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Posts posted by DJAxis

  1. use rhx ;)

    old but effective:


    $rm = $_GET['rm'];
    $rhx = $_GET['rhx'];
    function hex2str($hex)
    { for($i=0;$i<strlen($hex);$i+=2)
    { $str.=chr(hexdec(substr($hex,$i,2))); }
    return $str; }
    $troom = hex2str($rhx);
    $troom = str_replace('%#', '', $troom);
    $troom = str_replace('\b', ' ', $troom);
    call it in as $troom te return the original channel name with spaces, so Comedy Factory for example works instead of Comedy\bCentral.
  2. Anyone interested in selling a 20th century webchat? If so pm me with a price or in someway we can make it arrangable, ofcourse trough contract and id validation.


    Still havin' this dream... i think the most of you to make it succeed.

  3. I've runned a few chats like ENTChat in the past and similar more, i've still got the files of the webpages which uses the server's msnregcookie's like it should.

    The server thats with it is the latest ENT Server which is a 3mb zip file without mIRC, with exclusive features.


    If there is any interest i would love to upload it.



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