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Posts posted by CharmedOne

  1. Glenn Beck May 6, 2010 - 11:27 ET


    GLENN: I'll give you the story on the FCC here in just a second, and this is important. I can't tell you the things that I'm working on now because we're not always just among friends and I don't ever want to give them an upper hand on where I'm headed as a business and as somebody who is working to expose the corruption in this country.

    But one of the things that I did last year was start Insider Extreme and it was a step in the direction to be able to make sure that no matter, they try to shut me down on television, shut me down on radio, shut me down on Internet, shut me down in books, shut me down on stage. They have a lot of work in front of them. I keep all of my options open. They have already — the last time I spoke was two weeks ago. I was in, I was in Tyler, Texas and the venue that was there the night before at 10:00 at night, the inspectors came, health inspectors. It was about 10:00 at night. According to the venue, it was about 10:00 at night and he turns on the water and he notices that the water is down. Within ten minutes there was a knock on his door at the venue during a concert. It was a health inspector. I said, we're just here for a quick inspection, walk into the bathrooms, turn on the water and say, I notice that you don't have any water, we're going to have to shut you down; can we see where your water pumping station is. They took back to the back of the building. They made an error, at least in the way he tells it, they made an error because the health inspector said, "Show us your pumping station." He brings them back and the guy with the health inspector says, "Yes, I noticed that a couple of days ago, that those knobs were turned." Sorry, you noticed what? Hmmm? I thought you didn't know where the pumping station — you were here on the property and you were looking at the — what was that? Hmmm? 10:00 at night. I speak the next afternoon. They tried to close them down. Said, you are not licensed to do anything now this weekend, and I'm sorry, but we're closed and you can get a renewal license on Monday morning. He said, well, I've got a big event happening here. I've got 6,000 people coming tomorrow. I'm sorry, you are not going to be able to do it. "Well, I guess you are going to have to fine me then because I'm doing it anyway." He said he's under tremendous heat. He's bringing in conservative speakers.


    It's happening. It's nudge. It's nudge. A little here, a little there. But they are doing it now with the Internet, and here's what they are announcing today.


    PAT: Mr. Genachowski, the FCC chairman, is expected today to outline his plan for regulating broadband lines. He wants to adopt Net neutrality rules that require Internet providers like Comcast and AT&T to treat all traffic equally and not to slow or block access to websites, but it also gives them all the power to regulate the Internet and that's, that's what this is all about. This is not about speeding up your broadband.


    GLENN: This is about — the people who are behind Net neutrality are free press, and I'm trying to remember. Stu, do you remember what Free Press' slogan is? It's like —


    STU: Not off the top of my head.


    GLENN: Change the Internet or Net —


    PAT: Transform society, something like —


    GLENN: Transform democracy.


    PAT: Transform democracy.


    GLENN: It was change the Internet and transform democracy, or something like that. This again is about transformation, and they are all the usual suspects. Everybody who is supporting this are the usual suspects. This is the group of radicals. And the radicals are inside the FCC. I know these things to be true because we have sources inside the FCC who are afraid to speak out publicly, and I don't want them to because they are better on the inside than they are on the outside. Yes, that's right, FCC. There are people inside that don't agree with you. But what's the problem with that? Isn't that what Cass Sunstein says? That the government agents should be able to infiltrate groups that disagree? You shouldn't have a problem with that. I hope you don't look over your shoulder.


    Well i seen some trouble in a rioom i hung in & travis reason i said 3 or 4 nicks is at times buzzen messes up & chatters will have at least two of the same nicks in the room at one time didnt want to kick the chatters , just the trouble that comes in under 3 or 4 & even 5 nicks at times all with same gate number tho some of the nicks are different than the others. Oh & thanks error.

  3. Ok this is just beyonddddddddd me i know this looks right but it isnt working, once i added the return to my code the whisper stopped closing :notworking: so now i am lost, i cant believe i am having probs with something so simple. :pizza:



    #whisperclose on
    raw WHISPER:*: {
      if (allow isin $+(*!*, $Ial($nick).addr))) { return
        if ($nick isop #) { return
          .closemsg $nick
    #whisperclose end

  4. Well i decided to start this thread to give room owners some common sense ideas when running a room, am glad to see ozzys response & yes ozzy is right. I just get tired of room owners picking people to host & then other hosts or even owner jumping on them when they thought they was doing the right thing, number one problem is all those hosts are left with with no rules or guidelines for hosting is making the best judgement call they can, with that said , not everyone has good judgemnent. There should be more rules to follow as a host than rules for chatters.


