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Everything posted by CharmedOne

  1. Can someone help fix my protection to read words i put into my dialog ? Dialog & all works but the spam protection dosent seem to want to work. menu * { Spam Kick: { dialog -m SpamKick SpamKick } } dialog SpamKick { title "Spam Kicker" size -1 -1 197 111 option dbu list 1, 7 11 125 77, sort size vsbar box "", 2, 3 3 183 94 button "Add URL", 3, 142 12 37 12 button "Delete URL", 4, 142 28 37 12 button "Ok/Cancel", 5, 142 76 37 12, ok cancel button "Turn On", 6, 142 44 37 12 button "Turn Off", 7, 142 60 37 12 } on *:dialog:SpamKick:init:*: { /loadbuf -ro SpamKick 1 settings\spam.ini } alias spam { /set %spam $$?="Add Spam URL Here" /write settings\spam.ini %spam /loadbuf -ro SpamKick 1-- settings\spam.ini } on *:Dialog:SpamKick:sclick:1: { /set %sel.text $did(1).seltext } on *:Dialog:SpamKick:sclick:3: { /spam } on *:Dialog:SpamKick:sclick:4: { /write -ds $+ %sel.text settings\spam.ini | /loadbuf -ro SpamKick 1 settings\spam.ini } on *:Dialog:SpamKick:sclick:*:{ if ($did == 6) { .enable #spamkicker | echo -a Spam Kick Enabled } if ($did == 7) { .disable #spamkicker | echo -a Spam Kick Disabled } } #spamkicker on on *:TEXT:*:#: { if ($nick isop $chan) return { if ($nick isop #) return { if ($nick !isowner $chan) { var %i = 1 while (%i < $lines(spam.ini)) { if ($read(settings\spam.ini,%I) isin $1-) { /kick # $nick :No Spamming .raw access # add deny $+(*!*, $Ial($nick).addr) 1 : $+ %Nick Spamming } inc %i } } } } } on ^*:ACTION:*:#: { if ($nick isop $chan) return { if ($nick isop #) return { if ($nick !isowner $chan) { var %i = 1 while (%i < $lines(spam.ini)) { if ($read(settings\spam.ini,%I) isin $1-) { /kick # $nick :No Spamming .raw access # add deny $+(*!*, $Ial($nick).addr) 1 : $+ %Nick Spamming } inc %i } } } } } on *:CTCPREPLY:*:#: { if ($nick !isowner $chan) { var %i = 1 while (%i < $lines(spam.ini)) { if ($read(settings\spam.ini,%I) isin $1-) { /kick # $nick :No Spamming .raw access # add deny $+(*!*, $Ial($nick).addr) 1 : $+ %Nick Spamming } inc %i } } } #spamkicker end
  2. Ok this works but it kicks people who type long sentence's rather than someone using a long text like a flooder i seen that did lololololololololololololololololololololololol. I hate to have it kick the wrong people what did i do wrong on @!*:text:*:#:{ ;LongText if ($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$iif($ini($settings(chanoptions.txt),#,0) != 0,#,Default),LongText)) { if ( $me isop # ) { var %length = $len($1-) if ( %length > 15 ) { /access $chan add deny $+(*!*, $Ial($nick).addr) 1 :Long-Text /kick # $nick No Long Text One min Ban } } } }
  3. Lol yes Travis I took off the bracket below i got in bold & dialog quit working so i added ht back. Anyway thanks Warrior ill test it out now And see if my AOP button works :/dialog -m aoplist aoplist } <----------------------------- thats the one i replaced back,lol dialog aoplist { alias ab { dialog -m aoplist aoplist } alias cab { dll $rebar UnDock left | dialog -x aoplist aoplist } alias rebar { return rebar.dll }
  4. Well i fixed the protections dialog but to answer your question the chanoptions.txt tells the dialiog the value of true or false to tun on & off the protections & work the off & on icons at the same time so it reads from the channel options text file wether they are LimitOwners=$true or JoinFlood=$false my protections are set up like this on *:part:#: { ;Join Flood if ($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$iif($ini($settings(chanoptions.txt),#,0) != 0,#,Default),JoinFlood)) && ($me isop $chan) { .timerlimit 1 3 mode $!chr(37) $!