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Everything posted by Shagman

  1. And still alot more blood to be shed.
  2. Not that I'm an authority on msn clones, or chat servers , but I do believe in the worst way that if there is a ocx flip that looks different than the msn ocx on nsmchat then you will see the amount of people on the server drop. Please quote me on this when the time comes. An example: eyechat.net who used msn ocx then switched to thier own.
  3. When prowler bought xmsn.ca we did it cuz we were gonna ride on that name for awhile until people got used to the name, we did get papers from some lawyers to cease and desist cuz we had the msn butterfly, but thats about it. There was no financial loss as we werent that big at the time.
  4. Yup, thats pretty much it. We knew that going into it.
  5. The controversy around Buzzen is that they used alot of people in their climb to be famous. So yeah you will find alot of pissed off people,whether it be the actual people or their friends that visited them while their services were being USED.
  6. I do, and will continue to maintain that. The funny part is I dont know who you are, and therefore you must be too new to know any better??? Perhaps you should shed some light on who you are...nicks you have used in the past
  7. Hi Yahoo, yes I bet you will find quotes by me, or one of other shall we say fake nicks dating back to 2003. Fake nicks are great because you can use them in any forum and have them argue back and forth at each other... This creates a BUZZ, and since people on the net crave drama, they join in and pick a side. There is no better way to advertise free of charge on the net, it worked and got Mohamed into the position he now enjoys. This moron truly believes it is mere savy nerd work that makes a server a success. Remko offered me a big thank you credit on the credits page,as he said "This is all we can do for you, cuz were a bunch of glory hogs.) I am yet to see that, but thats to be expected from a punk kid. Might I add it makes me smile and gives me great joy to watch others enjoy the spoils of the grunt work of others, including watching you Yahoo, and lets not forget that rising star Dale. And now onto some employee apreciation. Allow me to introduce my partner a shining star. Although a figment of my imagination, BlondeNewfieChick was extremely helpful in using as a nick on msns free chats to advertise nsm, but her main contributions included promotion of nsm on the msn chat team group. You can find out more by looking at her sexy profile here, be sure to check out her posts, she knows how to stay contraversial just like her daddy. She deserves a big gold star as Employee of The Year for 2004.
  8. Oh cool another place to bash those snot nosed kid admins.
  9. **thinks your doing this cuz your annoyed with all the questions**
  10. Hello, I have seen the ability to have the users add thier own welcome message as they join a room. Essentially what I am trying to accomplish is giving my users the ability to add a profile link so that they can click on the view profile option. This of course is coding that is on the server side, and it would have it for any room they join on the server. It should have. An option all users have to add or remove a profile link but restricting the change to a 5 or 6 seconds so that the user cannot flood the system, also advising user to add an acceptable profile link, should what they add be not within the perimiters of acceptable links. Where it would add the last few digits of the ip addy with the nick. along with the link message to the txt file so that multiple users from the same ip addy can have a profile registered. Restricting the profile link so that you can only add certain kinds of links such as yahoo, msn, or whatever profile they want the others to view, just as long as they cannot add links to virus downloads. It will tell the user there is no profile registered. Plus giving the server operator the abiltity to turn this feature off. Here is what I have so far, as the bot will tell only the user that is clicking on the user. If anyone can help me in this department. I would be so gratious. if ($3 = PUID) { /sendtouser $sockname $roombotname PRIVMSG $groom2($sockname) :You can view my profile here <link>
  11. awwww looks like some are still upset about the fact that they did everything to trash some of the networks that still exist. Not only do they exist still but are going strong. Jealousy, plain and simple. I am talking about the ones that started the Anti-MSN initiative? You know the ones that tried putting a network together but failed. Anyways im bored of poking fun at fellow g33ks ttyl.
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