the connection to work.

    Only to realize later that they were using mIRC 6.2x and there were some issues with sockets.


    The current version is 6.31 as of today. It is fully Vista compatible and a sharp new look!


    * Update


    1. Edited privmsg & notice input/output for handling standard CTCP requests and replies. The script does not send replies.

    2. Supports display of webchat time replies. They are in a non standard IRC format, this is why the above does not apply to them.

  10. * Update


    1. Changes made to remove style tags from all events not just privmsgs. This also fixed issue where ctcp replies were not halted if user send the request with style tags.


    2. Added timer to check for timeouts.


    3. The /login function has been corrected to work with previous changes.


  11. * Update


    1. Removed /recon function. The entire connection will be re-established on disconnect.


    2. Renamed /conn function to /connect - I'm not sure why.


    3. Posted some sample events on how to make whispers work and display correctly.


    Important: As I mentioned before, I have started working on making an IRC client for buzzen. Once I reach a stable point I will be discontinuing any work on the IRC connection. With that in mind I advise you, if you have any questions or need help with mIRC ask while I am still willing to answer.

  12. * Update


    Added ability to turn on or off the sockread (debug) window. Simply type "/sread on" to turn it on or "/sread off" to turn it off.


    Altered NOTICE data. Buzzen sends notices like this: "NOTICE <channel> <nickname> :message" the proper way to send a notice would be "NOTICE <channel or nickname> :message" due to the improper format mIRC was not displaying entire NOTICES so I removed the nickname from the incoming data as well as altered outgoing messages that they are in the proper format for buzzen. If Buzzen decides to change it to follow the standard I will remove these changes but for now they are for your benefit.


    Additional: I have still not got a reply from Khaled about increasing the length for channels and nicknames. If it turns out he has no intention of doing so I will most likely discontinue working on the script. Even when using hash tables to back reference there are still way too many possible errors that could happen to invest in making this a stable project.

  13. I know how to do it, I just don't want to do it for many reasons. For one, the displayed name will not be accurate mainly. I could use the hash table to display the proper unicode of a nickname but that would take away from the functionality of clicking nicknames in the channel or figuring out which nick in the nicklist belongs to the displayed name. Secondly, no matter how fast hash tables are they are still add lag to the processing speed. True in rooms that have 10 or so people you may not notice this but when its 20, 30, or even 40 it gets nasty processing the 353. You can still run into nickname collisions if 2 people with very similair names join a room and are both cut off, this would also apply to channel names. The only true and stable solution will be to increase the length for channels and nicknames in the client itself

  14. I noticed a problem today that some of you might remember from msn where nicknames in mIRC would be truncated(shortened) because they were too long. This is very annoying to say the least so I have posted on the mIRC forums hoping for a better solution than the one I have. If no can be found the only way to have a properly working connection will be to handle ALL events through the socket instead of the mIRC ON events.


    You can view the thread here.

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