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Posts posted by CharmedOne

  1. Ok like the old vincula you know how you click on like a nick on the access list it shows the info in a different window that looks disabled ? Thats what I am trying to do but it is not something I am familure with, can ya help fix my jokes editor ty, i just wanted to click on a joke & it read back on bottom window which looks disabled.


    NOTE: It does kinda return but it dosent return exactly what I select it seems to be adding everything in it.





    dialog cbjokes {
      title "Jokes System Editor"
      size -1 -1 216 185
      option dbu
      icon photos/icon.ico, 0
      box "", 22, 5 107 204 22
      button "OK", 23, 73 135 70 10, flat ok
      button "Close", 24, 144 135 70 10, flat cancel
      box "Jokes Editor", 27, 2 0 212 133
      edit "", 28, 5 8 205 11, autohs
      button "Add Joke", 29, 8 115 65 10, flat
      button "Delete Joke", 30, 77 115 65 10, flat
      button "Delete All", 31, 2 135 70 10, flat
      list 33, 5 19 205 94
      button "Msg Channel", 1, 146 115 60 10, flat
      edit "", 2, 1 147 213 36, read multi return autovs










    on *:dialog:cbjokes:init:0:{ 
      /set %u 0
      /inc %u 1
      if ($read -l [ $+ [ %u ] ] gamestuff\Stupid.txt == $null) { goto endl }
      else { /did -a cbjokes 33 $read -l $+ %u gamestuff\Stupid.txt | goto loop }
    on *:dialog:cbjokes:sclick:*:{
      if ($did == 1) {
        if ($did($did).sel == $null) halt
        if ($gettok($did(33).seltext,1,32) != 0) { did -a $dname 2 }
        /msg $active $did(33).seltext
      if ($did == 29) { 
        /write gamestuff\Stupid.txt $did(28).text
        /set %jokes. $+ $did(28).text 1
        /did -a cbjokes 33 $did(28).text
        did -r cbjokes 28  
      if ($did == 30) {
        if ($did($dname,33,$did(33).sel).text == $null) { echo -a %c2 $+ ( $+ Gamearea $+ ) %c1 $+ You must select a jokes to delete first! | halt }
        /write -ds [ $+ [ $did($dname,33,$did(33).sel).text ] ] gamestuff\Stupid.txt
        /unset %jokes. [ $+ [ $did($dname,33,$did(33).sel).text ] ]
        /did -d cbjokes 33 $did(33).sel
      if ($did == 31) { 
        /dialog -x cbjokes cbjokes
      if ($did == 33) {
        if ($gettok($did(33).seltext,1,32) != 0) { did -a $dname 2 $read $mircdir\gamestuff\Stupid.txt $+ $did(33).seltext }
        if ($gettok($did(33).seltext,1,32) == 0) { did -a $dname 2 $read $mircdir\gamestuff\Stupid.txt $+ $did(33).seltext }