+ $right(#,-1) +l $calc($nick(#,0) + 2) } } Now my AOP i do need help with if you can, I click on Delete after clicking a name or room in my AOP list windows they dont delete, can ya help me fix that one button ? :/dialog -m aoplist aoplist } dialog aoplist { alias ab { dialog -m aoplist aoplist } alias cab { dll $rebar UnDock left | dialog -x aoplist aoplist } alias rebar { return rebar.dll } dialog aoplist { title "AOPbar" size 0 0 188 752 option pixels icon 4, 0 0 188 800, pictures\sidebar1.jpg, 0, noborder icon 7, 1 0 184 204, pictures\face.jpg, 0 text "Users AOP List Options", 8, 37 210 112 16 list 1, 3 225 182 130, size list 2, 3 390 183 130, size button "Remove", 5, 4 359 57 25 button "Refresh", 6, 65 359 57 25 button "Done", 13, 127 359 57 25 text "Aop", 3, 6 532 22 16 text "$group(#aop)", 9, 45 532 34 16 button "Enable", 10, 81 529 50 19 button "Disable", 11, 136 529 50 19 text "Banlist", 12, 6 554 35 16 text "$group(#aop)", 14, 45 554 34 16 button "Enable", 15, 81 554 50 19 button "Disable", 16, 136 554 50 19 text "AOP Halt Channel", 17, 6 581 91 16 button "Button", 18, 109 581 75 16 text "Bans Halt Channel", 19, 6 602 91 16 button "Button", 20, 108 602 75 16 } on *:dialog:aoplist:init:0: { dll $rebar Dock $dialog($dname).hwnd > left dll $mdx SetMircVersion $version dll $mdx MarkDialog $dname dll $mdx SetControlMDX $dname 1 Treeview showsel hasbuttons linesatroot > $mdx.view dll $mdx SetBorderStyle 5,6,13 staticedge did -a $dname 1 +b Aop did -i $dname 1 1 cb root last 1 var %x = 1 while (%x <= $ini($settings(aop.txt),0)) { did -a $dname 1 $ini($settings(aop.txt),%x) inc %x } did -i $dname 1 1 cb root end did -a $dname 1 +b Banlist did -i $dname 1 1 cb root last 1 did -a $dname 1 Normal did -a $dname 1 Halt did -i $dname 1 1 cb root end dll $mdx SetControlMDX $dname 2 listview report showsel rowselect nosortheader > $mdx.view did -i $dname 2 1 headerdims 22:1 100:2 150:3 did -i $dname 2 1 headertext + 0 $chr(32) $+ $chr(9) $+ 0 Name $+ $chr(9) $+ 0 BuzzenPassport did -i $dname 2 1 seticon normal $icon(owner.ico) did -i $dname 2 1 seticon normal $icon(host.ico) } on *:dialog:aoplist:sclick:1: { tokenize 32 $did(1,1) var %branch = $4- if ($1 == slclick) { if ($4 == 2) { if ($ini($settings(aop.txt),$calc($5 - 1)) == Halt) { did -r aoplist 2 did -i $dname 2 1 headerdims 272:1 did -i $dname 2 1 headertext + 0 Channels For Global Ops To Be Halted On dialog -t aoplist AOPlist : Aop Halt var %x = 1 while (%x <= $ini($settings(aop.txt),Halt,0)) { did -a aoplist 2 0 + 0 $ini($settings(aop.txt),Halt,%x) inc %x } } elseif ($5) { did -r aoplist 2 did -i $dname 2 1 headerdims 22:1 100:2 150:3 did -i $dname 2 1 headertext + 0 $chr(32) $+ $chr(9) $+ 0 Name $+ $chr(9) $+ 0 BuzzenPassport var %room = $ini($settings(aop.txt),$calc($5 - 1)) dialog -t aoplist AOPlist : Aop %room var %x = 1 while (%x <= $ini($settings(aop.txt),%room,0)) { did -a aoplist 2 0 + $iif($gettok($readini($settings(aop.txt),%room,$ini($settings(aop.txt),%room,%x)),1,32) == owner,1,2) $+ $chr(9) $+ $gettok($readini($settings(aop.txt),%room,$ini($settings(aop.txt),%room,%x)),2-,32) $+ $chr(9) $+ $ini($settings(aop.txt),%room,%x) inc %x } } } if ($4 == 3) { if ($5 == 2) { dialog -t aoplist AOPlist : Banlist Normal did -r $dname 2 did -i $dname 2 1 headerdims 70:1 100:2 102:3 did -i $dname 2 1 headertext + 0 Name $+ $chr(9) $+ 0 BuzzenPassport $+ $chr(9) $+ 0 Reason var %x = 1 while (%x <= $ini($settings(banlist.txt),normal,0)) { did -a aoplist 2 0 + $gettok($readini($settings(banlist.txt),normal,$ini($settings(banlist.txt),normal,%x)),1,32) $+ $chr(9) $+ $ini($settings(banlist.txt),normal,%x) $+ $chr(9) $+ $gettok($readini($settings(banlist.txt),normal,$ini($settings(banlist.txt),normal,%x)),2-,32) inc %x } } if ($5 == 3) { dialog -t aoplist AOPlist : Banlist Halt did -r $dname 2 did -i $dname 2 1 headerdims 272:1 did -i $dname 2 1 headertext + 0 Channels For Banlists To Be Halted On var %x = 1 while (%x <= $ini($settings(banlist.txt),halt,0)) { did -a aoplist 2 0 + $ini($settings(banlist.txt),halt,%x) inc %x } } } if ($4 == 4) { did -r $dname 2 did -i $dname 2 1 headerdims 100:1 170:2 did -i $dname 2 1 headertext + 0 Name $+ $chr(9) $+ 0 BuzzenPassport var %x = 1 while (%x <= $ini($settings(pornlist.txt),porn,0)) { did -a aoplist 2 0 + $readini($settings(pornlist.txt),porn,$ini($settings(pornlist.txt),porn,%x)) $+ $chr(9) $+ $ini($settings(pornlist.txt),porn,%x) inc %x } } } did -i aoplist 1 1 cb root %branch } on *:dialog:aoplist:sclick:5: { if ($dialog($dname).title == AOPlist : Aop Halt) { remini $settings(aop.txt) halt $$gettok($did($dname,2).seltext,6,32) aoplist.refresh halt } if ($dialog($dname).title == AOPlist : Banlist Halt) { remini $settings(banlist.txt) halt $$gettok($did($dname,2).seltext,6,32) aoplist.refresh halt } if ($dialog($dname).title == AOPlist : Banlist Normal) { remini $settings(banlist.txt) normal $$gettok($gettok($did($dname,2).seltext,2,9),5,32) aoplist.refresh halt } if ($ini($settings($$gettok($dialog($dname).title,4,32) $+ .txt),$$gettok($dialog($dname).title,5,32),0) == 1) { remini $settings($$gettok($dialog($dname).title,4,32) $+ .txt) $$gettok($dialog($dname).title,5,32) } else { remini $settings($$gettok($dialog($dname).title,4,32) $+ .txt) $$gettok($dialog($dname).title,5,32) $$gettok($gettok($did($dname,2).seltext,3,9),5,32) } aoplist.refresh } on *:dialog:aoplist:sclick:6: { aoplist.refresh } alias aoplist.refresh { did -i aoplist 1 1 page wb tokenize 32 $did(aoplist,1,1) var %branch = $3- if ($1 == slclick) { if ($3 == 2) { if ($ini($settings(aop.txt),$calc($4 - 1)) == Halt) { did -r aoplist 2 did -i $dname 2 1 headerdims 272:1 did -i $dname 2 1 headertext + 0 Channels For Global Ops To Be Halted On dialog -t aoplist AOPlist : Aop Halt var %x = 1 while (%x <= $ini($settings(aop.txt),Halt,0)) { did -a aoplist 2 0 + 0 $ini($settings(aop.txt),Halt,%x) inc %x } } elseif ($4) { did -r aoplist 2 var %room = $ini($settings(aop.txt),$calc($4 - 1)) dialog -t aoplist AOPlist : Aop %room var %x = 1 while (%x <= $ini($settings(aop.txt),%room,0)) { did -a aoplist 2 0 + $iif($gettok($readini($settings(aop.txt),%room,$ini($settings(aop.txt),%room,%x)),1,32) == owner,1,2) $+ $chr(9) $+ $gettok($readini($settings(aop.txt),%room,$ini($settings(aop.txt),%room,%x)),2-,32) $+ $chr(9) $+ $ini($settings(aop.txt),%room,%x) inc %x } did -i aoplist 2 1 headerdims 22:1 100:2 150:3 } } if ($3 == 3) { if ($4 == 2) { dialog -t aoplist AOPlist : Banlist Normal did -r aoplist 2 did -i aoplist 2 1 headerdims 70:1 100:2 102:3 did -i aoplist 2 1 headertext + 0 Name $+ $chr(9) $+ 0 BuzzenPassport $+ $chr(9) $+ 0 Reason var %x = 1 while (%x <= $ini($settings(banlist.txt),normal,0)) { did -a aoplist 2 0 + $gettok($readini($settings(banlist.txt),normal,$ini($settings(banlist.txt),normal,%x)),1,32) $+ $chr(9) $+ $ini($settings(banlist.txt),normal,%x) $+ $chr(9) $+ $gettok($readini($settings(banlist.txt),normal,$ini($settings(banlist.txt),normal,%x)),2-,32) inc %x } } if ($4 == 3) { dialog -t aoplist AOPlist : Banlist Halt did -r aoplist 2 did -i aoplist 2 1 headerdims 272:1 did -i aoplist 2 1 headertext + 0 Channels For Banlists To Be Halted On var %x = 1 while (%x <= $ini($settings(banlist.txt),halt,0)) { did -a aoplist 2 0 + $ini($settings(banlist.txt),halt,%x) inc %x } } } if ($3 == 4) { did -r aoplist 2 did -i aoplist 2 1 headerdims 100:1 170:2 did -i aoplist 2 1 headertext + 0 Name $+ $chr(9) $+ 0 BuzzenPassport var %x = 1 while (%x <= $ini($settings(pornlist.txt),porn,0)) { did -a aoplist 2 0 + $readini($settings(pornlist.txt),porn,$ini($settings(pornlist.txt),porn,%x)) $+ $chr(9) $+ $ini($settings(pornlist.txt),porn,%x) inc %x } } } did -r aoplist 1 did -a aoplist 1 $+(+,$iif($gettok(%branch,1,32) == 2,e),b) Aop did -i aoplist 1 1 cb root last 1 var %x = 1 while (%x <= $ini($settings(aop.txt),0)) { did -a aoplist 1 $ini($settings(aop.txt),%x) inc %x } did -i aoplist 1 1 cb root end did -a aoplist 1 $+(+,$iif($gettok(%branch,1,32) == 3,e),b) Banlist did -i aoplist 1 1 cb root last 1 did -a aoplist 1 Normal did -a aoplist 1 Halt did -i aoplist 1 1 cb root end did -i aoplist 1 1 cb root %branch } on *:dialog:aoplist:sclick:13: { if ($nick == $me) { dialog -x aoplist aoplist dialog -m switch switch } } alias ab { dialog -m switch switch } alias cab { dll $rebar UnDock left | dialog -x aoplist aoplist } alias rebar { return rebar.dll } on *:DIALOG:aoplist:sclick:*:{ if ($did == 10) { .enable #aop | did -ra aoplist 9 $group(#aop) } if ($did == 11) { .disable #aop | did -ra aoplist 9 $group(#aop) } if ($did == 15) { .enable #Banlist | did -ra aoplist 14 $group(#Banlist) } if ($did == 16) { .disable #Banlist | did -ra aoplist 14 $group(#Banlist) } } on *:dialog:aoplist:sclick:18: { writeini $settings(aop.txt) Halt # Halted } on *:dialog:aoplist:sclick:20: { writeini $settings(banlist.txt) Halt # Halted }
  5. This is one I am making not one downloaded & i was just needing a little help with the buttons on both dialogs & the drop list thingy to show the rooms. on the protections dialog.
