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Posts posted by Silo

  1. I now use $chr(2) & $chr(3) respectively now instead of ctrl b & ctrl k

    $chr(3) $+ $readini($_data,Colours,Chat_Colour,$iif($readini($_data,Switches,Bold_Font) == 1,$chr(2))) $1-


    makes the code alot cleaner & easier to manipulate :)

  2. Guys & Dolls, I know I know, you all fret if I don't post a question every week... so without further aidue, my question is thus:


    [Banned for $int($calc(%bt / 60) * 100)) $iif(%bt <= 60,minute,minutes) $+ ]


    and the %var for %bt is via:

    var %bt = $input(Enter ban time in seconds,qend,Duration) | ban -u $+ %bt $address($$1,3)


    The first code (as well as the second) is quite obvious. I enter a ban time in seconds - say 300 seconds. After the kick it messages it's calculated into minutes.


    Obviously, if the time exceeds 60 minutes we're into the hours. Can someone show me how to make it go into hours?


    Would I need to $calc the first calculation in a similar fashion?


    If anyone can shed some light on the subject, I'd love to hear it.


    Thank you in advance :)

  3. Ahhh thank you, Warrior. That is very handy to know. I Was wracking my brain trying to think of where I'd seen that, as I remembered seeing you use it somewhere some time ago.

    I shall impliment this immediately since my route of calling the event was VERY sloppy (ugly).


    Thanks again, my friends :)

  4. Hi Dippy, do you mean you have a HTMLwindow within your mIRC, displaying a channel list of available channels on the BUzzen network? Doesn't mIRC have that feature inbuilt? Like a little dialog pops up asking you if you want to join the selected server.

  5. Ok, used colourcop, worked a treat. TGK, thank you as well. I got it to work, though the end result was quite sloppy. I heard a term today called spaghetti codng. I think that sums me up quite well, at this junctre in time :P


    Thanks again, guys :)

  6. Ahhhh, gosh, sometimes the obvious just shoots right past me! lol Thanks, David :)


    PS - Is mIRC's & MDX $RGB function a bit picky in how you manipulate it? I was just having a bit a play around with an idea and using;

    (From .ini file)


    Dodgy, I know, I Know :P


    and then this;

    dll $mdx SetColor $dname 3,4,5 background $rgb($readini($_data,Colours,Dialog_Colour))

    (Again, dodgy, I know :P)

    Since I assumed I was inserting 255,255,255 within the $RGB( ) wrap, I thought it would of worked no problem at all.


    I doubt I'll even utilise this, it was more of an experiment to try different things out. Any reason why this wouldn't work, though :)

  7. Hi guys & dolls, could somebody please help me complete this list (or let me know if I've got some wrong).

    orange return $rgb(255,140,0)
    black return $rgb(0,0,0)
    red return $rgb(255,0,0)
    blue return $rgb(0,0,255)
    white return $rgb(255,255,255)
    pink return $rgb(255,0,255)
    yellow return $rgb(255,255,0)
    cyan return $rgb(0,255,255)
    grey return $rgb(192,192,192)


    I'm trying to get all the colours that mIRC uses in a simplified fashion. If anyone could offer their insight etc, that would be great.


    Thanks :)

  8. Well at least he didn't discover a potentially fatal flaw in the architecture of his webchat theme, thereby making him not even want to work on it anymore :(


    Good job though, as always.



    :oops: Doesn't fatal generally == death? :o That's some serious script you're working on there, sir!

  9. I'm just about done with it. I'm hoping to have it submitted within the next day, or two. Here is a little more I've done to it so far. I've added an auto updater to let the user know when there is an available update.


    Man, you sure do some amazing work. :)


  10. Sorry if I embarrassed you, Tavis. T'wasn't my intention to do so :P I'm glad you just made that post, because Iwas thinking about it last night, as I recalled reading once, that the data is stored in RAM, and since I couldn't actually find any file in my mirc directory pertaining to it, I did wonder where it went.


    I shall check out that dialog you linked me to. Again, everyone here is so very friendly & helpful. I really couldn't put a price on the information & techniques I've learned since joining up. I've learned more in two months here than I have in two years looking at other people's scripts :)

  11. :o That easy? Thanks, Ozzy. I asked Travis because he suggested I learn up on hash tables & invited me to post any question about them.


    Thank you very much :)


    PS - I'll be back soon :P


    PPS - These things are awesome!

  12. Ok, you asked for it, my friend! I've ben reading up on it, seems fairly straight forward. And I'm quite excited to take my knowledge to the next stop. If you can just inform me how to write a while loop to load info into a combo box I think I'll be set. :)


    Here is my demo dialog code...

    alias ht {
      dialog $iif($dialog(hash.table),-x,-mh hash.table) hash.table
    dialog hash.table {
      title "Nicknames"
      size -1 -1 160 48
      option dbu
      combo 1, 4 3 84 82, size edit drop
      button "Add", 2, 91 2 32 12
      button "Delete", 3, 124 2 32 12
      button "Close", 4, 124 32 32 12, ok cancel
    On *:Dialog:hash.table:sclick:2:{
      hadd -s Nicknames $did($dname,1).text
    <alias for loop goes here>


    Thanks heaps in advance :)

  13. Please excuse my ignorance, though do you think you could offer more information than that? You could establish certain deails of a user, like how long they have been online (server) or how long they've been idle for which can be found using raw numerics.