  2. ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ;-- Center Dialog
    alias loop {
      var %x 1 
      did -a $dname 13 $nick($active,%x) 
      inc %x
      if ($nick($active,%x) == $null) { goto nd }
      else { goto lp }
    dialog centerd {
    alias cd { dialog -m centerd centerd }
    alias ccd { dll $rebar UnDock center | dialog -x centerd centerd }
    alias rebar { return dlls/rebar.dll }
    dialog centerd {
      title "Center Dialog"
      size -1 -1 589 437
      option dbu
      list 1, 12 30 314 62, sort size extsel hsbar vsbar
      button "On", 2, 12 92 17 10, flat
      button "Off", 3, 31 92 17 10, flat
      edit $group(#tagged.events), 4, 49 91 15 10
      button "Delete All", 6, 67 92 28 10, flat
      button "Clipboard", 7, 175 92 31 10, flat
      box "Kicked Users List", 8, 9 213 454 80
      button "Ok/Cancel", 9, 8 415 586 12, ok cancel
      icon 10, -35 -30 647 503,  pictures\004.jpg, 0, noborder
      button "Delete", 11, 99 92 31 10, flat
      button "View Notepad", 12, 134 92 37 10, flat
      list 13, 509 31 69 217
      button "Owner", 14, 469 32 37 10
      button "DeOwner", 15, 469 43 37 10
      button "Host", 16, 469 54 37 10
      button "DeHost", 17, 469 65 37 10
      button "Voice", 18, 469 76 37 10
      button "DeVoice", 19, 469 87 37 10
      button "Tag", 20, 469 98 37 10
      button "UnTag", 21, 469 109 37 10
      text "Current Channel :", 22, 184 17 48 8, center
      edit , 23, 234 16 207 10, read autohs center
      button "Ban List Nick", 24, 469 120 37 10
      button "Kick Nick", 25, 469 131 37 10
      box "Nick List Options", 26, 465 23 116 244
      edit "", 27, 509 249 70 10, read
      text "Decoded Nick : ", 28, 467 251 41 8, center
      box "Clone Lister", 29, 9 118 236 87
      button "On", 30, 178 131 19 10
      button "Off", 31, 198 131 19 10
      edit $group(#CloneDet), 32, 219 131 22 10
      button "View Notepad", 33, 189 148 37 10
      button "Clipboard", 34, 189 167 37 10
      button "Delete List", 35, 189 188 37 10
      list 5, 12 126 163 75, sort size extsel hsbar vsbar
      list 37, 12 219 448 62, sort size extsel hsbar vsbar
      box "Tagged Users List", 38, 9 23 320 83
      button "Delete All", 39, 67 281 28 10, flat
      button "On", 40, 12 281 17 10, flat
      button "Off", 41, 30 281 17 10, flat
      edit $group(#kickevents), 42, 49 281 15 10
      button "Delete", 43, 99 281 31 10, flat
      button "View Notepad", 44, 134 281 37 10, flat
      button "Clipboard", 45, 175 281 31 10, flat
    on *:dialog:centerd:init:*:{
      dll $rebar Dock $dialog($dname).hwnd > center
      /loadbuf -ro centerd 5 settings/clonelist.txt
      /loadbuf -ro centerd 37 settings/snoopkick.txt 
      /set %u 0
      /inc %u 1
      if ($read -l [ $+ [ %u ] ] settings/snooptext.txt == $null) { goto endl }
      else { /did -a centerd 1 $read -l $+ %u settings/snooptext.txt | goto loop }
    on *:Dialog:centerd:sclick:1: { /set %sel.line $did(1).seltext }
    on *:Dialog:centerd:sclick:5: { /set %sel.line $did(5).seltext }
    on *:Dialog:centerd:sclick:13: { /set %sel.text $did(13).seltext }
    on *:Dialog:centerd:sclick:7: { clipboard %sel.line }
    on *:Dialog:centerd:sclick:34: { clipboard %sel.line }
    on *:dialog:centerd:sclick:12:{ run notepad.exe settings/snooptext.txt }
    on *:dialog:centerd:sclick:33:{ run notepad.exe settings/clonelist.txt }
    on *:Dialog:centerd:sclick:11: { /write -ds $+ %sel.line settings/snooptext.txt | /loadbuf -ro centerd 1 settings/snooptext.txt }
    on *:Dialog:centerd:sclick:35: { /remove settings/clonelist.txt | write settings/clonelist.txt | /loadbuf -ro centerd 5 settings/clonelist.txt }

  3. Ok i got it to work by doing this


    alias loop {

    var %x 1


    did -a $dname 13 $nick($active,%x)

    inc %x

    if ($nick($active,%x) == $null) { goto nd }

    else { goto lp }




    But my list box isnt letting me select a nick I did use a sort & etc & even left it plain like this list 13, 509 31 69 217 still i cant select a text even after adding on *:Dialog:centerd:sclick:13: { /set %sel.text $did(13).seltext }

  4. Ok i have never made one so i do not know how to begin to pull up the rooms nicklist , i can add the owner button Host button & other buttons but I do not know how to pull up nicks in nick list if someone could help would be great i can do the other stuff for it myself.


    dialog centerd {

    title "Center Dialog"

    size -1 -1 171 163

    option dbu

    list 1, 102 9 60 134, size


  5. k my code works so thats not the problem, I want it to wite it to the ini different , now it writes it now is like this.


