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Posts posted by TaReK

  1. Hello Everybody,


    I will describe my problem, wishing someone could help me cuz I'm really in troubles.


    I have bot attacks on my server, DDosing, beside I have Proxy Ips connecting and flooding.

    I tried everything to stop them, Firewall and antiproxy doesn't catch these IPs and ban them.


    I think I could stop these attacks by someway.


    I need a code which will Check Version on connect, if gets no version reply permanently gline the nickname.


    Please do not reply if you're not sure of the code cuz I can't test really I'm in a big need of help.


    If someone have another solution to stop the bot attack tell me.


    Thanks in advance :)

  2. when refering by $2 this way

    echo @test mode # -b $read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$2)

    it returns this

    mode #friends -b SysTeM SENYORITA

    mode #friends -b TaReK ProTecToR

    mode #friends -b A7MED_MANSORA ReEeRoOo

    and tell u .. these are not correct entries !!

    i mean .. Entry 1 is not SysteM kicked SENYORITA ... its another kick

  3. Travis .. thx man .. i got it fixed and its working successfully .. I'm sorry i was late but i was away from PC for couple of days ..

    Any way .. can u help me how could i fix this code .. i get blank replies from the logger when i try this

    like that

    2:17] « @ » • « ProTecToR » - Deny for : *!@*$* has been cleared.

    [02:21] « @ » • « ProTecToR » - : *!@*$* Has been banned.


    there's the code


    on admin:TEXT:*.unban*:#: {
      if ($2 == $null) { msg $chan $chr(91) Please Define an entry. $chr(93) | halt
      mode # -b $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$2),2)
      mode # -b $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt, %i,$2),2)
      mode # -b $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$2),2)
      mode # -b $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$2),3)
      mode # -b $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$2),4)
      mode # -b *! $+ $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$2),4),18),*!) $+ @*$*
      msg $chan $chr(45) Deny for $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$2),2) : *! $+ $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$2),4),18),*!) $+ @*$* has been cleared.

    There's the Other One ..

    on admin:TEXT:*.ban*:#: {
      if ($2 == $null) { msg $chan $chr(91) Please Define an entry. $chr(93) | halt
      mode # +b $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$2),4) 
      msg $chan $chr(45) $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$2),2) : *! $+ $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$2),4),18),*!) $+ @*$* Has been banned.

    Thx for support !!

  4. Well .. this Kicks Logger was assigned to work with IRCx servers .. i've been trying to modify it to work with IRCd ... and it never shows logs ...

    It shows there are recorded logs but it never shows the logs and its information

    it shows it like that

    [ Total : 7 logs ] Searching For Users Matching Your Request.










    10- [.logs 0 for the next 10 logs.]

    .. Beside i'ld like to note that there's a miss-spelling in the file kickadress.txt , its mis-spelled in the script directory too ...

