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Posts posted by Silo

  1. Trav, the folders on the F:\ drive are just my backup files on my USB thumb drive. As far as C:\ drive is concerned, both paths look the same to me (I changed the folder name to just Apollyon instead of Apollyon Lite 1.0 or whatever I had named it)







    Am I msising the obvious?


    I appreciate all your help :)

  2. dm5sew.png


    The path seems quite straight forward. To be honest the project I have planned for the dll is quite minor, so if it does not come to fruition I wont be too concerned. However, I am curious as to why it won't work though.

  3. Hi fellows, and thanks for all your help :) Trav, I changed the script's folder name to just Apollyon and ditched the spaces and the period. Still no luck :(


    * /dll: unable to open file 'C:\Users\Simon\Apollyon\Emgine\Dlls\nhtmln_2.95.dll' (line 89, script7.mrc)


    And I even fixed your typo, Warrior lol


    * /dll: unable to open file 'C:\Users\Simon\Apollyon\Engine\Dlls\* /dll: unable to open file 'C:\Users\Simon\Apollyon\Emgine\Dlls\nhtmln_2.95.dll' (line 89, script7.mrc)' (line 89, script7.mrc)


    Warrior why won't $ff(nhtmln_2.95.dll) do the trick?


    * /dll: unable to open file 'C:\Users\Simon\Apollyon\Engine\dlls\NHTMLN~1.DLL' (line 89, script7.mrc)


    Thanks again, guys :)

  4. Hi Travis, and thanks for the reply. I should of pointed out earlier that, yes there are spaces in the file path but I tried using $qt( ) in tests with no luck either.


    It's just bizarre since I've never had problems with the dll before.


    * /dll: unable to open file 'C:\Users\Simon\Apollyon Lite v1.0\Dll\nhtmln_2.95.dll' (line 89, script7.mrc)


    Also tried changing Dll to Dlls with no joy.

  5. Hi Warrior and thanks for clearing that up for me. That makes a lot of sense, especially since not more than five minutes ago I noticed that my Music folder was in two different places. So that would be using double the memory to store these, or is it like an image of the folder? Pretty sucky if it's chewing up memory.


    Back to the problem, I decided to use a snippet of Travis' for experimenting with until I solve the issue of the dll.


    * /dll: unable to open file 'C:\Users\Simon\Apollyon' (line 89, script7.mrc)


    Travis' alias with your fix (Have I utilised it properly?) Line "89" in bold font.

    alias webpage {
      window @WebPage
    [b] dll $nofile($mircexe) $+ Dll\nhtmln_2.95.dll,attach,$window(@webpage).hwnd [/b]
      dll $nofile($mircexe) $+ Dll\nhtmln_2.95.dll,margins,-2
      dll $nofile($mircexe) $+ Dll\nhtmln_2.95.dll,navigate,http://www.google.com


    Cheers :)

  6. Ahh okay, thanks Warrior, I'll give that a try. I've been using your $ff alias for ages now and won't use anything else to link to my dlls or images.


    As far as the nHTMLn dll was concerned I tried several file paths including your $ff alias all to no avail. It just kept telling me that it couldn't open the dll.


    I'll try out your idea now.


    Thanks : )


    PS My script is in a directory with A no spaces and mirc.ini is in just in the main $mircdir and the dlls are in their own folder. Out of curiousity, what difference to the path of the dll has to do with the location of mirc.ini?

  7. RAW 305:*:{
      echo -a You are no longer marked as being away.
    buzzref $active
    RAW 306:*:{
      echo -a You have been marked as being away.
    buzzref $active


    I don't think err0r's code is /who active so if you go to line 116 the buzzref alias and add the line .who $active

  8. YOU change the order to suit your preference. Experiment and swap them around and then replace err0rs icons with your own :)


    Whatever the order is in the init section is what the numbers you assign to each level.




    Add this to err0r's code:

    RAW 352:*:{
      $iif($left($7,1) == G,set %away. [ $+ [ $6 ] ] $6,unset %away. [ $+ [ $6 ] ] $6)

    and then in his nickalias alias (line 133) add this:

      if (%away. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] == $1) return 12

    and then in the init section ad this to line 76:

      did -i $dname 1,2 1 seticon normal 0, $+ $iconsnl( $+ [b]NEW ICON HERE[/b] $+ )


    By doing this you have added a 12th icon which the %away variable is using to show users status ie Away/Active

  9. Sorry, no. I mustn't of explained myself very well. I have zero knowledge of nicklist.dll. I just use MDX (old skool) to add my icons. Doesn't err0r's download work on most servers with a bit of editing? His coding is far superior to mine :)


    *EDIT* I just noticed a flaw with the while loop, well not the loop itself, but the info returned. I don;t have time to go in to it atm (I have a job interview tomorrow morning and it is quite late). Anyway, I'll leave this

    $iif($left($nick(#,Fovea).pnick,2) == &@,$right($nick(#,Fovea).pnick,-1))

    to remind me what I wanted to mention.