    On %#Buzzen\bTest at ( 3:55:00 am - 09/23/2009 ) Tom: :P your welcome Miss


    I want it to write to the ini like this


    [%#Buzzen\bTest ]

    ( 3:55:00 am - 09/23/2009 ) Tom: :P your welcome Miss


    Can someone help me out heres my code.


    on tag:TEXT:*:#:{
      write Settings/talktext.txt On $chan at ( [ $time(h:nn:ss tt) - $adate ] ) $nick : $1- | .echo $active 0[ 8 $+ $nick $+  4Text Logged User 0] 

  6. Thanks errOr this didnt work


    on *:dialog:SpamKick:sclick:8: {  $iif($did(8).state == 1,set %linkclear On,unset %linkclear)   }


    So i changed your code to this & it worked thanks for the help errOr


      if ($did == 8) { $iif($did(8).state == 1,set %linkclear On,unset %linkclear)   }

  7. I always had problems with check boxes compared to buttons & getting them to enable & stay checked if enabled can someone help fix.


    on *:dialog:SpamKick:init:*: {
      if (%linkclear) == on) { did -c $dname 8 }


    on *:dialog:SpamKick:sclick:8:{
      if ($did(8).state == 0) { set %linkclear Off }
      elseif ($did(8).state == 1) { set %linkclear On }

  8. :pizza: Way I see it if people make fun of Obama that dosent make them more raciest than making fun of Bush or anyone else, I think it is in what context the joke is about to make it a raciest joke. On top of that repeating a joke dosent make you a raciest. Theres Moran jokes, Blonde jokes, jokes about god, jokes about santa but saying those jokes dosent make you a hater of those groups or individuals.

    To be a raciest of anything you have to hate a certian color, religon or at times a certian sex. People since the elections have thrown that word, "Raciest" around too much without understanding what a true raciest is.


    Relax & enjoy a good joke

  9. Ok so you know what I am trying to do, I am a gold & my auto vice keeps trying to voice superowners & i am trying to stop the message, YOU CANNOT CHANG THE LEVEL OF SOMONE HIGHER THAN YOURS.



    on *:join:#:{
    ;Auto Voice
      if ($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$iif($ini($settings(chanoptions.txt),#,0) != 0,#,Default),AutoVoice)) {
        if ($nick($chan,$mnick,')) { return }
        .sockwrite -tn buzzen mode # +v $nick 

  10. yes here is i attaached a screen shot of top bar & my code for it.






    :/dialog -m switchbar2 switchbar2
    dialog switchbar2 {
    alias sb2 { dialog -m switchbar2 switchbar2 }
    alias csb2 { dll $rebar UnDock top | dialog -x switchbar2 switchbar2 }
    alias rebar { return dll\rebar.dll }
    dialog switchbar2 {
      title "switchbar2"
      size 0 0 1024 50
      option pixels
      icon 77, 0 0 1024 89,  photos\TopBar.jpg, 0, noborder
    on *:dialog:switchbar2:init:*: { dll $rebar Dock $dialog($dname).hwnd > top | /splay zip.wav }
    :/dialog -m switchbar2 switchbar2