    there's the code

    on *:kick:#:{
      if ($lines(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt) >= 100) { write -dl100 TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt | write -dl100 TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt | write -dl100 TEXT\Kicklog\kickinfo.txt }
      write -il1 TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt $nick $knick
      write -il1 TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt $address($knick,1) $address($knick,5) $address($knick,6) *! $+ $$ial($knick $+ *,1).addr
      write -il1 TEXT\Kicklog\kickinfo.txt # $+ * $+ $date at $time $+ * $+ $1-
      set -u60 %kkcomand kicked
    on admin:TEXT:*.logs*:#: {
      if ($2 isalpha) { msg $chan Be smart ! $chr(91) example: .logs 11, will show logs starting from log number 11 $chr(93) | halt }
      msg $chan $chr(91) Total : $lines(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt) logs $chr(93) 
Searching For Users Matching Your Request.
      $iif($2 isnum, %i = $2, %i = 1)
      var %f 1
      while (%i <= $calc($2 + 10)) {
        if ($lines(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt) < %i) { var %endit true | goto msgit }
        set %log $+ %f $chr(91) $+ %i $+ $chr(93) $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt, %i),2) : * $+ $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,1),4),9),*!) $+ * | inc %f
        inc %i
      msg $chan 1- $+ %log1 | msg $chan 2- $+ %log2 | msg $chan 3- $+ %log3 | msg $chan 4- $+ %log4 | msg $chan 5- $+ %log5 | msg $chan 6- $+ %log6
      msg $chan 7- $+ %log7 | msg $chan 8- $+ %log8 | msg $chan 9- $+ %log9 | msg $chan 10- $+ %log10  $chr(91) $+ .logs $calc($2 + 11)) for the next 10 logs. $+ $chr(93) 
      if (%endit == true) { msg $chan $chr(91) End Of Logs. $chr(93) | halt }
      unset %log1 | unset %log2 | unset %log3 | unset %log4 | unset %log5 | unset %log6 | unset %log7 | unset %log8 | unset %log9 | unset %log10 | unset %log11
    ;---------veiw log
    on admin:TEXT:*.inf*:#: {
      if ($2 isalpha) { msg $chan $chr(91) Please Define an entry number $chr(93) | halt }
      if ($2 == $null) { msg $chan $chr(91) Please Define an entry. $chr(93) | halt
      msg $chan Name: $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$2),2) 
  Gate - *! $+ $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$2),4),18),*!) $+ @*$* 
 Kicked By : $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$2),1) 
 Kick Time : $findinfo($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickinfo.txt,$2),1) 
 Reason : $findinfo($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickinfo.txt,$2),2)
    on admin:TEXT:*.unban*:#: {
      if ($2 == $null) { msg $chan $chr(91) Please Define an entry. $chr(93) | halt
      access # delete deny $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$2),2)
      access # delete deny $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$2),1)
      access # delete deny $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$2),2)
      access # delete deny $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$2),3)
      access # delete deny $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$2),4)
      access # delete deny *! $+ $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$2),4),18),*!) $+ @*$*
      msg $chan $chr(45) Deny for $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$2),2) : *! $+ $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$2),4),18),*!) $+ @*$* has been cleared.
    on admin:TEXT:*.ban*:#: {
      if ($2 == $null) { msg $chan $chr(91) Please Define an entry. $chr(93) | halt
      access # add deny $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$2),4) 
      msg $chan $chr(45) $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$2),2) : *! $+ $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$2),4),18),*!) $+ @*$* Has been banned.
    ;Fast commands
    on admin:TEXT:*.rd*:#: {
      access # delete deny $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,1),2)
      access # delete deny $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,1),3)
      access # delete deny $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,1),1)
      access # delete deny $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,1),2)
      access # delete deny $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,1),3)
      access # delete deny $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,1),4)
      access # delete deny *! $+ $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,1),4),18),*!) $+ @*$*
      msg $chan $chr(45) Deny for $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,1),2) : $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,1),5) has been cleared.
    on admin:TEXT:*.banl*:#: {
      access # add deny $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,1),4) : $+ $chr(91) $+ Darkness Kicks Loger $+ $chr(93)
      msg $chan $chr(45) $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,1),2) : *! $+ $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,1),4),18),*!) $+ @*$* Has been banned.  
    on owner:TEXT:*.cl*:#: {
      access # delete deny $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,1),2)
      access # delete deny $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,1),3)
      access # delete deny $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,1),1)
      access # delete deny $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,1),2)
      access # delete deny $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,1),3)
      access # delete deny $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,1),4)
      access # delete deny *! $+ $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,1),4),18),*!) $+ @*$*
      msg $chan $chr(45) Deny for $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,1),2) : *! $+ $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,1),4),18),*!) $+ @*$* has been cleared. 
    on admin:TEXT:*.sl*:#: {
      if ($2 == $null) { msg $chan $chr(91) Please Define an entry. $chr(93) |  halt }
      var %chek = $read(text\shitlist.txt,w,$+(*,$findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$2),2),)) 
      if (%chek) { msg $chan $chr(91) $+ $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$2),4),18),*!) - $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$2),2)  $+ $chr(93) allready shitlisted.  }
      if (!%chek) { 
        write -il1 TEXT\shitlist.txt $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$2),4),18),*!) - $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$2),2) 
        access # add deny $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$2),4) :Sitlisted $chr(91) $+ By Darkness $+ $chr(93)
        msg $chan $chr(91) $+ $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$2),4),18),*!) - $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$2),2) $+ $chr(93) has been added to the Shitlist . 
      if ($3 == $null) { msg $chan $chr(91) End. $chr(93) |  halt }
      var %chek = $read(text\shitlist.txt,w,$+(*,$findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$3),2),)) 
      if (%chek) { msg $chan $chr(91) $+ $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$3),4),18),*!) - $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$3),2)  $+ $chr(93) allready shitlisted.  }
      if (!%chek) { 