  6. i got 3 errors , two errors in one side bar 1 error in the other. here is the errors. Protections Dialog The Off On buttons dont work Both drop boxes dont show the rooms Bottom List Doesnt load rooms AOP Dialog Buttons dont work Protections Dialog Code ;=============================================================================== ==== ;----[ Switch Bars ]----------------------------------------------------------------- ;=============================================================================== ==== :/dialog -m switchbar switchbar } dialog switchbar { alias sb { dialog -m switchbar switchbar } alias csb { dll $rebar UnDock left | dialog -x switchbar switchbar } alias rebar { return rebar.dll } dialog switchbar { title "Protections" size 0 0 246 752 option pixels box "Protections", 1, 4 8 237 187 list 2, 8 21 228 169, size text "Channel", 3, 6 207 50 16 combo 4, 59 202 181 69, drop box "Channels Not Using Default Set-Up", 5, 4 262 238 231 list 6, 7 277 230 213, size combo 7, 3 495 239 82, size drop button "Turn On", 8, 7 230 57 25 button "Turn Off", 9, 87 231 65 25 button "Add", 10, 4 520 75 25 button "Remove", 11, 166 520 75 25 icon 77, 0 0 244 800, pictures\sidebar.jpg, 0, noborder icon 12, 22 549 187 194, pictures\face.jpg, 0, noborder button "Done", 13, 168 231 60 25 } on *:dialog:switchbar:init:0: { dll $rebar Dock $dialog($dname).hwnd > left dll $mdx SetMircVersion $version dll $mdx MarkDialog $dname dll $mdx SetBorderStyle 8,9,10,11 staticedge var %x = 4, %y = blah while (%x <= $ini($settings(chanoptions.txt),0)) { did -a $dname 4 $ini($settings(chanoptions.txt),%x) if ($ini($settings(chanoptions.txt),%x) != Default) did -a $dname 6 $ini($settings(chanoptions.txt),%x) if ($active == $ini($settings(chanoptions.txt),%x)) { var %y = %x } inc %x } did -c $dname 4 $iif(%y != blah,%y,1) dll $mdx SetControlMDX $dname 2 listview report showsel rowselect nosortheader > $mdx.view did -i $dname 2 1 headerdims 40:1 90:2 300:3 did -i $dname 2 1 headertext + 0 $chr(32) $+ $chr(9) $+ + 0 Option/Prots $+ $chr(9) $+ 0 Description did -i $dname 2 1 seticon normal $icon(true.ico) did -i $dname 2 1 seticon normal $icon(false.ico) var %x = 4 while (%x <= $chan(0)) { did -a $dname 7 $chan(%x) inc %x } switchbar.update } on *:dialog:switchbar:sclick:4: { switchbar.update } on *:dialog:switchbar:sclick:2: { var %type = $$remove($gettok($gettok($did(2,4).seltext,2,8),5-,32),$chr(32)) if (%type == TopicLock) || (%type == ModeLock) { did -e $dname 7 } else did -b $dname 7 } on *:dialog:switchbar:sclick:7: { var %type = $$remove($gettok($gettok($did(2,4).seltext,2,8),5-,32),$chr(32)) if (%type == TopicLock) { writeini $settings(chanoptions.txt) $$did(4) LockedTopic $$input(What Topic Do You Want To Keep,e,Topic Lock,$readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$$did(4),LockedTopic)) } if (%type == ModeLock) { writeini $settings(chanoptions.txt) $$did(4) LockedModes $$input(What Modes Do You Want To Keep,e,Topic Lock,$readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$$did(4),LockedModes)) } } on *:dialog:switchbar:sclick:8: { writeini $settings(chanoptions.txt) $$did(4) $$remove($gettok($gettok($did(2,8).seltext,2,8),5-,32),$chr(32)) $true switchbar.update } on *:dialog:switchbar:sclick:10: { writeini $settings(chanoptions.txt) $$did(4) $$remove($gettok($gettok($did(2,8).seltext,2,8),5-,32),$chr(32)) $false switchbar.update } on *:dialog:switchbar:sclick:11: { remini $settings(chanoptions.txt) $$did(6).seltext did -r $dname 4,6 var %x = 4, %y = blah while (%x <= $ini($settings(chanoptions.txt),0)) { did -a $dname 4 $ini($settings(chanoptions.txt),%x) if ($ini($settings(chanoptions.txt),%x) != Default) did -a $dname 6 $ini($settings(chanoptions.txt),%x) if ($active == $ini($settings(chanoptions.txt),%x)) { var %y = %x } inc %x } } on *:dialog:switchbar:sclick:10: { writeini $settings(chanoptions.txt) $$did(7) Default $false did -r $dname 4,6 var %x = 4, %y = blah while (%x <= $ini($settings(chanoptions.txt),0)) { did -a $dname 4 $ini($settings(chanoptions.txt),%x) if ($ini($settings(chanoptions.txt),%x) != Default) did -a $dname 6 $ini($settings(chanoptions.txt),%x) if ($active == $ini($settings(chanoptions.txt),%x)) { var %y = %x } inc %x } } alias switchbar.update { did -o switchbar 2 2 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),PornNick) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ Porn Nick $+ $chr(9) $+ + Kick For Porn Style Nicks did -o switchbar 2 3 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),AsciiNick) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ Ascii Nick $+ $chr(9) $+ + Kick For Nicks With Ascii did -o switchbar 2 4 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),BanProtection) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ Ban Protection $+ $chr(9) $+ + Kick If Someone Adds Deny On You did -o switchbar 2 5 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),AccessAll) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ Access All $+ $chr(9) $+ + Kick If Someone Adds *!*@*$* To Access did -o switchbar 2 6 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),TextFlood) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ Text Flood $+ $chr(9) $+ + Kick For Text Floods did -o switchbar 2 7 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),AwayFlood) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ Away Flood $+ $chr(9) $+ + Kick For Away Floods did -o switchbar 2 8 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),NoColours) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ No Colours $+ $chr(9) $+ + Kick For Mirc Colours did -o switchbar 2 9 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),AutoVoice) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ Auto Voice $+ $chr(9) $+ + Give People Voice On Entry did -o switchbar 2 10 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),AutoHost) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ Auto Host $+ $chr(9) $+ + Give People Host On Entry did -o switchbar 2 11 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),SafeHost) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ Safe Host $+ $chr(9) $+ + Hosts Cant Kick Or Dehost Other Hosts Or Host Others did -o switchbar 2 12 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),NoAwayHost) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ No Away Host $+ $chr(9) $+ + Takes Host Of People Who Go Away did -o switchbar 2 13 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),LoadsHosts) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ Loads Hosts $+ $chr(9) $+ + DeHost If Theres Lots Of Hosts did -o switchbar 2 14 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),LimitOwners) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ Limit Owners $+ $chr(9) $+ + Limit The Amount Of Owners There Are did -o switchbar 2 15 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),LimitHosts) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ Limit Hosts $+ $chr(9) $+ + Limit The Amount Of Hosts There Are did -o switchbar 2 16 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),NoGuestOps) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ No Guest Ops $+ $chr(9) $+ + Guests Cant Become Hosts did -o switchbar 2 17 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),ModeLock) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ Mode Lock $+ $chr(9) $+ + If A Host Changes Modes It Resets To Desired Modes did -o switchbar 2 18 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),TopicLock) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ Topic Lock $+ $chr(9) $+ + If A Host Changes Topic It Resets And Kicks did -o switchbar 2 18 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),NoRgk) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ No Rgk $+ $chr(9) $+ + Kicks Random Gatekeepers did -o switchbar 2 19 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),JoinFlood) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ Join Flood $+ $chr(9) $+ + Changes Roomlimit To Stop Guest Floods did -o switchbar 2 20 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),RoomSpam) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ Room Spam $+ $chr(9) $+ + Stops People Posting Room Links did -o switchbar 2 21 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),CapsKick) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ Caps Kick $+ $chr(9) $+ + Kicks For Excessive Caps did -o switchbar 2 22 