  11. Ok i am tryin to fix it where ya can message 3 rooms at one time.


    alias Tripple {
      dialog -m TRM TRM
    dialog TRM {
      title "Tripple Room Message"
      size -1 -1 128 60
      option dbu
      button "Set Rooms", 1, 9 10 37 7
      edit "", 2, 4 18 50 10
      edit "", 3, 4 28 50 10
      edit "", 4, 4 38 50 10
      edit "", 5, 59 38 62 10
      button "Set Message", 6, 70 30 37 7
      box "", 7, 56 25 68 26
      box "", 8, 56 1 68 28
      box "", 9, 2 1 55 50
      button "&Ok/Cancel", 10, 38 52 37 7, ok cancel
      text "You may only message 3 ", 11, 57 11 65 8, nowrap center
      text "rooms at one time", 12, 57 20 64 8, nowrap center
      button "&Reset/All", 13, 69 5 37 7
    on *:dialog:TRM:init:*: {
      did -ra $dname 2 %chan1
      did -ra $dname 3 %chan2
      did -ra $dname 4 %chan3
      did -ra $dname 5 %chanmsg
      dll $mdx SetMircVersion $version
      dll $mdx MarkDialog $dname
      dll $mdx SetFont $dname
      dll $mdx SetColor $dname
      dll mdx.dll SetBorderStyle 1,6,10  14 50 Georgia Bold
      dll mdx.dll SetColor $dname 1,6,10 text $rgb(%list1colour,%list2colour,%list3colour)
      dll $mdx SetFont $dname 1,6,10 40 Georgia Bold
      dll $mdx SetColor 1,6,10 text $rgb(0,80,0) 
    on *:dialog:TRM:sclick:*:{
      if ($did = 1) { if ($did = 1) { $iif($did(2), set %chan1 $did(2)) | $iif($did(3), set %chan2 $did(3)) | $iif($did(4), set %chan3 $did(4)) | %snd.dat | .echo $active 0,4Rooms 0,12Added } }  
      if ($did = 6) { if ($did = 6) { $iif($did(5), set %chanmsg $did(5)) | .echo $active 0,4Message 0,12Added } }
      if ($did = 10) { if ($did = 10) {  /triplemsg } }
      if ($did = 13) { if ($did = 13) { .unset %chan1 | .unset %chan2 | .unset %chan3 | .unset %chanmsg | %snd.dat | .refresh | .echo $active 0,12Rooms & Message 0,4Deleted } }
    alias refresh { ???????????? }
    alias triplemsg { 
      if (!%var) { set %var %chan1,%chan2,%chan3 } 
      else { tokenize 44 %var | msg $* %chanmsg } 


    This code was someone elses idea but Jethro edited it I am just trying to make it easier than to have to constantly edit the code. I wanted it to refresh when & click the Reset All button in my code above.


      if (!%var) { set %var %chan1,%chan2,%chan3 } 
      else { tokenize 44 %var | msg $* %chanmsg } 

  12. K much like the refresh in lets say a access dialog


    alias refresh { access $active List | did -r access.list 2 $gettok($1-,3,32) $gettok($1-,4,32) | did -r access.list 14 $gettok($1-,5,32) $gettok($1-,7-,32) | did -r access.list 15 $gettok($1-,6,32) | halt }


    I want to refresh 4 edit boxes in my dialog numbers of each edit box is 2,3,4,5 can someone help.

  13. This isnt pulling up the access list can someone help me fix it & am not sure what prt of the code is wrong I cant figure it ut.