        write -il1 TEXT\shitlist.txt $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$3),4),18),*!) - $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$3),2) 
        access # add deny $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$3),4) :Sitlisted $chr(91) $+ By Darkness $+ $chr(93)
        msg $chan $chr(91) $+ $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$3),4),18),*!) - $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$3),2) $+ $chr(93) has been added to the Shitlist . 
      if ($4 == $null) { msg $chan $chr(91) End. $chr(93) |  halt }
      var %chek = $read(text\shitlist.txt,w,$+(*,$findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$4),2),)) 
      if (%chek) { msg $chan $chr(91) $+ $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$4),4),18),*!) - $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$4),2)  $+ $chr(93) allready shitlisted.  }
      if (!%chek) { 
        write -il1 TEXT\shitlist.txt $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$4),4),18),*!) - $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$4),2) 
        access # add deny $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$4),4) :Sitlisted $chr(91) $+ By Darkness $+ $chr(93)
        msg $chan $chr(91) $+ $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$4),4),18),*!) - $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$4),2) $+ $chr(93) has been added to the Shitlist . 
      if ($5 == $null) { msg $chan $chr(91) End. $chr(93) |  halt }
      var %chek = $read(text\shitlist.txt,w,$+(*,$findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$5),2),)) 
      if (%chek) { msg $chan $chr(91) $+ $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$5),4),18),*!) - $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$5),2)  $+ $chr(93) allready shitlisted.  }
      if (!%chek) { 
        write -il1 TEXT\shitlist.txt $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$5),4),18),*!) - $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$5),2) 
        access # add deny $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$5),4) :Sitlisted $chr(91) $+ By Darkness $+ $chr(93)
        msg $chan $chr(91) $+ $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$5),4),18),*!) - $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$5),2) $+ $chr(93) has been added to the Shitlist . 
      if ($6 == $null) { msg $chan $chr(91) End. $chr(93) |  halt }
      var %chek = $read(text\shitlist.txt,w,$+(*,$findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$6),2),)) 
      if (%chek) { msg $chan $chr(91) $+ $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$6),4),18),*!) - $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$6),2)  $+ $chr(93) allready shitlisted.  }
      if (!%chek) { 
        write -il1 TEXT\shitlist.txt $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$6),4),18),*!) - $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$6),2) 
        access # add deny $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$6),4) :Sitlisted $chr(91) $+ By Darkness $+ $chr(93)
        msg $chan $chr(91) $+ $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$6),4),18),*!) - $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$6),2) $+ $chr(93) has been added to the Shitlist . 
      if ($7 == $null) { msg $chan $chr(91) End. $chr(93) |  halt }
      var %chek = $read(text\shitlist.txt,w,$+(*,$findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$7),2),)) 
      if (%chek) { msg $chan $chr(91) $+ $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$7),4),18),*!) - $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$7),2)  $+ $chr(93) allready shitlisted.  }
      if (!%chek) { 
        write -il1 TEXT\shitlist.txt $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$7),4),18),*!) - $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$7),2) 
        access # add deny $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$7),4) :Sitlisted $chr(91) $+ By Darkness $+ $chr(93)
        msg $chan $chr(91) $+ $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$7),4),18),*!) - $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$7),2) $+ $chr(93) has been added to the Shitlist . 
      if ($8 == $null) { msg $chan $chr(91) End. $chr(93) |  halt }
      var %chek = $read(text\shitlist.txt,w,$+(*,$findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$8),2),)) 
      if (%chek) { msg $chan $chr(91) $+ $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$8),4),18),*!) - $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$8),2)  $+ $chr(93) allready shitlisted.  }
      if (!%chek) { 
        write -il1 TEXT\shitlist.txt $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$8),4),18),*!) - $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$8),2) 
        access # add deny $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$8),4) :Sitlisted $chr(91) $+ By Darkness $+ $chr(93)
        msg $chan $chr(91) $+ $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$8),4),18),*!) - $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$8),2) $+ $chr(93) has been added to the Shitlist . 
      if ($9 == $null) { msg $chan $chr(91) End. $chr(93) |  halt }
      var %chek = $read(text\shitlist.txt,w,$+(*,$findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$9),2),)) 
      if (%chek) { msg $chan $chr(91) $+ $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$9),4),18),*!) - $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$9),2)  $+ $chr(93) allready shitlisted. }
      if (!%chek) { 
        write -il1 TEXT\shitlist.txt $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$9),4),18),*!) - $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$9),2) 
        access # add deny $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$9),4) :Sitlisted $chr(91) $+ By Darkness $+ $chr(93)
        msg $chan $chr(91) $+ $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$9),4),18),*!) - $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$9),2) $+ $chr(93) has been added to the Shitlist . 
      if ($10 == $null) { msg $chan $chr(91) End. $chr(93) |  halt }
      var %chek = $read(text\shitlist.txt,w,$+(*,$findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$10),2),)) 
      if (%chek) { msg $chan $chr(91) $+ $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$10),4),18),*!) - $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$10),2)  $+ $chr(93) allready shitlisted.  }
      if (!%chek) { 
        write -il1 TEXT\shitlist.txt $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$10),4),18),*!) - $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$10),2) 
        access # add deny $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$10),4) :Sitlisted $chr(91) $+ By Darkness $+ $chr(93)
        msg $chan $chr(91) $+ $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$10),4),18),*!) - $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$10),2) $+ $chr(93) has been added to the Shitlist . 
      if ($11 == $null) { msg $chan $chr(91) End. $chr(93) |  halt }
      var %chek = $read(text\shitlist.txt,w,$+(*,$findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$11),2),)) 
      if (%chek) { msg $chan $chr(91) $+ $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$11),4),18),*!) - $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$11),2)  $+ $chr(93) allready shitlisted.  }
      if (!%chek) { 