    Somehow I have a feeling that this is not quite what you're after :) Any more information could be quite helpful :)

  14. Looks good, personally I'd ditch those buttons up the top and replace them with a right click menu. The drop down combo box can load the different categories on sclick without the need of the button.


    Also, the top edit box that shows the selected room name. I'd use a text box, since there is no data to be edited, and I'd use $remove() $replace() to get rid of the /b bits. And lastly, I would remove the box that surrounds the list box. Boxes are for grouping items, and since the only item is the list there isn't really a need for it.


    Other than that, I think it looks great 8/10 :)

  15. Guys, I cannot thank you enough for the time & patience you've shown me here. Not to mention the amount of detail you've both gone in to :) Getting help & tips from seasoned pros such as yourself is truly an amazing feeling. I cannot begin to tell you how grateful I am... and to everyone here on TG that lends free (and quite often thankless) help & support.


    I've opted for TGK's (David?) way, for one reason, it used a format I've employed in other areas of my script & it works. At this stage I'd rather get it to do what I want, then, as I learn. Try all these other great techniques you try & teach me (that $addtok worked well, I want to learn more).


    Travis, I agree with you 100% about all that potential wasted info (and bytes) being stored in the .ini. A couple of weeks ago, when I had my first ever success with ini files. I was pretty excited. I was using the file to store info like Topc, onjoin message and channel pass.


    An example:

    topic=So, this is my topic. Big woop, wadda you wanna do, fight about it? Thu Oct 02 18:37:38 2008
    Onjoin=Come in and test you scripts without bugging anyone else...
    create=Thu Oct 02 21:51:15 2008


    If I have my dialog open on channel #scripters, all the needed info is there to be changed with a couple of clicks. Neat? Not quite:

    create=Fri Jul 25 08:28:19 2008
    create=Mon Jun 23 13:45:15 2008

    Working proof of the flaw Travis spoke of. IN this case the <section> is the name of channel. Makes it a bit harder to remove with remini.


    It just occurred to me after that long winded post, that that may not of been what Travis was speaking after all lol :)

  16. Excuse the double post, I wanted to add another question to the topic and (I confess) wanted to bump it :)


    This is a follow on to Travis's indepth lesson he shared me with (If you (Travis, that is) had the interest perhaps you could write tutes, as you have a very easy way of explaining things).


    Ok, after being pretty happy with my results of your teaching, I thought I'd tackle the original question I was posting about in the first place. I followed a different path to what you suggested, and time may prove this a foolish step as this progresses.




    As you can see, I added the channel first then add the prots to it via $addtok (I'm getting the feel for it, slowly). Note the = 1 This was the result of some messy coding which I used for experimentation purposes since I thought it would be easy to show which boxes were ticked on init if Iused the

    = 1 method.. Observe:

         ; if ($active !ischan) return
         ; if ($me !isop $ifmatch) { $input(You need Op status or higher to make these changes,hdo,HALT) | return }
          if ($did(119).state == 1) writeini $_prots Protection $active $addtok($readini($_prots,Protection,$active),Revenge,44) $+ $chr(61) $+ $did(119).state
          if ($did(104).state == 1) writeini $_prots Protection $active $addtok($readini($_prots,Protection,$active),Hop_Flood,44) $+ $chr(61) $+ $did(104).state
          if ($did(99).state == 1) writeini $_prots Protection $active $addtok($readini($_prots,Protection,$active),Profanity,44) $+ $chr(61) $+ $did(99).state


    This is the alias I use to call the checked boxes on init (I'm pretty embarrasses about this, but hey, I am learning & it is only experimental at this stage :P )

    alias show.prots {
      if (!$dialog(cpanel)) { return }
      if ($active isin $readini($_prots,Protection,Revenge))  did -c cpanel 119 
      if ($active isin $readini($_prots,Protection,Hop_Flood) && ($readini($_prots,Protection,Hop_Flood == 1)) did -c cpanel 104
      if ( $active isin $readini($_prots,Protection,Profanity) && ( $readini($_prots,Protectio,Profanity) == 1) ) did -c cpanel 99


    I've only made two checks so far. No need to write a bunch of them until they work :)


    Any advice for me Mr. Travis or others? :)


    Thanks you.

  17. Thanks Travis, it's only with the help of great people & tutors like yourself that inspire me & help me push my boundries :)


    Next? Well probably quite basic for most really :P I'm trying to use MDX to make only my Nickname blod in my custom nicklist. So far they all keep coming out bold :(

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