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Posts posted by Shagman

  1. Very Biblical like bill S510:



    “If you control the food, you can control the people.” – Henry Kissinger - Under the guise of protecting Americans from food-borne illnesses, Congress has passed the S510 Food Safety Act, granting unlimited power to the FDA to oversee the processing of food from farm to table.


    This means if you grow tomatoes, you are a criminal if you give some to a friend, Or exchange it for a cup of sugar.





    King James Bible - Revelation 13:17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

  2. Your country desires more than 2 options, I see it all the time, but nobody at the top will allow it. Other teams try, but they are cut out of the debates, the media makes fun of them, tells the people that watch TV the other parties don't have a chance, basically guiding along the agenda, and confining the people to decide between the 2 parties. Its like a football league with only 2 teams, where one team wins about 65% of the time. Not much diversity can go on if only 2 teams are allowed to play...and that would be why nothing the people want to happen actually happens. They divide and concour, and they made up this false left and right paradigm where everyone needs to fall under one, and call all appear to be a set up. I would be willing to guess that most would not choose to fall out of that left and right thing, and do their own thing, but they are constantly being hurded under one of them, not really given a chance to broaden their horizons, as the media tends to deam their ideas to be on the fringe.

  3. This is the funniest thing about this thread. :blink: LOL!!!!


    I can't believe people still feel a need to do this. Just when I thought the scripting community had grown up. I'm hoping this thread was or is just a joke to get a rise out of people. :bash:


    I know it made me feel like I just sat on hot coals. I just can't understand the child-like antics from people. <shot2>


    Don't have to steal anything now because Obama can shut it down, just like he can with TG with that internet censorship bill he signed. "YES, HE CAN.". So much for net neutrality..... He lied about that too.

  4. It's probably best that you just run a site that links to a chatroom..in most cases the people that run the chat servers have no time to find your room if put it in a hidden category. I have run rooms hidden for months without being discovered by admins, something I might reconsider with my drupal setup.

  5. At the end of this post I have another image for people to think about, as I enjoy conversations such as these.


    In regards to an explanation as to what is meant by fascism, I will let the man in my avatar explain it. I would embed it but Im not sure how to do that. Now listen carefully because most find this man to be boring and old, but he makes lots of sense. Closer to the end the anchor is rather disturbed by the fascism statement, but he lets his former presidential candidate guest explain.






    Just to show there are others sides that have other thoughts, some say Obama is yet another leader that promised CHANGE, of the three below, two men were very well known socialists also ran on the slogan of CHANGE. At a time when Town Hall meetings are getting all fired up, your can definately see the concern.










  6. Your thoughts on this image please.



    I am noticing more and more that if you make fun of a president who happens to be black, then your making racist jokes.(at least that's what CNN tells me.)


    If your wondering wtf am I talking about, please google obama joker fascism socialism.

  7. my bet is that a merger would only lead to drama


    Error likes these threads, it stirs up action on the site. lol.

    So does drama for that matter.

    What ussually happens in situations like these is the staff that were held so near and dear, don't feel so near and dear anymore, so they form break off groups that join other servers, or even better start a new one. We see it happen all the time.

  8. Perhaps a merger of services/servers with another network might be what is necessary to keep it going. Online web use should be increasing as more and more people get unemployed. The economic turn around is why msn closed its doors, because more people went back to work, and spend less time in chatrooms

  9. Error ripped his jeans in 3rd grade therefore he is a ripper.

    Ozzy is a ripper too as he likes ripping down the road at high speeds.

    X-Fusion is a ripper just because I said so.

    Infact your all rippers:)



    Have a nice day! :ozzmatized


    That should be a forum headline grabber:)

  10. With the downturn of the economy, and lots being unemployed, its a great time to start chats. However, will it get to a point where people can no longer afford an internet connection? For the most part the old generation of chatters were kiddies playing in mommies basement, while dad shouted down the stairs for them to get a damn job. They ended up getting the job, and stopped chatting, but with the lay offs all around lately, no doubt they will be back. :pizza:

  11. Sounds to me like Rob is getting overburdened with all the chatters hes getting so hes going with a lame chat software instead. Eyechat did it...it flopped... buzzen did it, and its doing quite crapily too. Oh well, another rising superstar clone will get the people.

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