        write -il1 TEXT\shitlist.txt $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$11),4),18),*!) - $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$11),2) 
        access # add deny $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$11),4) :Sitlisted $chr(91) $+ By Darkness $+ $chr(93)
        msg $chan $chr(91) $+ $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$11),4),18),*!) - $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$11),2) $+ $chr(93) has been added to the Shitlist . 
      if ($12 == !$null) { msg $chan $chr(91) End. $chr(93) |  halt }
    on admin:TEXT:*.rsl*:#: {
      if ($2 == $null) { msg $chan $chr(91) Please Define an entry. $chr(93) |  halt }
      var %rlst = $read(text\shitlist.txt,w,$+(*,$findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$2),2),)) 
      var %line $readn
      if (!%rlst) { msg $chan $chr(91) $+ $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$2),4),18),*!) - $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$2),2) $+ $chr(93) Can't Found in the shitlist Users File. } 
      if (%rlst) {
        write -dl $+ %line TEXT\shitlist.txt
        access # delete deny $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$2),4)
        msg $chan $chr(91) $+ %rlst $+ $chr(93) Removed of the shitlist.  
      if ($3 == $null) { msg $chan $chr(91) End. $chr(93) |  halt }
      var %rlst = $read(text\shitlist.txt,w,$+(*,$findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$3),2),)) 
      var %line $readn
      if (!%rlst) { msg $chan $chr(91) $+ $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$3),4),18),*!) - $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$3),2) $+ $chr(93) Can't Found in the shitlist Users File. } 
      if (%rlst) {
        write -dl $+ %line TEXT\shitlist.txt
        access # delete deny $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$3),4)
        msg $chan $chr(91) $+ %rlst $+ $chr(93) Removed of the shitlist.  
      if ($4 == $null) { msg $chan $chr(91) End. $chr(93) |  halt }
      var %rlst = $read(text\shitlist.txt,w,$+(*,$findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$4),2),)) 
      var %line $readn
      if (!%rlst) { msg $chan $chr(91) $+ $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$4),4),18),*!) - $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$4),2) $+ $chr(93) Can't Found in the shitlist Users File. } 
      if (%rlst) {
        write -dl $+ %line TEXT\shitlist.txt
        access # delete deny $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$4),4)
        msg $chan $chr(91) $+ %rlst $+ $chr(93) Removed of the shitlist.  
      if ($5 == $null) { msg $chan $chr(91) End. $chr(93) |  halt }
      var %rlst = $read(text\shitlist.txt,w,$+(*,$findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$5),2),)) 
      var %line $readn
      if (!%rlst) { msg $chan $chr(91) $+ $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$5),4),18),*!) - $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$5),2) $+ $chr(93) Can't Found in the shitlist Users File. } 
      if (%rlst) {
        write -dl $+ %line TEXT\shitlist.txt
        access # delete deny $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$5),4)
        msg $chan $chr(91) $+ %rlst $+ $chr(93) Removed of the shitlist.  
      if ($6 == $null) { msg $chan $chr(91) End. $chr(93) |  halt }
      var %rlst = $read(text\shitlist.txt,w,$+(*,$findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$6),2),)) 
      var %line $readn
      if (!%rlst) { msg $chan $chr(91) $+ $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$6),4),18),*!) - $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$6),2) $+ $chr(93) Can't Found in the shitlist Users File. } 
      if (%rlst) {
        write -dl $+ %line TEXT\shitlist.txt
        access # delete deny $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$6),4)
        msg $chan $chr(91) $+ %rlst $+ $chr(93) Removed of the shitlist.  
      if ($7 == $null) { msg $chan $chr(91) End. $chr(93) |  halt }
      var %rlst = $read(text\shitlist.txt,w,$+(*,$findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$7),2),)) 
      var %line $readn
      if (!%rlst) { msg $chan $chr(91) $+ $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$7),4),18),*!) - $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$7),2) $+ $chr(93) Can't Found in the shitlist Users File. } 
      if (%rlst) {
        write -dl $+ %line TEXT\shitlist.txt
        access # delete deny $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$7),4)
        msg $chan $chr(91) $+ %rlst $+ $chr(93) Removed of the shitlist.  
      if ($8 == $null) { msg $chan $chr(91) End. $chr(93) |  halt }
      var %rlst = $read(text\shitlist.txt,w,$+(*,$findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$8),2),)) 
      var %line $readn
      if (!%rlst) { msg $chan $chr(91) $+ $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$8),4),18),*!) - $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$8),2) $+ $chr(93) Can't Found in the shitlist Users File. } 
      if (%rlst) {
        write -dl $+ %line TEXT\shitlist.txt
        access # delete deny $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$8),4)
        msg $chan $chr(91) $+ %rlst $+ $chr(93) Removed of the shitlist.  
      if ($9 == $null) { msg $chan $chr(91) End. $chr(93) |  halt }
      var %rlst = $read(text\shitlist.txt,w,$+(*,$findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$9),2),)) 
      var %line $readn
      if (!%rlst) { msg $chan $chr(91) $+ $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$9),4),18),*!) - $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$9),2) $+ $chr(93) Can't Found in the shitlist Users File. } 
      if (%rlst) {
        write -dl $+ %line TEXT\shitlist.txt
        access # delete deny $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$9),4)
        msg $chan $chr(91) $+ %rlst $+ $chr(93) Removed of the shitlist.  
      if ($10 == $null) { msg $chan $chr(91) End. $chr(93) |  halt }
      var %rlst = $read(text\shitlist.txt,w,$+(*,$findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$10),2),)) 
      var %line $readn
      if (!%rlst) { msg $chan $chr(91) $+ $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$10),4),18),*!) - $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$10),2) $+ $chr(93) Can't Found in the shitlist Users File. } 
      if (%rlst) {
        write -dl $+ %line TEXT\shitlist.txt
        access # delete deny $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$10),4)
        msg $chan $chr(91) $+ %rlst $+ $chr(93) Removed of the shitlist.  
      if ($11 == $null) { msg $chan $chr(91) End. $chr(93) |  halt }
      var %rlst = $read(text\shitlist.txt,w,$+(*,$findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$11),2),)) 
      var %line $readn
      if (!%rlst) { msg $chan $chr(91) $+ $remove($left($findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$11),4),18),*!) - $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kicklog.txt,$11),2) $+ $chr(93) Can't Found in the shitlist Users File. } 
      if (%rlst) {
        write -dl $+ %line TEXT\shitlist.txt
        access # delete deny $findkick($read(TEXT\Kicklog\kickadress.txt,$11),4)
        msg $chan $chr(91) $+ %rlst $+ $chr(93) Removed of the shitlist.  
      if ($12 == !$null) { msg $chan $chr(91) End. $chr(93) |  halt }

