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Posts posted by Proboards

  1. It seems that i have figurd it out for Auto Talk.
    When people say "hey" the respons with "Welcome (nicknaam)."
    on *:TEXT:hey:#: { msg $chan Welcome $nick . }
    And it seems that i have dicoverd the first twitch greeding.
    When people join the bot respons with "Welcome (nicknaam) to this live stream."
    on *:JOIN:#: { msg $chan Welcome $nick to this live stream. }

    Thank you verry mutch i have don this and it works verry good now.

    on *:TEXT:!bottalk:#: { msg $chan ༼ つ◕_◕༽つ Hey there $nick here are the words that the bot respons to: | msg $chan "hey","zombie","Eat","M4A1","!linkmap" }
    #script1 on
    on *:TEXT:hey:#: { msg $chan Hey there $nick what can i do for you? }
    #script1 end
    #script2 on
    on *:TEXT:*zombie*:#: { msg $chan Where is the zombie $nick ? | msg $chan So i can shoot the basterd. }
    #script2 end
    #script3 off
    on *:TEXT:!uptime:#: { msg $chan My current session connect time: $duration }
    #script3 end 
    #script4 on
    on *:TEXT:*m4a1*:#: { msg $chan Lock and load $nick , Kill them all! }
    #script4 end
    #script5 on
    on *:TEXT:!linkmap:#: { msg $chan Here you go $nick , The real map of DayZ http://www.dayzdb.com/map#5.096.128 }
    #script5 end
    Menu channel {
      ..$iif($group(#script1).status == on,$style(2)) on:/.enable #script1 | say Hey talker is on right now.
      ..$iif($group(#script1).status == off,$style(2)) off:/.disable #script1 | say Hey talker is off right now.
      ..$iif($group(#script2).status == on,$style(2)) on:/.enable #script2 | say Zombie talker is on right now.
      ..$iif($group(#script2).status == off,$style(2)) off:/.disable #script2 | say Zombie talker is off right now.
      ..$iif($group(#script3).status == on,$style(2)) on:/.enable #script3 | say !uptime talker is on right now.
      ..$iif($group(#script3).status == off,$style(2)) off:/.disable #script3 | say !uptime talker is off right now.
      ..$iif($group(#script4).status == on,$style(2)) on:/.enable #script4 | say M4A1 talker is on right now.
      ..$iif($group(#script4).status == off,$style(2)) off:/.disable #script4 | say M4A1 talker is off right now.
      ..$iif($group(#script5).status == on,$style(2)) on:/.enable #script5 | say !linkmap talker is on right now.
      ..$iif($group(#script5).status == off,$style(2)) off:/.disable #script5 | say !Linkmap talker is off right now.
    #script on
    on *:JOIN:#: { msg $chan Welcome $nick . }
    #script end
    Menu menubar,status,channel {
      Join greeder
      .$iif($group(#script).status == on,$style(2)) on:/.enable #script | say Greeting is on right now.
      .$iif($group(#script).status == off,$style(2)) off:/.disable #script | say Greeting is off right now.

  2. It seems that i have figurd it out for Auto Talk.
    When people say "hey" the respons with "Welcome (nicknaam)."

    on *:TEXT:hey:#: { msg $chan Welcome $nick . }

    And it seems that i have dicoverd the first twitch greeding.
    When people join the bot respons with "Welcome (nicknaam) to this live stream."

    on *:JOIN:#: { msg $chan Welcome $nick to this live stream. }

  3. Hello


    First thing first sorry about my english.


    Second, Twitch uses other command in there chat so im confused.

    Im building a bot from zero.
    i got the basic controls to kick ban and say something when i press a the nicklist.

    .Moderator: say /mod $$1 | say Hello $$1 you are now added as a Moderator.
    .Undo Moderator: say /unmod $$1 | me has force feed a Rotten Bannana to $$1 . |say $$1 is now off the Moderation list.
    .Kick: say /timeout $$1 | say $$1 you have been kickt and can not say enny thing for about 600 seconds.
    .Ban: say /ban $$1
    .Undo Ban: say /unban $$1
    .Modlist: say /mods | me is looking at the mod list (look in the channel jtv owner)
    Subscribers channel
    .on: say /subscribers | me sets this live stream to Subscribers only.
    .off: say /subscribersoff | me sets this live stream open to every one.
    Punch!:/me punch $$1 in his/her fase. | me is seeing that $$1 fals down.

    But now i like to have a auto welcome when some one enters the chatroom.
    And i whant a auto talker that respons to "hello" with " Hello $$1 how are you doing today."

    Even i whant to add some thing that my moderators when i make them moderator that they can use like !... commands so the bot respons to that and only when a moderator or me dos the command.



    Can some one help me out here please??? Yes im a noob at scripting with mIRC

    The commands that i know of are:

    Channel broadcasters and moderators are equipped with a number of special chat commands that allow them to take proper care of the community gathering around their content.
    /timeout username: Temporarily ban the user. This will be followed by a message informing both yourself and the user the length of the ban.
    /ban username: Permanently ban the user from the chat room.
    /unban username: Reverse a previously instated ban.
    /slow xx: Set a limit on how often a viewer is allowed to send chat messages, where "xx" is the number of seconds (for example, "/slow 60" would make it so viewers could only send one chat message every 60 seconds).
    /slowoff: Disable the rate limit on chat messages.
    /subscribers: Enable subscribers-only chat mode, which only allows those who are currently subscribed to your channel to chat. (Subscriptions are a premium feature for select partners that require a paid purchase for the viewer to participate.)
    /subscribersoff: Disable subscribers-only chat mode.
    /clear: Clear the current chat history from the page.
    /mod username: Promote a viewer to moderator status, allowing them limited control over the current chat. This enables them to utilize the ban, unban, timeout, subscribers, subscribersoff, and clear commands.
    /unmod username: Demote an existing mod back to viewer status. 
    /r9kbeta : Does not allow users to message non-unique messages to the channel. Checks for a minimum of 9 characters that are not symbol unicode characters.
    /r9kbetaoff : Disables r9k mode on a channel.
    Channel Utility
    /commercial: A partner-only command to run a commercial for all of your viewers. Here are the options for this command:
    /commercial (with no additional value) runs a 30 second commercial by default.
    /commercial value runs a commercial of the length (value) you set. Your value options are based on what is available in your dashboard's gearbox: 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, or 180 seconds. Thus, if you have the option to run a 120-second commercial, running the command /commercial 120 will run that length of commercial.
    /mods: Receive a list of all moderators for the channel you are visiting.
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