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Everything posted by Jagie

  1. Erm, well, the titlebar, you know the top of the program, the bar at the top. the one after all the "file, view, tools", and it says like "mIRC blah blah blah", basically the bar where the minimize, restore, and close button is ^^
  2. Works great, one more code I could require to finish it off Is their a way to get rid of all the Titlebar? Atm it has like [#chan, (server), Modes, Topic) Can i not completely get rid of that. I have a script + dll, so if i do the alias /whatever "Word", it will change the whole titlebar to that word, and nothing else, but if you close mIRC and restart or hop channels it goes back to way it was. Is their no way to completely rid the title bar, I dont like how long it is, and would rather have it so it only has a word or two. Thanks
  3. Can someone explain to me like, what i should do, Step by step like ^^. If its possible thanks Jagie
  4. Would it be possible, so if you idle over 10 minutes after 11PM on mIRC, it will change your nickname, and send /amsg to everyone. I want this, because i occasionally leave mIRC open, and forget to change, and let people know im gone, so it would be good, that it does it automatically Thanks <3
  5. I believe his mother was a muslim, It says he is a devout christian.
  6. I managed to do a different way ^^ But thanks again on 1:sockread:imageshack_drone*:{ sockread -f %lol if $mid(%lol,1,9) = location: { %lol = $mid(%lol,11) /set %link http:// $+ $gettok(%lol,2,$asc(/)) $+ / $+ $gettok($gettok(%lol,2-,$asc(?)),3-,$asc(=)) /echo -a Uploaded to %link /write screenshots %link unset %lol } } Then created an alias /screen /window -e @Screenshots | /filter -fw screenshots.txt @screenshots So that will list all the screenshots from the text file I do. Thank you all for all the hard work you put it in this, I am so grateful of all your help! This is why I love TG Thank you once again <3
  7. Ahhhhhhhhhhh it works! all of it!, Oh my lord, you guys are brilliant, Thank you all <3
  8. Wow Wow Wow, That is brilliant, Exactly what I was looking for. One final tiny last thing. You know how it has set %file c:\screenshots\desktop $+ $rand(1,10000) $+ .jpg Well that saves the file as desktop(randomnumber).jpg, Is their a way you could have it so it would be like Desktop1, Desktop2, Desktop3, Desktop4, Desktop5, Desktop6. So then the last one taken would be the highest number, it would ordered in the folder. Basically, the number wouldnt be random, it would just keep increasing. But thanks for this, this is Incredible!
  9. on *:sockopen:upload*:{ if ($sockerr) { .signal -n i.fail $sock($sockname).mark sockclose $sockname } else { var %i $md5($sockname), %img $sock($sockname).mark, %ext $regex(%img,/\.(\w+)$/), %ext $regml(1) bread $qt(%img) 0 $file($qt(%img)).size &img bset -t &cont 1 -- $+ %i $+ $crlf $+ Content-Disposition: form-data $+ $chr(59) name="fileupload" $+ $chr(59) filename=" $+ $nopath(%img) $+ " $+ $crlf $+ $& Content-Type: image/ $+ %ext $+ $str($crlf,2) bcopy &cont $calc($bvar(&cont,0) + 1) &img 1 -1 bset -t &cont $calc($bvar(&cont,0) + 1) $crlf $+ -- $+ %i $+ -- $+ $crlf sockwrite -n $sockname POST / HTTP/1.0 sockwrite -n $sockname Host: load.imageshack.us sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: Keep-Alive sockwrite -n $sockname Keep-Alive: 1200 sockwrite -n $sockname Content-Type: multipart/form-data $+ $chr(59) boundary= $+ %i sockwrite $sockname Content-Length: $bvar(&cont,0) $+ $str($crlf,2) sockwrite $sockname &cont } } on *:sockread:upload*:{ if ($sockerr) { .signal -n i.fail $sock($sockname).mark sockclose $sockname return } var %x sockread %x if ($regex(%x,/<input type="text" onClick="track\('direct'\).+value="(.