    i hope i could get help ... please test it .... thx for who will help !!

  5. well .. how to identify these modes ~ and & to work with nicklist so that i could add a specific icon with modes ~ &


    Im fed up with this


    Menu * {
      Custom Nicklist: NicklistEdit
    menu nicklist {
      .Add: { 
        var %numnicks $numtok($1-,32)
        while (%numnicks >= 1) {
          if ($checknicks($gettok($1-,%numnicks,32)) == false) {
            if ($dialog(nicklistedit) != $null) { did -a nicklistedit 31 $gettok($1-,%numnicks,32) }
            set %nl.specialnicks $gettok($1-,%numnicks,32) $+ $chr(44) $+ %nl.specialnicks 
          dec %numnicks
      .Remove: { 
        var %nickloc 1
        while (%nickloc <= $numtok($1-,32)) {
          if ($dialog(nicklistedit) != $null) { 
            var %x 1
            while (%x <= $did(nicklistedit,31,0).lines) {
              if ($did(nicklistedit,31,%x).text == $gettok($1-,%nickloc,32)) { did -d nicklistedit 31 %x }
              inc %x
          var %y 1 
          while (%y <= $numtok(%nl.specialnicks,44)) {
            if ($gettok(%nl.specialnicks,%y,44) != $gettok($1-,%nickloc,32)) { set %nl.temp_specialnicks $gettok(%nl.specialnicks,%y,44) $+ $chr(44) $+ %nl.temp_specialnicks }
            inc %y
          set %nl.specialnicks %nl.temp_specialnicks
          unset %nl.temp_*
          inc %nickloc
    #visiblewho off
    raw 352:*: { haltdef }
    raw 315:*: { haltdef | dec %whochan | if (%whochan <= 0) { .disable #visiblewho | unset %whochan } }
    #visiblewho end
    alias drawcolorpreview {
      window -hBpf +d @temp.colour -1 -1 16 16
      drawrect -fr @temp.colour $1 1 0 0 16 16
      drawsave @temp.colour " $+ $scriptdirIcons\ $+ $2 $+ .bmp $+ "
      window -c @temp.colour
    alias nicklust { return $shortfn($scriptdirdlls\nicklust.dll) }
    alias colordll { return $shortfn($scriptdirdlls\color.dll) } 
    on *:join:*:{
      if ($nick == $me) {
        if (%whochan == $null) set %whochan 1
        else set %whochan $calc(%whochan + 1)
        .nicklist #
        .enable #visiblewho
        .who #
    alias nicktt {
      if ($1 == color) {
        if ($3 == $me) return %nl.owntext
        elseif ($istokcs(%nl.specialnicks,$3,44)) return %nl.specialtext
        elseif ($3 ishop $active) return %nl.halftext
        elseif ($3 isop $active) return %nl.optext
        elseif ($3 isvoice $active) return %nl.voicetext
        return %nl.regtext
      if ($1 == tooltip) {
        return Nickname: $3 $+ $crlf $+ Address: $address( $+ $3 $+ ,1) $+ $crlf $+ Status: $getStatus($3,$active)
    alias getStatus {
      if ($istokcs(%nl.specialnicks,$1,44)) return Friends
      elseif ($1 == $me) return Yourself
      elseif ($1 ishop $2) return Halfops
      elseif ($1 isop $2) return Operator
      elseif ($1 isvoice $2) return Voice
      else return Regular
    alias nicklist {
      dll $nicklust Mark $1 > nicktt borderselect autoarrange balloon
      dll $nicklust SetTipTitle $1 1 > Nickname Info
      dll $nicklust SetTipDelay $1 roll default
      dll $nicklust SetTipColor $1 text %nl.tiptext
      dll $nicklust SetTipColor $1 bkg %nl.tipbkg
      dll $nicklust SetHeaderText $1 > $1
      dll $nicklust SetIcon $1 op > $shortfn(%nl.operator)
      dll $nicklust SetIcon $1 voice > $shortfn(%nl.voice)
      dll $nicklust SetIcon $1 normal > $shortfn(%nl.regular)
      dll $nicklust SetIcon $1 halfop > $shortfn(%nl.halfops)
      dll $nicklust SetColor $1 bkg %nl.bkgcolor
    alias nicklistedit {
      Dialog -m nicklistedit nicklistedit
    alias checknicks {
      var %x 1
      while (%x <= $numtok(%nl.specialnicks,44)) {
        if ($gettok(%nl.specialnicks,%x,44) == $1) {
          return true
        inc %x
      return false
    alias updatenickicon {
      var %x = 1
      while (%x <= $chan(0)) {
        nicklist $chan(%x)