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),AutoRevolve) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ Auto Revolve $+ $chr(9) $+ + Kicks For Excessive Entering And Leaving did -o switchbar 2 23 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),AutoVoice) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ Auto Voice $+ $chr(9) $+ + Auto Voices Those Who Enter Room did -o switchbar 2 24 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),whisprkick) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ whispr kick $+ $chr(9) $+ + Kicks Those Who Whisper You } on *:dialog:switchbar:sclick:13: { if ($nick == $me) { dialog -x switchbar switchbar dialog -m switch switch } } alias si { dialog -m switchbar switchbar } alias csi { dll $rebar UnDock left | dialog -x switchbar switchbar } alias rebar { return rebar.dll } AOP Sidebar Code :/dialog -m aop aop } dialog aop { alias ab { dialog -m aop aop } alias cab { dll $rebar UnDock left | dialog -x aop aop } alias rebar { return rebar.dll } dialog aop { title "AOPbar" size 0 0 188 752 option pixels icon 77, 0 0 188 800, pictures\sidebar1.jpg, 0, noborder icon 1, 2 40 184 204, pictures\face.jpg, 0 text "Users AOP List Options", 3, 40 257 112 16 list 4, 3 279 182 130, size list 5, 2 463 183 130, size button "Remove", 6, 2 426 57 25 button "Refresh", 7, 63 426 57 25 button "Done", 8, 125 426 57 25 } on *:dialog:aop:init:0: { dll $rebar Dock $dialog($dname).hwnd > left dll $mdx SetMircVersion $version dll $mdx MarkDialog $dname dll $mdx SetControlMDX $dname 4 Treeview showsel hasbuttons linesatroot > $mdx.view dll $mdx SetBorderStyle 6,7,8 staticedge did -a $dname 4 +b Aop did -i $dname 4 1 cb root last 1 var %x = 1 while (%x <= $ini($settings(aop.txt),0)) { did -a $dname 4 $ini($settings(aop.txt),%x) inc %x } did -i $dname 4 1 cb root end did -a $dname 4 +b Banlist did -i $dname 4 1 cb root last 1 did -a $dname 4 Normal did -a $dname 4 Halt did -i $dname 4 1 cb root end dll $mdx SetControlMDX $dname 5 listview report showsel rowselect nosortheader > $mdx.view did -i $dname 5 1 headerdims 22:1 100:2 150:3 did -i $dname 5 1 headertext + 0 $chr(32) $+ $chr(9) $+ 0 Name $+ $chr(9) $+ 0 BuzzenPassport did -i $dname 5 1 seticon normal $icon(owner.ico) did -i $dname 5 1 seticon normal $icon(host.ico) } on *:dialog:aop:sclick:4: { tokenize 32 $did(4,1) var %branch = $4- if ($1 == slclick) { if ($4 == 2) { if ($ini($settings(aop.txt),$calc($5 - 1)) == Halt) { did -r aop 5 did -i $dname 5 1 headerdims 272:1 did -i $dname 5 1 headertext + 0 Channels For Global Ops To Be Halted On dialog -t aop aop : Aop Halt var %x = 1 while (%x <= $ini($settings(aop.txt),Halt,0)) { did -a aop 5 0 + 0 $ini($settings(aop.txt),Halt,%x) inc %x } } elseif ($5) { did -r aop 5 did -i $dname 5 1 headerdims 22:1 100:2 150:3 did -i $dname 5 1 headertext + 0 $chr(32) $+ $chr(9) $+ 0 Name $+ $chr(9) $+ 0 BuzzenPassport var %room = $ini($settings(aop.txt),$calc($5 - 1)) dialog -t aop aop : Aop %room var %x = 1 while (%x <= $ini($settings(aop.txt),%room,0)) { did -a aop 5 0 + $iif($gettok($readini($settings(aop.txt),%room,$ini($settings(aop.txt),%room,%x)),1,32) == owner,1,2) $+ $chr(9) $+ $gettok($readini($settings(aop.txt),%room,$ini($settings(aop.txt),%room,%x)),2-,32) $+ $chr(9) $+ $ini($settings(aop.txt),%room,%x) inc %x } } } if ($4 == 3) { if ($5 == 2) { dialog -t aop aop : Banlist Normal did -r $dname 5 did -i $dname 5 1 headerdims 70:1 100:2 102:3 did -i $dname 5 1 headertext + 0 Name $+ $chr(9) $+ 0 BuzzenPassport $+ $chr(9) $+ 0 Reason var %x = 1 while (%x <= $ini($settings(banlist.txt),normal,0)) { did -a aop 5 0 + $gettok($readini($settings(banlist.txt),normal,$ini($settings(banlist.txt),normal,%x)),1,32) $+ $chr(9) $+ $ini($settings(banlist.txt),normal,%x) $+ $chr(9) $+ $gettok($readini($settings(banlist.txt),normal,$ini($settings(banlist.txt),normal,%x)),2-,32) inc %x } } if ($5 == 3) { dialog -t aop aop : Banlist Halt did -r $dname 5 did -i $dname 5 1 headerdims 272:1 did -i $dname 5 1 headertext + 0 Channels For Banlists To Be Halted On var %x = 1 while (%x <= $ini($settings(banlist.txt),halt,0)) { did -a aop 5 0 + $ini($settings(banlist.txt),halt,%x) inc %x } } } if ($4 == 4) { did -r $dname 5 did -i $dname 5 1 headerdims 100:1 170:2 did -i $dname 5 1 headertext + 