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Posts posted by Evolution

  1. Problem is several differances between buzzen and spcn. But it wouldnt be hard to make it a multi connection.... since your not really using sockets. Its just a matter of how u login to each and seperateing events, fonts, and stuff thats just not compatible


    Buzzen doesnt use nickserv, raw loginh <email password> works kind of like the nickserv identify.


    Then once connected to rooms your gonna experiance difficulty with the script reading the room unless you strip the font styles spcn and buzzen as far as i know the two servers use totally diff. methods of fonts..


    Good luck :P I know err0rs had fun with his all in 1 script maybe he could provide more help :P

  2. var %x = $gettok($calc($did(nicklist $+ $right(#,-1),1).lines * $gettok($did(nicklist $+ $right(#,-1),5).text,1,32) / 100),1,$asc(.))
      did -r nicklist $+ $right(#,-1) 1
      while ($nick($active,%x)) {


    I could be very well wrong but just guessing %x should just be a total number of lines in the nicklist if this is also i would use .dec %x if i already had the line total and just negate the value on the loop. The while loop would cause u to crash it.


    Correct me if im wrong never really worked with nicklists.

  3. Would depend on what chat network your going to and what script uve downloaded ..... basicly most scripts are about the same tho .. you find your connection options enter the email / password / and connect to the server you downloaded the script for. and join room using this command /join %#Roomname use \b to replace spaces. If room is Team Evolution %#Team\bEvolution would be the irc format to join room with

  4. Ah bro so glad u did'nt leave.. its the one thing i didnt wanna see happen is that me n Angel will be in there also with ya all makin useless code shes learning n needs a good place to learn ;) and lord knows i dunno how to make the useless stuff as im still just a n00b always will b n00b :lolwave:

  5. basicly travis covered it the tags used are [style] [/style] for your fonts and u may use [br] to break the line those work just like html tags but im pretty sure thats all the tags buzzen supports .. ive tried img lol trust me that would be cool but they dont support other tags that im aware of.

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