        inc %x
    dialog NicklistEdit {
      title "Nicklist Preferences"
      size -1 -1 366 218
      option pixels
      tab "Icons", 1, 7 6 350 178
      edit %nl.operator, 4, 61 50 251 19, tab 1 autohs
      edit %nl.voice, 5, 61 85 251 19, tab 1 autohs
      edit %nl.regular, 6, 61 155 251 19, tab 1 autohs
      edit %nl.halfops, 38, 61 118 251 19, tab 1 autohs
      icon 7, 25 35 32 32,  $shortfn($scriptdirIcons\Operator.ico), 0, tab 1
      icon 8, 25 70 32 32,  $shortfn($scriptdirIcons\Voice.ico), 0, tab 1
      icon 9, 25 140 32 32,  $shortfn($scriptdirIcons\Normal.ico), 0, tab 1
      icon 37, 25 105 32 32, $shortfn($scriptdirIcons\Halfops.ico), 0, tab 1
      button "...", 12, 315 53 20 15, tab 1
      button "...", 13, 315 88 20 15, tab 1
      button "...", 14, 315 158 20 15, tab 1
      button "...", 40, 315 123 20 15, tab 1
      text "Operators", 15, 62 37 52 13, tab 1
      text "Voice", 16, 62 71 28 13, tab 1
      text "Normal", 17, 62 142 36 13, tab 1
      text "Halfops", 39, 62 105 50 13, tab 1
      tab "Colours", 2
      text "Operator (+o)", 18, 32 91 89 13, tab 2
      text "Voice (+v)", 19, 32 119 89 13, tab 2
      text "Normal", 20, 149 91 89 13, tab 2
      text "Friends", 21, 149 119 89 13, tab 2
      text "Own Nick", 22, 149 147 89 13, tab 2
      text "Background", 23, 263 147 89 13, tab 2
      text "Halfops (+h)", 41, 32 147 89 13, tab 2
      text "Info Text", 43, 263 91 89 13, tab 2
      text "Info Background", 45, 263 119 89 13, tab 2
      icon 24, 12 86 16 16,  $shortfn($scriptdirIcons\DoNotDel.bmp), 0, tab 2
      icon 25, 12 114 16 16,  $shortfn($scriptdirIcons\DoNotDel.bmp), 0, tab 2
      icon 26, 129 86 16 16,  $shortfn($scriptdirIcons\DoNotDel.bmp), 0, tab 2
      icon 27, 129 114 16 16,  $shortfn($scriptdirIcons\DoNotDel.bmp), 0, tab 2
      icon 28, 129 142 16 16,  $shortfn($scriptdirIcons\DoNotDel.bmp), 0, tab 2
      icon 29, 243 141 16 16,  $shortfn($scriptdirIcons\DoNotDel.bmp), 0, tab 2
      icon 42, 12 142 16 16, $shortfn($scriptdirIcons\DoNotDel.bmp), 0, tab 2
      icon 44, 243 85 16 16, $shortfn($scriptdirIcons\DoNotDel.bmp), 0, tab 2
      icon 46, 243 113 16 16, $shortfn($scriptdirIcons\DoNotDel.bmp), 0, tab 2
      text "To change the colour of the nick of the different groups, just click on the colour and the colour selection dialog will appear.", 30, 50 39 272 41, tab 2 center
      tab "Friends List", 3
      text "New Friend", 36, 22 42 89 19, tab 3
      list 31, 180 33 140 145, tab 3 sort extsel hsbar vsbar
      edit "", 32, 22 55 140 19, tab 3 autohs
      button "Add", 33, 18 77 50 23, tab 3
      button "Remove", 34, 68 77 50 23, tab 3
      button "Clear", 35, 118 77 50 23, tab 3
      button "&Save", 10, 85 190 89 23, ok
      button "&Cancel", 11, 191 190 89 23
    on *:dialog:NicklistEdit:*:*:{
      if ($devent == init) {
        var %x 1
        while (%x <= $numtok(%nl.specialnicks,44)) {
          did -a NicklistEdit 31 $gettok(%nl.specialnicks,%x,44)
          inc %x
        if ($exists($shortfn(%nl.operator)) == $true) { did -g NicklistEdit 7 $shortfn(%nl.operator) }
        else { set %nl.operator $scriptdirIcons\Parrot.ico | did -ar NicklistEdit 4 %nl.operator }
        if ($exists($shortfn(%nl.voice)) == $true) { did -g NicklistEdit 8 $shortfn(%nl.voice) }
        else { set %nl.voice $scriptdirIcons\Jelly.ico | did -ar NicklistEdit 5 %nl.voice }
        if ($exists($shortfn(%nl.regular)) == $true) { did -g NicklistEdit 9 $shortfn(%nl.regular) }
        else { set %nl.regular $scriptdirIcons\SeaStar.ico | did -ar NicklistEdit 6 %nl.regular }
        if ($exists($shortfn(%nl.halfops)) == $true) { did -g NicklistEdit 37 $shortfn(%nl.halfops) }
        else { set %nl.halfops $scriptdirIcons\Halfops.ico | did -ar NicklistEdit 38 %nl.halfops }
        drawcolorpreview %nl.optext Operator | did -g NicklistEdit 24 $shortfn($ScriptdirIcons\Operator.bmp)
