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Posts posted by Chief

  1. Hmm .. you were using mode bans not /access if i knew your chat had both i would have just suggested /access :P mode +b is usualy ircd and they dont have /access unless specificaly modded in. .. well now you have two ways! :)

  2. you could maybe use the /ban command instead with a -uSECONDS switch so it works abit like a auto-expiring var, like um :


    /ban -u300 # $address($nick,2)


    that should make the script automaticaly delete the ban in 5 mins.


    And good luck with a room were you ban ppl for poping in and then back out too fast .. ppl are nosey many will pop in an out a few times before you even get them to talk:) but as they say different horses for different courses ...

  3. Its previous "gates" at a certain nick im logging, not nicks at a gate, but the principle is the same just switched around, ircd's show (usualy) a masked version of the users ip as there gate, i was looking to use this code to help me see how oftern certain users ip masks change .. to help with effective ip banning or spotting certain isp's and ranges, the while loop in my code lists the ip masks one per line in the window, so its easy to compare them

  4. Hello, I hope someone can help me! <wo0t>


    I have this code, which is the good old exoclone nick tracker... kinda reversed round to log pervious ip masks @ a certain nick in and ircd chat ...


    It echos then to a window kinda of like this:


    #channel ===============

    ( time ) Name's last 2 ip's are:

    [email protected]

    [email protected]


    etc .. logging upto the previous 10 used by that nick.


    What im wanting to get it to do is record the time & date of each new ip mask and echo it next to each one like this ..


    #channel ===============

    ( time ) Name's last 2 ip's are:

    [email protected] 12:20:12 20/02/07

    [email protected] 02:34:01 24/02/07

    etc ...


    So i can see when they change, what im stuck on is how to alter the write, read, and deltok to include the new parameter i want to add which is .. time & date. Im sure its something simple, or maybe because i looking at it half 3 in the morning :oops: anyway hope someone can point me in the right direction! <wo0t>


    #ip2check on
    on *:start:/window @IP's
    on *:JOIN:#:{ 
      if ($left($nick,1) == ') || ($left($nick,1) == >) halt
      ipcheck $ial($nick).addr $remove($nick,') $chan 
    raw knock:*:{
      if ($left($nick,1) == >) halt
    ; set -u5 %knock. [ $+ [ $remove($nick,') ] ] $true
      ipcheck $address $remove($nick,')  $1 
    alias ipcheck { 
      if ($1 != $me) { 
        var %n 10
        var %x $read($scriptdir $+ check.dat,sn,$2) 
        if (%x == $null) write $+(",$scriptdir,check.dat") $2 $1 
        else { 
          %x = $addtok(%x,$1,32) 
          if ($numtok(%x,32) > %n) %x = $deltok(%x,1,32) 
          write -l $+ $readn $+(",$scriptdir,check.dat") $2 %x 
        if ($numtok(%x,32) > 1) { 
          echo $iif(%IpCheck. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] == $true,-a,@IP's) $3 ========================================================
          echo $iif(%IpCheck. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] == $true,-a,@IP's) 4 $+ $timestamp $date $chr(2) $+ $2 $+ $chr(2)  Last 4 $chr(2) $+ $numtok(%x,32) $+ $chr(2)  IP's Used:
          var %c = $numtok(%x,32)
          var %z 1
          while (%z <= %c) {
            echo $iif(%IpCheck. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] == $true,-a,@IP's) $gettok(%x,%z,32)
            inc %z 
    #ip2check end

  5. The utf-8 support in the newer versions of mIRC still dont work in dialogs which is what nicklust and other icon nicklists are really ... a kind of dialog so the fact that utf-8 gets the nick perfect in the regular nicklist wont make a difference - so you'll need to use a decode alias or something most chats have their own ones .. usualy just msn decode re-araranged abit:P and there never quite good enough which is a pain, anyway ...


    Perhaps that is something they can include in the next version utf-8 decoding in dialogs, that would be nice.

  6. Gotta laugh at ppl that come to alternative chats expecting special treatement because "i have a group of X amount of members" ... Big deal!!!! I have a group of nearly 13,000 and 80% of them have never even join chat or posted a msg ... anyway the help offered should be at the same standard from everyone, regardless of if you donate or have a "big" msn group.

  7. Well i have just found the biggest indication to date that MSN got care one bit about the use of the ocx, GrapevineEdge The biggest and busiest groups chatroom in the UK has moved to buzz, and not only that but the groups website now has a seperate page that says New Chat and join buzzen, this page can only of been added by by two ppl: Chrissy head of msn groups Uk or msn groups Sysop_mello the groups owner (who owns the room on buzzen) now its a shame that buzz are gettin all the big scores:P lol I guess its a testiment to there hard work ... but surely that goes to show that MSN couldnt give a hoot! And that we should all just stop stressing and thinking about it all too much, and concentrate on finding our own place to fit in for the future! <wo0t>

  8. lol i guess the meaning is like feeling Kinda exposed, you would feel kinda exposed if ppl were looking at you're pubes lol ... but i think on the whole ppl that fear ip mask gates are those that are upto no good because they arnt as annoymous as they would like! :oops:

  9. These "pure irc" chats as they are called sometimes use ip "gates" do they not? or at least a partial ip mask ... and you have thousands of users (granted most of them are idlers) on those kinds of servers. I think prheik users see the ip mask which consists of 3 sets of you're ip and the 4th set scrambled with mid5 and Isp for domain, as an extra aid to help them control access better

  10. Thats abit insulting to class Phreik with... well with those other chats that are mostly (not all) just kids playing with flooders! It may be having some probs atm with the increase in traffic, but it is still buzz's closest competitor, and it is certainly not paper lol. Dont quote me on this but i believe its a IRCx & IRCd Hybrid.

  11. New site design on the way for Phreik (to make it not look so much like MSN lol), aswell as a new server .. with a huge capacity .. only problem is time, re-writting an entier server takes time and times running out, yes still a clone 8-) but a clone with the best staff and some aspects that make it very different to most other clones. The good clones iv seen are Buzz and Phreik, spark looks kinda cartoony but nice, just lacking users, maybe chat united too but thats mainly dutch users not global users (tyring to name as many as i can so it doesnt look like im favouring one over the other lol ..

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