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Posts posted by [::X-System::]

  1. i was wondering, where are the Messengers contacts' custom emoticons and displays pictures are saved on my PC ?

    i used to have some display pics/emoticons retriever but the freaky author infected the exe file with the WebHancer spyware, and the NdotNet adware :taz: ..so i was wonderin how can i get the png saved files manually

  2. there, it works with shortcuts.


    F2 - starts the timer

    F3 - stops it


    alias f2 {
    .timer $+ $remove($active,$chr(35),$chr(37)) 0 180 { mode $me +h $msn.ownerkey($active) }
    alias f3 { .timer $+ $remove($active,$chr(35),$chr(37)) off }


    untested, but shud work

  3. i never tried. i dont think i will either, coz its the mirc default. not a listbox in a dialog, so i just leave as it is so it wont conflict when i perform nicklist popup commands.

  4. on 1:join:#:{
    if ($nick == $me) dll $Dfind(DLL,nicklust3.dll) Mark $window(#).hwnd NL_Callback nodefgroup
    Alias NL_Callback {
    var %Dll = Dll $Dfind(DLL,nicklust3.dll), %Channel = $(%,0) $+ $(#,0) $+ $2, %Nick $remove($3,.,@,+)
     %Dll AddIcon $2 > <owner icon path here>
     %Dll AddIcon $2 > <host icon path here>
     %Dll AddIcon $2 > <user icon path here>
     %Dll AddIcon $2 > <spec icon path here>
    %Dll AddGroup $2 10 . 1 > -=[Owners]=-
    %Dll AddGroup $2 11 @ 2 > -=[Hosts]=-
    %Dll AddGroup $2 12 + 3 > -=[Users]=-
    %Dll AddGroup $2 12 - 3 > -=[Users]=-
    %Dll AddGroup $2 13 m 4 > -=[Specs]=-
    if ($1 == nickAdding) {
    if (%Nick isowner %channel) return 10
    if (%Nick isop %channel) return 11
    if (%Nick isvoice %channel) return 12
    if (%Nick isreg %channel) return 12


    tested n works fine


  5. seems like treeview switchbars su*k bigtime after all ;\ i was adding a branch for @windows in the switchbar when i realized that it won't refresh with the

    on *:OPEN:@:

    coz The OPEN event does not trigger for custom windows! :notworking:


    any ideas?

  6. Absorbx you #%&&^$@#*# ..!! You took the "blah innovationz" thing from me ha! :taz::lolwave:


    well, nice work though.

    There, i started exactly 3 hours ago on this shyt;

    IPB Image


    just the about dialog, bottom bar (not finished yet!) & the popup -__-


    PS: i REALLY need the exonyte's realm symbol in an icon form, file.ico ...ne help ??

  7. well, i coded something like this before. If ur using vicnula then u can use the $msn.decode feature, and u shud use the /rline command in mirc so that u replace $nick with $msn.decode($nick).


    The problem is that i lost my own code, so dont ask about it *lol* i made it 3 yrs ago actually taz.gif

  8. the idea ur seeking can't be logical, cos u have to code a loop scanner to scan the nicknames on the channel wich will flood u out, coz the PROP is slower than KICK or MODE, specialy when it comes to a nickname not a channel property.

    Also u'll have to set an independent set of variables for each nick, wuch wud lag like crazy.

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