0 Name $+ $chr(9) $+ 0 BuzzenPassport var %x = 1 while (%x <= $ini($settings(pornlist.txt),porn,0)) { did -a aop 5 0 + $readini($settings(pornlist.txt),porn,$ini($settings(pornlist.txt),porn,%x)) $+ $chr(9) $+ $ini($settings(pornlist.txt),porn,%x) inc %x } } } did -i aop 4 1 cb root %branch } on *:dialog:aop:sclick:6: { if ($dialog($dname).title == aop : Aop Halt) { remini $settings(aop.txt) halt $$gettok($did($dname,5).seltext,6,32) aop.refresh halt } if ($dialog($dname).title == aop : Banlist Halt) { remini $settings(banlist.txt) halt $$gettok($did($dname,5).seltext,6,32) aop.refresh halt } if ($dialog($dname).title == aop : Banlist Normal) { remini $settings(banlist.txt) normal $$gettok($gettok($did($dname,5).seltext,2,9),5,32) aop.refresh halt } if ($ini($settings($$gettok($dialog($dname).title,4,32) $+ .txt),$$gettok($dialog($dname).title,5,32),0) == 1) { remini $settings($$gettok($dialog($dname).title,4,32) $+ .txt) $$gettok($dialog($dname).title,5,32) } else { remini $settings($$gettok($dialog($dname).title,4,32) $+ .txt) $$gettok($dialog($dname).title,5,32) $$gettok($gettok($did($dname,5).seltext,3,9),5,32) } aop.refresh } on *:dialog:aop:sclick:7: { aop.refresh } alias aop.refresh { did -i aop 4 1 page wb tokenize 32 $did(aop,4,1) var %branch = $3- if ($1 == slclick) { if ($3 == 2) { if ($ini($settings(aop.txt),$calc($4 - 1)) == Halt) { did -r aop 5 did -i $dname 5 1 headerdims 272:1 did -i $dname 5 1 headertext + 0 Channels For Global Ops To Be Halted On dialog -t aop aop : Aop Halt var %x = 1 while (%x <= $ini($settings(aop.txt),Halt,0)) { did -a aop 5 0 + 0 $ini($settings(aop.txt),Halt,%x) inc %x } } elseif ($4) { did -r aop 5 var %room = $ini($settings(aop.txt),$calc($4 - 1)) dialog -t aop aop : Aop %room var %x = 1 while (%x <= $ini($settings(aop.txt),%room,0)) { did -a aop 5 0 + $iif($gettok($readini($settings(aop.txt),%room,$ini($settings(aop.txt),%room,%x)),1,32) == owner,1,2) $+ $chr(9) $+ $gettok($readini($settings(aop.txt),%room,$ini($settings(aop.txt),%room,%x)),2-,32) $+ $chr(9) $+ $ini($settings(aop.txt),%room,%x) inc %x } did -i aop 5 1 headerdims 22:1 100:2 150:3 } } if ($3 == 3) { if ($4 == 2) { dialog -t aop aop : Banlist Normal did -r aop 5 did -i aop 5 1 headerdims 70:1 100:2 102:3 did -i aop 5 1 headertext + 0 Name $+ $chr(9) $+ 0 BuzzenPassport $+ $chr(9) $+ 0 Reason var %x = 1 while (%x <= $ini($settings(banlist.txt),normal,0)) { did -a aop 5 0 + $gettok($readini($settings(banlist.txt),normal,$ini($settings(banlist.txt),normal,%x)),1,32) $+ $chr(9) $+ $ini($settings(banlist.txt),normal,%x) $+ $chr(9) $+ $gettok($readini($settings(banlist.txt),normal,$ini($settings(banlist.txt),normal,%x)),2-,32) inc %x } } if ($4 == 3) { dialog -t aop aop : Banlist Halt did -r aop 5 did -i aop 5 1 headerdims 272:1 did -i aop 5 1 headertext + 0 Channels For Banlists To Be Halted On var %x = 1 while (%x <= $ini($settings(banlist.txt),halt,0)) { did -a aop 5 0 + $ini($settings(banlist.txt),halt,%x) inc %x } } } if ($3 == 4) { did -r aop 5 did -i aop 5 1 headerdims 100:1 170:2 did -i aop 5 1 headertext + 0 Name $+ $chr(9) $+ 0 BuzzenPassport var %x = 1 while (%x <= $ini($settings(pornlist.txt),porn,0)) { did -a aop 5 0 + $readini($settings(pornlist.txt),porn,$ini($settings(pornlist.txt),porn,%x)) $+ $chr(9) $+ $ini($settings(pornlist.txt),porn,%x) inc %x } } } did -r aop 4 did -a aop 4 $+(+,$iif($gettok(%branch,1,32) == 2,e),b) Aop did -i aop 4 1 cb root last 1 var %x = 1 while (%x <= $ini($settings(aop.txt),0)) { did -a aop 4 $ini($settings(aop.txt),%x) inc %x } did -i aop 4 1 cb root end did -a aop 4 $+(+,$iif($gettok(%branch,1,32) == 3,e),b) Banlist did -i aop 4 1 cb root last 1 did -a aop 4 Normal did -a aop 4 Halt did -i aop 4 1 cb root end did -i aop 4 1 cb root %branch } on *:dialog:aop:sclick:8: { if ($nick == $me) { dialog -x aop aop dialog -m switch switch } } alias ab { dialog -m aop switchbar } alias cab { dll $rebar UnDock left | dialog -x aop aop } alias rebar { return rebar.dll }
  7. Well X-Fusion id like your help if you do not mind.
  8. is there someone here that I can send my script to to help fix a few side bar dialogs errors ? does not good to paste the code for only way to see whats going on & to fix errors is to look at the script itself.