    dialog access {
      title "Access List - [/_access]"
      size -1 -1 332 194
      option pixels notheme
      list 1, 6 32 318 134, size
      box "", 2, 2 22 328 170
      button "Remove", 3, 120 168 52 20, ok
      combo 4, 44 4 198 24, drop
      text "Channel", 5, 2 6 40 16
      combo 7, 244 4 84 24, drop
      button "Ok", 6, 270 168 52 20, default ok
      radio "Add", 8, 8 168 52 20, push
      box "Add Access", 9, 334 4 238 188
      text "Type", 10, 342 56 50 16
      combo 11, 400 52 164 26, drop
      text "Mask", 12, 342 86 50 16
      combo 13, 400 82 164 26, edit drop
      text "Duration", 14, 342 114 50 16
      text "Reason", 16, 342 146 50 16
      edit "", 17, 400 142 164 20
      text "Channel", 18, 342 26 50 16
      combo 19, 400 22 164 26, drop
      combo 15, 400 112 164 26, edit drop
      button "Add", 20, 512 166 52 20
      button "Update", 21, 64 168 52 20
      button "Clear", 22, 175 168 52 20
    on *:dialog:access:init:0: {
      dll $mdx SetMircVersion $version 
      dll $mdx MarkDialog $dname
      dll $mdx SetBorderStyle 3,6,8,20,21,22 staticedge
      dll $mdx SetControlMDX $dname 1 listview report showsel rowselect nosortheader > $mdx.view
      did -i access 1 1 headerdims 40:1 100:2 100:3 100:4
      did -i access 1 1 headertext + 0 Type $+ $chr(9) $+ 0 Mask $+ $chr(9) $+ 0 Set By $+ $chr(9) $+ Reason $+ $chr(9) $+ Duration
      var %x = 1
      while (%x <= $chan(0)) {
        did -a access 4,19 $chan(%x)
        if ($active == $chan(%x)) { did -c access 4,19 %x }
        inc %x
      if ($chan(0) == 0) { did -a access 4,19 listing was denied (No access) | .splay accesd.wav | did -c access 4,19 1 }
      did -a access 7 All
      did -a access 7,11 Owner
      did -a access 7,11 Host
      did -a access 7,11 Voice
      did -a access 7,11 Grant
      did -a access 7,11 Deny
      did -c access 7,11 1
      did -a access 13 *!*@*$*
      did -a access 13 >*!*@*$*
      did -a access 13 $ial($me)
      did -a access 13 $address($me,1)
      did -a access 15 0
      did -a access 15 1
      did -a access 15 15
      did -a access 15 30
      did -a access 15 60
      did -a access 15 120
      did -a access 15 180
      did -a access 15 720
      did -a access 15 1440
      did -c access 15 1
      did -a access 17 Access Dialog
      set -u5 %access. [ $+ [ $$did(access,4) ] ] $true
      access $did(access,4)
    on *:dialog:access:sclick:8: {
      if ($dialog(access).w <= 400) {
        dialog -s access -1 -1 573 193
        did -c access 8
      elseif ($dialog(access).w > 400) {
        dialog -s access -1 -1 331 193
        did -u access 8
    on *:dialog:access:sclick:4,7,21: {
      set -u5 %access. [ $+ [ $did(access,4) ] ] $true
      access $did(access,4)
    on *:dialog:access:sclick:3: {
      access $did(access,4) delete $gettok($gettok($did(access,1).seltext,1,9),6,32) $gettok($gettok($did(access,1).seltext,2,9),5,32)
      set -u5 %access. [ $+ [ $did(access,4) ] ] $true
      access $did(access,4)
    on *:dialog:access:sclick:22: {
      access $did(access,4) clear
      set -u5 %access. [ $+ [ $did(access,4) ] ] $true
      access $did(access,4)
    on *:dialog:access:sclick:20: {
      access $did(19) add $did(11) $did(13) $did(15) : $+ $did(17)
      set -u5 %access. [ $+ [ $did(access,4) ] ] $true
      access $did(access,4)
    raw 803:*: {
      if (%access. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] == $true) {
        did -r access 1
    raw 804:*: {
      if (%access. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] == $true) {
        if ($3 == $did(access,7)) || ($did(access,7) == all) {
          did -a access 1 $3 $+ $chr(9) $+ $4 $+ $chr(9) $+ $iif($ial($+(*,$6,*),1),$ial($+(*,$6,*),1).nick,$6) $+ $chr(9) $+ $strip($7-)
    raw 805:*: {
      if (%access. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] == $true) {
        did -i access 1 1 headerdims 50:1 200:2 auto:3 auto:4
    raw 913:*: {
      if (%access. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] == $true) {
        did -ra access 1 $chr(32) $+ $chr(9) $+ No Access

  14. I realise most can bypass those I can bypass most of them myself I hadnt messed with raws too much only a little & i had a hard enough trying to edit my time checker to where & can bypass a time check so i wouldnt have any idea how to make a time check code yet, script detecting I have not ventured to much in that area.

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