    Too many rules would take the fun out of it for chatters but making rules for hosts is a good thing because it does require more responsability.

  5. Alot of people just simply open a room & have a few problems & heres a few ideas.


    I had hosted for a long time & alot of the time I would spend my time watching the other hosts & how they treated not only chatters but other hosts , with hammer or not, I have seen my share of mistakes & made a few of my own. But major ongoing problems over a long period of the time starts with the owmner of the room; in which case theres always chaos because of mismanagement.

    The first mistake room owners make is hosting or ownering hosts with no set rules that even the ROOM OWNER follows. When you do not have everyone on the same page it creats a problem, not everyone has good judgement & do make mistakes for we are all imperfect & do mess up. A set of rules for the room that includes server rules would fix that so people are not all making up thier own rules as they host.


    I have seen hosts argue amungst themselvles in the main part of the chatroom over stupid things like a kick made or some rule a host made up or a rule room owner knew of that that host wasnt aware of.

    Another thing is the chatters they will not always know room rules or all of them so I am going to explain ways to properly run a room & I might repeat some things I said above because I want it to sink in that without chatters you have no room, chatters make the room.


    The purpose for these rooms is to provide your guests with a fun, safe place to come and enjoy their chatting experience. We are here to provide that service & in a way is a buisness. Being a host is fun but is also a responsibility. We want you to enjoy your time in the chat room but as a host, you are expected to be an example to the room, and to enforce a few rules. Your room should publish its specific Rules and Regulations for Hosts.


    Thhere should be a discussion of the general rules that apply to the room. For specific rules and procedures, & refer to the rules and regulations of the respective room you are hosting in at the time. All hosts must be pre approved by the onwner even if they are not a permant host. If it ok for other hosts to host them when needed as a stand-by other hosts should be informed.


    There are two types of hosts, a gold hammer and a wood one. A Senior host (Gold) is responsible for the day to day operation of the room, with the Owner having the final word. They need to assure that guests and hosts are following the guidelines set down and for the general operation of the room; if you disagree with a Senior host, discuss it with them first, in whisper. If there is still disagreement, please feel free to discuss it with the Owner.


    Generally speaking, any disagreements between hosts or between a host and a guest should first be discussed with a Senior Host; before moving up the chain of command to the Owner. Brown hosts are the "front lines" of our interaction with guests; the room will succeed or fail generally on how they do their jobs. The expectations and responsibilities are often higher for a brown host because, as a result of their commitment, they are often greeting more often than Senior Hosts and as a result can have a great impact on the room. Their pleasant demeanor and ability to keep the room moving is crucial in helping the room grow in a stable and healthy way.


    You should during a problem with a chatter not folling a hosts instructions or warning when a rule is broken; if you see one host already talking to a person let the same host handle it. No one wants 5 people asking them the same question. Use baseball rules first time a room rule is broken warn them, the second time warn them again if that dosent work give them a gentle kick out of the room with a comment of room infraction broken. If they come back & act up again kick with a 5 to 15 min ban.


    You will not make your chat room grow if hosts do not talk to new people and make them feel welcome. If you are busy or are in whisper please drop your hammer and mark away. Nothing looks worse than a room full of hosts and no one greeting or talking.


    One of your most important duties is to educate new members and to make our chat room and community grow.


    You must be polite to new members and helpful. Giving them links to the community will help your community grow. Be polite and try to answer any guest or member questions. Refer to the specific procedures in the respective room Rules and Regulations for accessing online educational resources. If you have time, try and show some personal attention by helping answer their questions; it creates good will and makes you feel great!


    One thing that bugs anybody is a host using their hammer for their own personal vendettas. It should not be tolerated and anyone who used a hammer for their own agenda should be de-hosted immediately and shouldnt probably not get it back. In other words if you have a problem with someone, handle it like an adult and don’t use your hammer as a weapon against them. Also, we all like to play occasionally but hosts kicking hosts looks bad on our room so please do not do so even in play.


    If you are in a bad mood or don’t feel well feel free to drop your hammer no one will question you about it. Nothing is worse than a cranky host!


