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Posts posted by darkcypher

  1. I was reading the 'Chat' thread in this forum, and someone mentioned pyrcx, which is coded in python, which is unix compatable and also mentioned he'd give out the source to anyone interested, does anyone have a copy of the source or a compiled version or even contact details to this guy? I check the irc he stated, and it was down and also sent an email to the email on his site and got a postmaster repsonse.

  2. Hey guys..


    I've tested out IRCXPro/OfficeIRC, but as you know this runs off windows, and a windows VPS is almost double that of a unix, so the question is, are there any unix ircx servers out there which i could use?


    I prefer IRCX alot over any other IRC, so it would be a shame to run a general IRC server. And without the server in action i can't try and make a deal with a friend of mine, and i don't want to shell out the double price of a windows VPS if it doesn't work out.


    Hope you guy can help, cheers.

  3. Okay, what i want to do is read a page on an MSN group, which my account is registered on, however, for mirc to be able to read the page, the account has to be logged into view it...


    So far, i have been able to get the page to be read by sockets, by saving it onto my own hosting account (this was just to test i could read what i wanted off the page). However, when i try it with the actual page on the MSN group, it basically asks me to login, so how do i do this?


    Any suggestions on how i can do this would be of great help, below is the code i have to far, very incomplete.


    alias connect { /close | /open | /set %sock links $+ $rand(0,1000) }
    alias close { /timer1 1 1 /c }
    alias open { /timer2 1 3 /o }
    alias c { sockclose %sock | echo Sock Closed }
    alias o { sockopen %sock groups.msn.com 80 | echo Sock Open }
    on *:sockopen:*:{ 
      if ($sockname == %sock $+ ) {
        sockwrite -n $sockname GET %page HTTP/1.1 
        sockwrite -n $sockname Host: groups.msn.com $+ $str($crlf ,2)
    on *:sockread:*:{ 
      if ($sockname == %sock $+ ) {
        sockread %temp 
        if (profile?user= isin %temp) && (MsgLink isin %temp) { /set %links %links + 1 | /echo Profile Found ( $+ %links $+ ) } 
    ;code to be added
        if (>Next<IMG isin %temp) { /echo Next Page Added } 
    ;code to be added
        if (document.cookie isin %temp) { /echo Restart | /connect } 


    Thanks in advance.

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