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Posts posted by DigitalX

  1. ok this may sound a bit nuts but im making a friend a helpdesk script. its clones alot of msn helpdesk style things i need a thing that helps the person who the ircop in the helpdesk helping people....



    what i need is a thing where when people join in a list or txt file it logs them in numral order from 1-10 in order of join

    when the ircop whos running the helpdesk does a command of /who the script reads and lists from the list the people who to help like





    etc etc if you know what i mean.


    if any1 whos really good can help me with this it would be much appreciated. thanks a ton.




    oh yea when it shows the list of people on the /who command it lists them from order logged/joined the channel

  2. I have it sorted i have made my own but i still need a little help with a couple of other things hopefully Sin can help me with so if its needed this topic can be closed if you want wink.gif

  3. i just want any really i not sure i think it was one that was in the techgear founder script or it was one made to be a help desk script that has serv help and stuff in it and it was a sorta re-make attempt of making msn help desk responses i just need any basic help desk dialog with with average commands in. i just need it for a staff script im making for my friends chat server. so it can have IRCop commands in it thanx

  4. i seen it in a script befor i cnt remember which 1 but yeah i want the code if someone has a helpdesk dialog and can paste the code or sumthin it would be much appreciated


  5. lol_sign.gif sorry dude as long as ive been round i dont know of anyone connecting mIRC to Yahoo chat so im not sure if its possible, yet i might be wrong.


    Correct me if im wrong but im preatty sure Yahoo isnt IRC based chat ?

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