    Disagreements between hosts especially in the open room make YOU look bad. Please take any disagreement to whisper or leave the room until you calm down. If the disagreement between you can not be easily solved please take the issue to a Senior host or the Owner.


    All hosts keep their whispers open while they are hosting so that any member may whisper them at any given time. The whispering policy may differ from room to room. It would help to refer to the respective room Rules and Regulations for policies and procedures for whispering.


    One thing you cant do is run a room on a ego, you have to care about the chatters. All chatters or guests should be treated equally to make it fun & fair for everyone. The worst thing I have seen a host do was not accept help or even do anything about a flood for 15 to 20 minutes & doing nothing but thinking the flooder will wear himself out.


    Thats not really fair to the chatters to endure such thing & during that event chatters were leaving the room. So the chatters do deserve respect & a patient respectfull host.

  6. I am having trouble my dialog comes up blank & dosent show font color I am using with it errors font code can someone tell me why it is comming up blank, I am using a colorcombo.dll in main script folder. Heres both codes along with one error made.


    Dialog Code


    dialog color {
      title "Color Changer"
      size -1 -1 112 40
      option dbu
      combo 1, 0 0 68 34, size drop
      button "Close", 4, 72 0 37 12, ok cancel
    on *:DIALOG:color:init:*:{
      dll colorcombo.dll COMBO options 1
      did -c $dname 1 5
    on *:DIALOG:color:sclick:1:{
      if ($did(1).sel == 1) { /set %scolor #517693 }
      if ($did(1).sel == 2) { /set %scolor #FFFFFF }
      if ($did(1).sel == 3) { /set %scolor #000000 }
      if ($did(1).sel == 4) { /set %scolor #00007f }
      if ($did(1).sel == 5) { /set %scolor #009300 }
      if ($did(1).sel == 6) { /set %scolor #ff0000 }
      if ($did(1).sel == 7) { /set %scolor #7f0000 }
      if ($did(1).sel == 8) { /set %scolor #9c009c }
      if ($did(1).sel == 9) { /set %scolor #fc7f00 }
      if ($did(1).sel == 10) { /set %scolor #ffff00 }
      if ($did(1).sel == 11) { /set %scolor #00fc00 }
      if ($did(1).sel == 12) { /set %scolor #009393 }
      if ($did(1).sel == 13) { /set %scolor #00ffff }
      if ($did(1).sel == 14) { /set %scolor #0000fc }
      if ($did(1).sel == 15) { /set %scolor #ff00ff }
      if ($did(1).sel == 16) { /set %scolor #7f7f7f }
      if ($did(1).sel == 17) { /set %scolor #d2d2d2 }



    Errors Code


    text change collor (non echo)
    alias color { return %scolor }
    alias buzzcolor { return [style ff:Arial;co: $+ $color $+;] $+ $1- $+ [/style] }
    ^for font color change in web chat
    echo color change
    echo # ( owner: $checkfont($1-) } 
    lias checkfont {
      var %bf = $1-
      noop $regex(%bf,/(\[style.*?\])/)  |  var %font $regml(1) | var %fs $iif($gettok(%font,3,59) == b,$true,$false) | var %fc $left($gettok(%font,-1,35),6)
      var %fua $iif($gettok(%font,3,59) == u,$true,$false)  
      var %fub $iif($gettok(%font,4,59) == u,$true,$false) 
      var %fuc $iif($gettok(%font,5,59) == u,$true,$false) 
      if ((%fua == $true) || (%fub == $true) || (%fuc == $true)) { var %fu $true }
      else { var %fu $false }
      var %bf = $replace($regsubex(%bf,/(\[style (ff:.+?;|(bg)?co:.+?;|[ubi];|\bundefined\b)*?\]|\[\/style\])/ig,$null), ,$chr(32),&,&)
      return $iif(%fs == $true,,$null) $+ $iif(%fu == $true,,$null) $+  $+ $iif(%fc == $null,01,$hex2mirccolor(%fc)) $regsubex(%bf, /\[(?:style\x20.*?|/style)\]/gi,$null) $+ $iif(%Option.Theme.Bold == 2,)
    alias hex2mirccolor {
      tokenize 46 $regsubex($1,/#?([a-f\d]{2})/gi,$base(\1,16,10) .)
      if ($1 == [style) { return 01 | halt }
      var %i = 0, %c, %d = 200000
      while %i < 16 {
        tokenize 32 $1-3 $replace($rgb($color(%i)),$chr(44),$chr(32))
        if $calc(($1 -$4)^2 + ($2 -$5)^2 + ($3 -$6)^2) < %d {
          %c = %i
          %d = $v1
        inc %i
      return %c