        drawcolorpreview %nl.voicetext Voice | did -g NicklistEdit 25 $shortfn($ScriptdirIcons\Voice.bmp)
        drawcolorpreview %nl.regtext Regular | did -g NicklistEdit 26 $shortfn($ScriptdirIcons\Regular.bmp)
        drawcolorpreview %nl.specialtext Friends | did -g NicklistEdit 27 $shortfn($ScriptdirIcons\Friends.bmp)
        drawcolorpreview %nl.owntext Ownself | did -g NicklistEdit 28 $shortfn($ScriptdirIcons\Ownself.bmp)
        drawcolorpreview %nl.bkgcolor bckgrd | did -g NicklistEdit 29 $shortfn($ScriptdirIcons\bckgrd.bmp)
        drawcolorpreview %nl.tiptext infotxt | did -g NicklistEdit 44 $shortfn($ScriptdirIcons\infotxt.bmp)
        drawcolorpreview %nl.tipbkg infobck | did -g NicklistEdit 46 $shortfn($ScriptdirIcons\infobck.bmp)
        drawcolorpreview %nl.halftext halfops | did -g NicklistEdit 42 $shortfn($ScriptdirIcons\halfops.bmp)
      if ($devent == sclick) {
        if ($did == 12) { set %nl.temp_operator $sfile($mircdir,Choose operator's icon,Done!) 
          if ($len(%nl.temp_operator) > 0) { did -g NicklistEdit 7 $shortfn(%nl.temp_operator) | did -ar NicklistEdit 4 %nl.temp_operator } 
        if ($did == 13) { set %nl.temp_voice $sfile($mircdir,Choose voice's icon,Done!)
          if ($len(%nl.temp_voice) > 0) { did -g NicklistEdit 8 $shortfn(%nl.temp_voice) | did -ar NicklistEdit 5 %nl.temp_voice }
        if ($did == 14) { set %nl.temp_regular $sfile($mircdir,Choose regular's icon,Done!)
          if ($len(%nl.temp_regular) > 0) { did -g NicklistEdit 9 $shortfn(%nl.temp_regular) | did -ar NicklistEdit 6 %nl.temp_regular }
        if ($did == 40) { set %nl.temp_halfops $sfile($mircdir,Choose regular's icon,Done!)
          if ($len(%nl.temp_halfops) > 0) { did -g NicklistEdit 37 $shortfn(%nl.temp_halfops) | did -ar NicklistEdit 38 %nl.temp_halfops }
        if ($did == 24) { 
          set %nl.temp_optext $dll($colordll,Color,.)) 
          if (%nl.temp_optext != $false) { drawcolorpreview %nl.temp_optext Operator | did -g NicklistEdit 24 $shortfn($ScriptdirIcons\Operator.bmp) }
        if ($did == 25) { 
          set %nl.temp_voicetext $dll($colordll,Color,.))
          if (%nl.temp_voicetext != $false) { drawcolorpreview %nl.temp_voicetext Voice | did -g NicklistEdit 25 $shortfn($ScriptdirIcons\Voice.bmp) }
        if ($did == 26) { 
          set %nl.temp_regtext $dll($colordll,Color,.)) 
          if (%nl.temp_regtext != $false) { drawcolorpreview %nl.temp_regtext Regular | did -g NicklistEdit 26 $shortfn($ScriptdirIcons\Regular.bmp) }
        if ($did == 27) { 
          set %nl.temp_specialtext $dll($colordll,Color,.))      
          if (%nl.temp_specialtext != $false) { drawcolorpreview %nl.temp_specialtext Friends | did -g NicklistEdit 27 $shortfn($ScriptdirIcons\Friends.bmp) }
        if ($did == 28) { 
          set %nl.temp_owntext $dll($colordll,Color,.))
          if (%nl.temp_owntext != $false) { drawcolorpreview %nl.temp_owntext Ownself | did -g NicklistEdit 28 $shortfn($ScriptdirIcons\Ownself.bmp) }
        if ($did == 29) { 
          set %nl.temp_bkgcolor $dll($colordll,Color,.)) 
          if (%nl.temp_bkgcolor != $false) { drawcolorpreview %nl.temp_bkgcolor bckgrd | did -g NicklistEdit 29 $shortfn($ScriptdirIcons\bckgrd.bmp) }
        if ($did == 42) { 
          set %nl.temp_halftext $dll($colordll,Color,.)) 
          if (%nl.temp_halftext != $false) { drawcolorpreview %nl.temp_halftext halfops | did -g NicklistEdit 42 $shortfn($ScriptdirIcons\halfops.bmp) }
        if ($did == 44) { 
          set %nl.temp_tiptext $dll($colordll,Color,.)) 
          if (%nl.temp_tiptext != $false) { drawcolorpreview %nl.temp_tiptext infotxt | did -g NicklistEdit 44 $shortfn($ScriptdirIcons\infotxt.bmp) }
        if ($did == 46) { 
          set %nl.temp_tipbkg $dll($colordll,Color,.)) 
