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Posts posted by [::X-System::]

  1. Already searched within MDX, but apparently it doesn't do the job. dialog.mdx only adds context help button, minimize and maximize buttons to dialogs. (might be my help file is out-dated, if so please inform me)


    Don't know about DCX and i don't use it, the dialog i have is already built upon MDX and that's srsly hard to change. Any other ideas ?


  2. Greetings everyone

    I wonder if anyone happens to have - or know about - any DLLs that can disable dialog's closure (and hide the X close button aswell)


    If so, please hit back. Any help would be greatly apperciated

  3. Looks good, personally I'd ditch those buttons up the top and replace them with a right click menu. The drop down combo box can load the different categories on sclick without the need of the button.


    Also, the top edit box that shows the selected room name. I'd use a text box, since there is no data to be edited, and I'd use $remove() $replace() to get rid of the /b bits. And lastly, I would remove the box that surrounds the list box. Boxes are for grouping items, and since the only item is the list there isn't really a need for it.


    Other than that, I think it looks great 8/10 :)

    The top box's label says Full Room Name and that's exactly what it displays. Stripping off all the \b and \c escaping would kill the purpose ;) (note that you see the room names decoded/unescaped in the main list)


    About the right click popup, i thought of that myself, but i didn't really want to bring more DLLs to the table, you never know what mIRC version the user is gonna use the addon with (if released)


    ty for the comments :)

  4. gj

    if your join/part/quit events are aligned, i would suggest you to aline the kicks too so that long ones won't break the timestamp's space

    err.. and why so much blank white space beneath the last row of icons ?

  5. - Replying ozzy: You're right, mIRC's sucks and lacks modes, but i haven't seen anything that's mode-related on your screenshots, and err0r's wasn't posted yet, and i suggested an AOp/banlist system on my previous post, that should handle access levels ;)


    - Replying err0r: I totally agree with you, and i'm a dialogs' addict myself :) what i mean is: you could still be workin' on dialogs, yet on something more user-attracting, since the script is going to be released, it's like what's more important than what

    I'd finish the MP3 player if i were you, it looks perfect and would be a great waste if it wasn't released.


    speaking of protections, i totally disagree with you on that one :) imo protections are like a A.I., you could spend a life time perfecting & enhancing them.. Well, for chanserv or any other *serv, they have got their ups and downs, and they even disconnect and go offline sometimes, just like normal users, so no they ain't that reliable. For the /ignore part, this is a Client-side command, so basically mIRC blindfolds itself in order not to see what you don't want it to see, but that doesn't stop the data being sent by the server from reaching your client. So, technically, you could still get flooded off a server even if you're ignoring the offender, so yeah you might need prots after all, actually I could list tons of threats for wich you might need really decent protections, specially if coded by you guys


    but gj anyways, i like both dialogs you guys made ;)

  6. gj both of you guys, but why the heck you wasting time/effort coding what's already existing ? :/

    you rather use mIRC's built-in channel central that gettin' assed coding a custom one, and save yer effort for stuff like AOp/Banlist system, mp3/video player

    or if yer THAT bored, why not writing protections ? ;)


    rolls eyes to ozzy

  7. I like it :) good job


    * Suggestions:

    - Add more tags to the spam editor, some ppl tend to show lotta details like <genre>, <year>, <album>..etc. They won't need much coding, as they all are actually props for $sound( ) ;)

    - Remove the banner and make use of this space to show the song format, length, bitrate..etc

    - Add some kinda popup to show playlist's track details (my ss has got an example, but my player looks noobish lol)


    k that's all



  8. I just had a thought, will you give it multiple nickname support?

    I actually thought about it, but never bothered to do it coz:


    1- I'm super lazy

    2- The whole thing was intended to handle just 1 nick for each network, it was set to auto-change your nickname if you connected to a network using some other nick than the one saved for it.

    Having the profile manager supporting multiple nicknames means the whole system will need some kinda "Set as default" option for them, wich - in turn - means changing/recoding most of the whole addon


    would be a royal pain in the a$$ really :(



    *Edit: ty err0r & Kronic :P

  9. One last thing re. the autojoin tab. Maybe you could use a right click popup for the add/remove/clear functions instead of buttons? :D

    ^ thought of that tbh, just didnt want to get more DLLs involved, i might do it after all tho


    This addon could come very handy if you join more then one network. Good job.

    ty Molson

  10. 1628.png


    It's self explanatory


    Yet there are few points that are not showing on the screenshot;

    - Profile manager auto kills your ghost using nickserv (If the network supports it), also if someone /nick <yournick> they'll get auto killed (profile manager will set your nick to nick_ If the network doesnt support nickserv)

    - It uses nickserv to RELEASE the nick if frozen

    - It auto /nick <your_stuck_nick> once it quits (if it couldn't be ghost-killed)


    I made that for personal use only, however, any suggestions/ideas are greatly welcomed :)

  11. ty & ty too :)

    I've been asked by a few to release it, but i'm still thinkin' it over actually.

    Not 'coz i want to keep it for myself, but coz of the loads of code i'll have to clean up, all the regex's and sockreads i'll have to parse nicely, and the no.1 pain in the a$$, all the mdx/icons/paths i'll have to change or rewrite.


    If i ever managed to drop my habbit of being lazy for 30 minutes to get done with all i stated above, i'll relese the addon on TG and state that clearly on TG's Buzzen thread.

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