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Posts posted by Haggis

  1. Can anyone paste an example for testing, rather than using screenshots?



    on *:INPUT:#: {
      if ($left($1,1) === $readini(mirc.ini, text, commandchar)) && (!$ctrlenter) { return }
      .msg # $1-
      echo -ti26 # $thmnick($me, $chan) $+ :4 $urlc($1-)
      window -g1 $chan

  2. :oops: iv got a question and was wondering if it would be possible to put an auto stop in the trivia i.e after 10 questions and no one answers the trivia questions it will auto stop as iv found that some people start the trivia and dont stop the trivia and leave the trivia running when they leave the room the code is below and im not good enough to alter a code like this :( I also know im asking a lot and maybe its too much to take on so I will understand .... as always nais tuke for any comments on this one :D


    :o forgot the trivia is for SPCN Chat.


    ;Replace the font here to change the font used by the trivia script, but Tahoma is the best one for
    ;displaying all the chatters nicknames correctly.
    on *:TEXT:*:*:{
    timerstrivia off
    timerstrivia 1 600 strivia
      if (%trivia.status.bot == 0) { return }
      if (!hof isin $1) { msg %trivia.channel $font $msg.trivia.hof $+  }
      if (!row isin $1) { notice $nick $msg.trivia.record.row }
      if (!fast isin $1) { notice $nick $msg.trivia.record.time }
      if (!records isin $1) { notice $nick $msg.trivia.records }
      if (!wins isin $1) { notice $nick $msg.trivia.wins }
      if (!champ isin $1) { notice $nick $msg.trivia.champs }
      if (!rank isin $1) { notice $nick $msg.trivia.rank }
      if (!version isin $1) { notice $nick $msg.trivia.version }
      if (!add isin $1) { notice $nick $msg.trivia.thanks | write %trivia.additions $nick $2- }
      if (!report isin $1) { notice $nick $msg.trivia.thanks | write %trivia.report $nick $2- }
      if ($chan != %trivia.channel) { return }
      if (!helptrivia isin $1) { givehelp }
      if ($nick isop $chan) || (%trivia.status.oponly == 0) {
        if (!trivia isin $1) { $trivia($2) }
        if (!giveup isin $1) { $trivg }
        if (%trivia.status.cur == 0) { return }
        if (!strivia isin $1) { if ((%trivia.teammode == 0) || ($isop($nick))) { strivia } }
      if (%trivia.status.cur == 0) { return }
      if (!join isin $1) && (%trivia.teammode == 1) { $setteam($nick, $2) }
      if (%trivq.question == $null) { return }
      if (!hint isin $1) && ($question.time >= %trivia.lag.hintallow) { msg %trivia.channel $font $msg.question.hint $+  }
      if (!!hint isin $1) && ($question.time >= %trivia.lag.hintallow) { msg %trivia.channel $font $msg.question.hint2 $+  }
      if (!vowels isin $1) && ($question.time >= %trivia.lag.hintallow) { msg %trivia.channel $font $msg.question.vowels $+  }
      if (!bighint isin $1) && ($question.time >= %trivia.lag.hintallow) { msg %trivia.channel $font $msg.question.bighint $+  }
      if (!repeat isin $1) { notice $nick $msg.question.current }
      var %i = 2
      while (%i <= $tokq) {
        if ( (($fix($tok(%i)) isin $fix($1-) ) && ( $len( $1- ) <= $calc(3 * $len( $tok(%i) )) ) )) { answered }
        inc %i




    Hi J0hnson


    not sure about the after ten questions but if you use this


    when text is entered on screen it stops the timer then starts it again and if no other text is said in 10 mins it does strivia to stop the trivia

  3. thats the same dll i am using


    so that takes a pic of your whole desktop yeah


    dropbox seems a good idea


    right now i am taking the screenshot saving to hard drive


    uploading to imageshack and writing the link to a text file


    was gonna make a bit to list them all in a @window with link and date/time taken

  4. :oops: I live in the uk ... matter of fact im in north yorkshire and live close to york city ... now im in a test room in spcn and I have typed !weather (nothing) iv typed !weather north yorkshire (nothing) :lolwave: iv gone through all the yorkshire ridings and (nothing) am I doing something wrong. err0r that is the only feed back I can give you at the moment fella.



    Johnson the trigger is .w


    so do .w york


    and make sure its turned on for that room


    err0r treid it last night as u will have seen and it works fine :)

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