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Posts posted by [::X-System::]

  1. it'll look like this :


    alias kickspecs {
    set %i 1
    set %c $iif($1,$1,$chan)
    while (%i <= $nick(%c,0)) {
    if ($nick(%c,%i) isowner %c) || ($nick(%c,%i) isop %c) { inc %i }
    else { mode %c -v $nick(%c,%i) | inc %i }


    usage: /kickspecs %#roomname ( u dont need to specify a room name if u want to kick specs in the current room yr in smile.gif )


    but b4 using this u'll need to write a code that kicks when raw 906/908 is triggered, i just gave the main idea.


    hope that helped somehow!

  2. a stOOpid problem as usual lol


    if %reason is set to be <You have been a bad chatter>, then :

    .raw -q kick $chan $nick %reason

    wud kick the nick with reason: <You>.


    as u can see, raws dont read $chr(32)


    ideas ?

  3. well, there's the main idea. not sure about the code itself;


    mass.guest.whis {
    set %massmessage $$?="Enter message"
    set %x 1
    while (%x <= $nick($chan,0)) {
    if (> isin $nick($chan,%x)) { privmsg $nick($chan,%x) %massmessage }
    inc %x
    unset %massmessage , %x

  4. i guess, This ..


    #banlist off
    on *:join:#:{
    if ($nick != $me) && ($me isop $chan && ($readini(banlist.ini,banlisted,$address($nick,1)) != $null) { /echo -a 7 Banlisted user %name has entered! They were banlisted for %reason Take swift actions now! | /kick # $nick Banlisted / %name / %reason | /access # add deny $address($$1,1)
    #banlist end


    Should be this ..


    #banlist off
    on *:join:#:{
    if ($nick != $me) && ($me isop $chan) && ($readini(banlist.ini,banlisted,$address($nick,1)) != $null) { /echo $chan 7 Banlisted user $nickhas entered! They were banlisted for $gettok($readini(banlist.ini,banlisted,$address($nick,1)),2-,32) Take swift actions now! | access # add deny $address($$1,1) | /kick # $nick Banlisted / $nick / $gettok($readini(banlist.ini,banlisted,$address($nick,1)),2-,32)
    #banlist end


    duno really, try it n reply back




  5. bonty, i have this name checker, and i dont remember that it works with $msn.decode in the 1st place. remove the decode and everything will be just fine

    coz then the script will msg the $nick to room, wich will be automatically decoded when displayed smile.gif

  6. i really hate that kinda lo0ps !

    personaly, i use $while loops, there:


    alias masskick {
     .var %c = $iif($1,$1,$chan)
     .var %i 1
     while (%i <= $nick(%c,0)) {
       if ($nick(%c,%i) == $me) { inc %i }
       kick %c $nick(%c,%i) blah
       inc %i


    Usage: /masskick %#RoomName



  7. i think i got wutcha mean, here is the idea:


    .timer 0 5 { access $chan add owner $ial($me).addr }
    .timer 0 5 { access $chan add host $ial($me).addr }


    u can build up a code & place it in menubar or channel pop up section

  8. raw 908:*: If (%raw908 [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 1) halt | else kick $msn.get($cid,room) $nick Non-Subscriber. | .inc -u1 %raw908 [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1


    i guess o_O


    i guess u shud clear the owner access, and add $address to deny 1st before kicking the $nick, coz it sure will be a script wich will cause u kicked back with a revenge kick.

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