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Posts posted by Tewl

  1. They probably just put together a custom IRC server that doesn't follow the conventions in order to keep people from easily accessing their servers via third party applications. From a business standpoint this is probably just a way of justifying their pay service. What you need to do is get a packet analyzer (Ethereal is a good one) and connect to their servers and see what information their java client is sending to the server in order to initiate the client-server authentication as well as learn their server commands. From their you can put together a script or bot connect to their servers. If you aren't knowledgeable with scripting or programming you could publish the information you find about their servers on the forums and you might get some help from the members here.

  2. Can try something like this


    ; font $getstyle(1,$1-)
    ; color $getstyle(2,$1-)
    ; bold $getstyle(3,$1-)
    ; italic $getstyle(4,$1-)
    alias getstyle {
      var %r $regex(STYLE,$2-,/^##\*#(.*)~#(.*)~(0|1)~(0|1)#\*##/gi)
      if ($1 == 1) return $regml(STYLE,1)
      if ($1 == 2) return $regml(STYLE,2)
      if ($1 == 3) return $regml(STYLE,3)
      if ($1 == 4) return $regml(STYLE,4)
  3. This will open the query


    raw whisper:*:{
      .query $nick
      .echo -mbflirt $nick $+($nick,11: $3-)


    Code for input

    on *:input:?: {
        if ($left($1-,1) != /) && ($comchan($active,0) > 0) {
          .whisper $comchan($active,1) $active $1-
          .echo -mbflirt $active $+($me,: $1-)

  4. Sorry I missed that. Did you sort it out or still having an issue?




    I was going to wait until I finished a few more of new options but what the heck. I felt like showing off what I've been focusing on.


    So check it out and let me know what you think.


    The emoticons are not animated, this should change in future versions but for now be happy with this much!

  5. So. I haven't made any updates in awhile and I thought I would explain what is going on.


    I am currently in the process of writting a new textbox control to use as the chat window using WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation).


    This will probably cause some issues for a few people since WPF is currently only supported on operating systems XP and above. Although, I have read rumors that you can get WPF support on Windows 2000 but I cannot be certain how reliable or stable it would be.

  6. Just wanted to bump the thread and let people know I am still working on this!


    Added a screenshot of the Channel Settings dialog I've created. This will be included in the next release as well as many other additions. Hope to have it ready by early next week.

  7. What kind of "text decoder" are you looking for?


    If you are looking to convert normal text o utf8 mIRC has built in methods for doing that.


    $utfencode(Tewl™) returns Tewlâ„¢


    $utfdecode(Tewlâ„¢,1252) returns Tewl™


    1252 is CONST value for ASNI encoding


    In addition, you can use $isutf(<some text here>) to check if a line of text is encoded or not. If the text is not encoded a numerical value of 1 is returned. If the text is encoded a numerical value of 2 is returned.


    Not sure if that was really what you were looking for but either way maybe someone will find it useful.




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