  9. I got a issue I will explain it. I am using whats called the Tewl connection by the way. OK Issue is my whisper flood kick is slow at kicking is there a way I can make it a little more sensitive. #whisperflood on raw whisper:*: { if ($nick isowner $chan) { return } elseif (%fk. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $1-) { .raw kick $comchan($nick,1) $nick Scrolling In Whisper } else { set -u2 %fk. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $1- } } #whisperflood end
  10. yes it is for buzzen but not sure what your talking about exactly i am still learning.
  11. Was needing this one fixed actually rooms list wasnt loading properly, it is blank, not sure what i did wrong am still new to this. dialog access { title "Access List - [/_access]" size -1 -1 332 194 option pixels notheme list 1, 6 32 318 134, size box "", 2, 2 22 328 170 button "Remove", 3, 120 168 52 20, ok combo 4, 44 4 198 24, drop text "Channel", 5, 2 6 40 16 combo 7, 244 4 84 24, drop button "Ok", 6, 270 168 52 20, default ok radio "Add", 8, 8 168 52 20, push box "Add Access", 9, 334 4 238 188 text "Type", 10, 342 56 50 16 combo 11, 400 52 164 26, drop text "Mask", 12, 342 86 50 16 combo 13, 400 82 164 26, edit drop text "Duration", 14, 342 114 50 16 text "Reason", 16, 342 146 50 16 edit "", 17, 400 142 164 20 text "Channel", 18, 342 26 50 16 combo 19, 400 22 164 26, drop combo 15, 400 112 164 26, edit drop button "Add", 20, 512 166 52 20 button "Update", 21, 64 168 52 20 button "Clear", 22, 175 168 52 20 } on *:dialog:access:init:0: { dll $mdx SetMircVersion $version dll $mdx MarkDialog $dname dll $mdx SetBorderStyle 3,6,8,20,21,22 staticedge dll $mdx SetControlMDX $dname 1 listview report showsel rowselect nosortheader > $mdx.view did -i access 1 1 headerdims 40:1 100:2 100:3 100:4 did -i access 1 1 headertext + 0 Type $+ $chr(9) $+ 0 Mask $+ $chr(9) $+ 0 Set By $+ $chr(9) $+ Reason $+ $chr(9) $+ Duration var %x = 1 while (%x <= $chan(0)) { did -a access 4,19 $chan(%x) if ($active == $chan(%x)) { did -c access 4,19 %x } inc %x } if ($chan(0) == 0) { did -a access 4,19 No Channels | did -c access 4,19 1 } did -a access 7 All did -a access 7,11 Owner did -a access 7,11 Host did -a access 7,11 Voice did -a access 7,11 Grant did -a access 7,11 Deny did -c access 7,11 1 did -a access 13 *!*@*$* did -a access 13 >*!*@*$* did -a access 13 $ial($me) did -a access 13 $address($me,1) did -a access 15 0 did -a access 15 1 did -a access 15 15 did -a access 15 30 did -a access 15 60 did -a access 15 120 did -a access 15 180 did -a access 15 720 did -a access 15 1440 did -c access 15 1 did -a access 17 Access Dialog set -u5 %access. [ $+ [ $$did(access,4) ] ] $true access $did(access,4) } on *:dialog:access:sclick:8: { if ($dialog(access).w <= 400) { dialog -s access -1 -1 573 193 did -c access 8 } elseif ($dialog(access).w > 400) { dialog -s access -1 -1 331 193 did -u access 8 } } on *:dialog:access:sclick:4,7,21: { set -u5 %access. [ $+ [ $did(access,4) ] ] $true access $did(access,4) } on *:dialog:access:sclick:3: { access $did(access,4) delete $gettok($gettok($did(access,1).seltext,1,9),6,32) $gettok($gettok($did(access,1).seltext,2,9),5,32) set -u5 %access. [ $+ [ $did(access,4) ] ] $true access $did(access,4) } on *:dialog:access:sclick:22: { access $did(access,4) clear set -u5 %access. [ $+ [ $did(access,4) ] ] $true access $did(access,4) } on *:dialog:access:sclick:20: { access $did(19) add $did(11) $did(13) $did(15) : $+ $did(17) set -u5 %access. [ $+ [ $did(access,4) ] ] $true access $did(access,4) } raw 803:*: { if (%access. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] == $true) { did -r access 1 } } raw 804:*: { did -a access 1 $gettok($1-,3,32) $gettok($1-,4,32) if (%access. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] == $true) { if ($3 == $did(access,7)) || ($did(access,7) == all) { did -a access 1 $3 $+ $chr(9) $+ $4 $+ $chr(9) $+ $iif($ial($+(*,$6,*),1),$ial($+(*,$6,*),1).nick,$6) $+ $chr(9) $+ $strip($7-) } } } raw 805:*: { if (%access. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] == $true) { did -i access 1 1 headerdims 50:1 200:2 auto:3 auto:4 } } raw 913:*: { if (%access. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] == $true) { did -ra access 1 $chr(32) $+ $chr(9) $+ No Access } }
  12. Anyone good with access list dialogs?
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