    Since we're chatting in real time - you could try this:


    alias nickicon {
      if (*~* iswm $nick($active,$1).pnick) && ($1 isop $active) return 1
      elseif (*@* iswm $nick($active,$1).pnick) && ($1 isop $active) return 7
      elseif (*&* iswm $nick($active,$1).pnick) && ($1 isop $active) return 10
      elseif ($1 isvoice $active) return 3
      elseif (*m* !iswm $chan($active).mode) && ($1 !isvoice $active) return 8
      elseif (*%* iswm $nick($active,$1).pnick) && ($1 ishop $active) return 7


    the just change the return numbers to the icon settings you want.

  10. No problem, glad it worked. nicklist.dll looks pretty neat, and I love how you still get mIRCs default nicklist, but I still can't make the switch from MDX. If you want the complete MDX version with icons just let me know. And as for the auto refresh You need to make an alias with a timer to fire the getnames alias. You'd then use that with On events, like:


    alias _refresh .timer(REFRESH) -m 1 500 $getnames


    On *:JOIN:*:if ($nick == $me) $_refresh
    On *:PART:#:if ($nick != $me) $_refresh
    On *:KICK:#:if ($knick != $me) $_refresh

    And so on. I think you get the idea from there.

  11. Apologies for bumping an old topic, but I thought it would be better to use an old one instead of creating a new thread. Does nHTMLn_2.95.dll work with Win 7? Nothing I've been trying seems to work, and it's not that hard to use the damn thing!

  12. Very basic and untested, but it will return the users mode prefix:


    alias getnames {
      did -r $dname 1
      var %x 1
      while (%x <= $nick($active,0)) {
        did -a $dname 1 $nick($active,%x).pnick
        inc %x


    And just for fun you can add:

    alias title {
      if (*~* iswm $nick($active,$1).pnick) && ($1 isop $active) return (Owner)
      elseif (*@* iswm $nick($active,$1).pnick) && ($1 isop $active) return (Host)
      elseif (*&* iswm $nick($active,$1).pnick) && ($1 isop $active) return (Host)
      elseif (*%* iswm $nick($active,$1).pnick) && ($1 ishop $active) return (Halfop)


    And put it all together to make:

    alias getnames {
      did -r $dname 1
      var %x 1
      while (%x <= $nick($active,0)) {
        did -a $dname 1 $nick($active,%x).pnick $title($nick($active,%x))
        inc %x

    which would return ~err0r (Owner)


    PS I didnt read your last part about refreshing/lagging. I spoke to err0r about this very problem a few days ago and it seems that is always going to happen because it is the vertical scrollbar resizing, which kinda sucks.

  13. Okay, this is very basic, but I like use Ctrl K, B & U alot for colouring,bold & underline, and found that code can start to look really messy, especially if you're using $+ to connect segments. I start using $chr(N) instead but thought I could improve on the cleanliness of the code.


    If you want to try this out place this in your alias file (Alt A) or prefix each alias with "alias"


    _bold return $+($chr(2),$1-,$chr(2))
    _under return $+($chr(31),$1-,$chr(31))
    _col.test return $+($chr(3),$1,$2)



    //echo -a $_col.short(12,Here is a string of blue text)


    //echo -a $_bold($_col.short(4,Here is a string of bold red text))


    //echo -a $_under($_bold($_col.short(13,Here is a string of bold pink underlined text)))


    You can use any combination, simply wrap your text within the alias and you're good to go. Very clean way of using mIRC's colour codes.


    Give it a try. If you use this I no need for any credits.

  14. Oh ok, well that sucks. Yeah I'm on Vista.... Ahh well


    Thanks you guys.


    Other issues? I have a mdx dialog that uses dbu's. I made it in XP and it looks fine but in Vista ithe height is more than doubled with a ton of blank space at the bottom. Looks bad . :( Vista doesn't support all my old fonts. Like th SoulFly logo font. :(


    Is it docked? If so, try setting the height to zero. I have a similar issue with docked dialogs in Vista. If I use the Vista aero theme it all has a nice, even height. If I change the theme to MS original. I get the tool bar height about ten+ pixels higher than the buttons.


    I Just put it down to Vista :notworking:


    PS - What font is the Soulfly logo? You're a big fan of verdana, yes?

  15. Yes i will step up to the plate and say i was wrong, and didnt have prove to any legit statements caused by me, and yes before looking and finding the code that was suppose to be ripped and slander someones name i went way beyond myself and accused travis of ripping when in fact there was no justification for this or prove other then hearing from others. It has taken me a huge wake up call to come here a make this statement and i agree that i was in the wrong and I truly apologize to Travis for this, as this has caused him quite a lot of hurt and distrust in people. I know this will not make up for the damage that I have caused you travis but i hope this will state a point that I was wrong in a huge manner that i should have looked myself and find what prove was needed before making any accusations towards your name and your connection. Once again iam truthfully sorry and deserve whats commig!! Sorry Travis



    Kudos to you, Chain. It takes a big man to admit they've made an error of judgement, moreso when it's on a public forum such as this. It can be quite easy to hear something and run with it, yet hard to do a reversal and admit you made a mistake based on hearsay, with no real evidence to back it up.


    I personally had little interest in the debate, but could see the two codes were completely different. I just wanted to congratulate you for taking this step. It's the right one, in my opinion :)

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