+)"\/>/i)) { did -ra is 9 $regml(1) tokenize 32 $did(is,16) var %i $3 + 1 if (%i == $5) did -ra is 16 Uploaded $5 images. else did -ra is 16 Uploading images %i of $5 complete. hadd -m is $regml(1) $sock($sockname).mark sockclose $sockname } } on *:sockclose:upload*:{ .signal i.fail $sock($sockname).mark } on *:signal:i.fail:{ if ($input(Upload failed on img $qt($1-) $+ . Click retry to upload the img again.,rh,Error)) { var %s $i.id sockopen %s load.imageshack.us 80 sockmark %s $1- } else { tokenize 32 $did(is,16) if ($calc($3 + 1) == $5) did -ra is 16 Upload complete. else did -ra is 16 Uploading images $calc($3 - 1) of $calc($5 - 1) complete. } } on *:sockopen:download:{ if ($sockerr) { noop $input(Unable to download image.,oh,Error) sockclose $sockname } else { tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $2 HTTP/1.0 sockwrite $sockname Host: $1 $+ $str($crlf,2) } } on *:sockread:download:{ if ($sockerr) { noop $input(Error downloading image.,oh,Error) sockclose $sockname return } tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark if ($0 == 2) { var %x $true while (%x) { if (Content-Len isin %x) var %len $gettok(%x,2,32) sockread %x } sockmark $sockname $sock($sockname).mark $iif(%len,$v1,$false) return } var %fn $nopath($2) while ($sock($sockname).rq) { sockread &cont bwrite %fn -1 -1 &cont } if ($3) && ($file(%fn).size >= $3) { sockclose $sockname did -ac isv 4 http:// $+ $1 $+ $2 hadd -m is http:// $+ $1 $+ $2 $longfn(%fn) iv.loadimg iv.chkbutton } } on *:sockclose:download:{ tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark did -ac isv 4 http:// $+ $1 $+ $2 hadd -m is http:// $+ $1 $+ $2 $longfn($nopath($2)) iv.loadimg iv.chkbutton } This is the upload bit I think! from what dodge gave us!
  10. Haggis, You have outdone yourself! Your bloody amazing. It works perfectly, Saves to the folder and everything. Now all thats left is to somehow create a socket and upload it to imageshack and echo the link ^^
  11. I really like that idea Dodge, and dropbox seems great, only question, How would I go about be able to take a screenshot of the entire screen. Right, Ill have to some how work on doing that, lol. Thanks guys <3 If you have any more ideas/codes that could help me, please post!
  12. Im very confused ^^. I only know basic mIRC and not really much of a coder. I just wanted this as, my channel takes a lot of screenshots of programs/games, as i use mIRC instead of alternate programs. If anyone has the time to possibly create the script, Just leave it here, and i will be extremely grateful and also perhaps help others who need it.
  13. Hey, Ive been wondering if anyone could perhaps make me a script, which if i type "/ss" it will take a screen shot of the entire screen, and upload to imageshack.us, and then echo the imageshack link. I am in need of this If someone is able to do it, then I would be very grateful. Thank you.
  14. Are you ever going to release this, because this looks amazing, and I would love to use it whether it being fully or just for beta!
  15. Happy Birthday!! especially Ozzy! Have a good day!
  16. I would really love to test this, Never really get to test or beta out. Pm me i guess, or just reply backk Thanks err0r
  17. Yeh, I've been using this for a while now when on a different computer. Its really good.
  18. Jagie

    Advice Needed

    I agree with X-Fusion that I wouldnt want to see the offline people, Only the Online. Still 4/5 Looks good!
  19. Great err0r. So happy its being released Looks Awesome so far. Great work keep it up!
  20. Are you going to release err0r. Looks Sweeeeeet!
  21. Same, I tried to use the nicklist.dll and nicklust.dll. It was always buggy and lagged the hell outta me
  22. Jagie


    Hey snowx/ Werent you the one who owned the domain. Www.wincommunity.com. I enjoyed watching that site develop
  23. Cant you somehw get the one from moschino. His channel lister is great.
  24. Basically, I hate Apple, and love microsoft. So even if apples iphone are better, I still love microsofts XD
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