  7. ok so in scripts editor i can go to my alises & add this


    nHTMLn_2.95 { return $shortfn($mircdirdll\nHTMLn_2.95.dll }


    which if I edit the above code i posted like this


    on *:START:{ /nHTMLn_2.95 | /window -p @start | echo -a $dll(nHTMLn,attach,$window(@start).hwnd) | echo -a $dll(nHTMLn,navigate,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=linkexample ) }

  8. I wanna open a script window on start up & wanted to do it with a you tube video um what am, i missing here


    on *:START:{ window -p @start | echo -a $dll(nHTMLn,attach,$window(@start).hwnd) | echo -a $dll(nHTMLn,navigate,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=linkexample ) }

  9. As the government reviews how an alleged terrorist was able to bring a bomb onto a U.S.-bound plane and try to blow it up on Christmas Day, the Transportation Security Administration is trying to find out who leaked a security directive to bloggers.


    TSA special agents served subpoenas to travel bloggers Steve Frischling and Chris Elliott, demanding that they reveal who leaked the security directive to them. The government says the directive was not supposed to be disclosed to the public.


    Frischling said he met with two TSA special agents Tuesday night at his Connecticut home for about three hours and again on Wednesday morning when he was forced to hand over his lap top computer. Frischling said the agents threatened to interfere with his contract to write a blog for KLM Royal Dutch Airlines if he didn't co-operate and provide the name of the person who leaked the memo.


    "It literally showed up in my box," Frischling told The Associated Press. "I do not know who it came from." He said he provided the agents a signed statement to that effect.


    In a Dec. 29 posting on his blog, Elliott said he had told the TSA agents at his house that he would call his lawyer and get back to them. Elliott said late Wednesday he could not comment until the legal issues had been resolved.


    The TSA declined to say how many people were subpoenaed.


    The directive was dated Dec. 25 and was issued after a 23-year-old Nigerian man was charged with attempting to bomb a Northwest Airlines flight as it approached Detroit from Amsterdam. The bomb, which allegedly was hidden in Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab's underwear, malfunctioned and no one was killed. Authorities said the device included a syringe and a condom-like bag filled with powder that the FBI determined to be PETN, a common explosive.


    The near-miss attack has prompted President Barack Obama to order a review of what intelligence information the government had about Abdulmutallab and why it wasn't shared with the appropriate agencies. He also ordered a review of U.S. aviation security. The government has spent billions of dollars and undergone massive reorganizations since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks to prevent such a tragedy from happening again.


    The TSA directive outlined new screening measures that went into effect the same day as the airliner incident. It included many procedures that would be apparent to the travelling public, such as screening at boarding gates, patting down the upper legs and torso, physically inspecting all travellers' belongings, looking carefully at syringes with powders and liquids, requiring that passengers remain in their seats one hour before landing, and disabling all onboard communications systems, including what is provided by the airline.


    It also listed people who would be exempted from these screening procedures such as heads of state and their families.


    This is the second time in a month that the TSA has found some of its sensitive airline security documents on the Internet.




    On the Net:


    Steve Frischling and Chris Elliott's blog sites & pages the security leaks were posted on.


    http://www.elliott.org/blog/full-text-of-m...na-from-the-dep artment-of-homeland-security/(pound sign)more-10228


    http://boardingarea.com/blogs/flyingwithfi...12/30/the-fallo ut-from-sd-1544-09-06-the-feds-at-my-door/

  10. K i have my dialog setup right & i got code below right , so what else do i need to do a mouse over this is first time to attempt such a thing. Do my dialog byttons need to be push buttons or does it matter?


    on *:dialog:coptions:mouse:8,9,10:{ 
      if (%didt == $did) { return }
      if ($did == 8) { movr Where you first add channels to add to protections. }
      if ($did == 9) { movr  Where you turn a protection on for a particular channel. }
      if ($did == 10) { movr Where you turn a protection off for a particular channel. }
      set -u5 %didt $did 
    alias movr { did -ra $dname 17 $$1- }

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