          if (%nl.temp_tipbkg != $false) { drawcolorpreview %nl.temp_tipbkg infobck | did -g NicklistEdit 46 $shortfn($ScriptdirIcons\infobck.bmp) }
        if ($did == 33) { 
          if ($len($did(NicklistEdit,32).text) > 0) {
            if ($checknicks($did(NicklistEdit,32).text) == false) {
              did -a NicklistEdit 31 $did(NicklistEdit,32).text 
            did -r NicklistEdit 32 
        if ($did == 10) { 
          if ($len($did(NicklistEdit,4).text) >= 5 && $exists($shortfn($did(NicklistEdit,4).text)) == $true) { set %nl.operator $did(NicklistEdit,4).text }
          if ($len($did(NicklistEdit,5).text) >= 5 && $exists($shortfn($did(NicklistEdit,5).text)) == $true) { set %nl.voice $did(NicklistEdit,5).text }
          if ($len($did(NicklistEdit,6).text) >= 5 && $exists($shortfn($did(NicklistEdit,6).text)) == $true) { set %nl.regular $did(NicklistEdit,6).text }
          if ($len($did(NicklistEdit,38).text) >= 5 && $exists($shortfn($did(NicklistEdit,38).text)) == $true) { set %nl.halfops $did(NicklistEdit,38).text }
          if (%nl.temp_optext != $false) && (%nl.temp_optext != $null) { set %nl.optext %nl.temp_optext }
          if (%nl.temp_voicetext != $false) && (%nl.temp_voicetext != $null)  { set %nl.voicetext %nl.temp_voicetext }
          if (%nl.temp_regtext != $false) && (%nl.temp_regtext != $null)  { set %nl.regtext %nl.temp_regtext }
          if (%nl.temp_bkgcolor != $false) && (%nl.temp_bkgcolor != $null)  { set %nl.bkgcolor %nl.temp_bkgcolor }
          if (%nl.temp_owntext != $false) && (%nl.temp_owntext != $null)  { set %nl.owntext %nl.temp_owntext }
          if (%nl.temp_specialtext != $false) && (%nl.temp_specialtext != $null)  { set %nl.specialtext %nl.temp_specialtext }
          if (%nl.temp_halftext != $false) && (%nl.temp_halftext != $null)  { set %nl.halftext %nl.temp_halftext }
          if (%nl.temp_tiptext != $false) && (%nl.temp_tiptext != $null)  { set %nl.tiptext %nl.temp_tiptext }
          if (%nl.temp_tipbkg != $false) && (%nl.temp_tipbkg != $null)  { set %nl.tipbkg %nl.temp_tipbkg }
          if ($did(NicklistEdit,31,0).lines > 0) {
            var %x 1
            unset %nl.specialnicks
            while (%x <= $did(NicklistEdit,31,0).lines) {
              set %nl.specialnicks $did(NicklistEdit,31,%x).text $+ $chr(44) $+ %nl.specialnicks
              inc %x
          if ($did(NicklistEdit,31,0).lines <= 0) { unset %nl.specialnicks }
          unset %nl.temp*
        if ($did == 34) && ($did(NicklistEdit,31,0).sel != 0) { did -d NicklistEdit 31 $did(NicklistEdit,31).sel }
        if ($did == 35) { did -r NicklistEdit 31 }
        if ($did == 11) { unset %nl.temp* | dialog -x NicklistEdit }

  6. look how the nicklist appears .. i need it constant instead of the regular nicklist .. beside


    i get this error and hammer never appeared


    * /dll: unable to open file 'C:\Documents' (line 49, nicklist.mrc)


  7. im sorry one more thing ... someone made me this and its working

    on ^*:TEXT:*:#:if ($nick isreg #) { inc -eu21000 %trig.word. [ $+ [ # ] $+ ] . [ $+ [ $nick ] ] }


    but i want to message in the channel every six hours the highest 20 users in words

    some help please ....

  8. Thats exactly what it's supposed to do, so uhh, it works perfectly. Change $address to $nick if you like. Anyone can change their nick, but you cant change your $address.


    Quick question about your code? HOw would they amass letters if they are not voiced? Or is the room not moderated and the +v shows your involvement level?


    true .. my rooms are not moderated .. if u'd like to have a look on my server ... you can add me on msn [email protected] ... i'd be glad ...

    and i still want a code which works on my code .. or related with it .. thx

  9. good idea err0r.


    on *:start:{
    if (!$hget(top20)) hmake top20 100
    if ($file(top20.txt).shortfn) hload top20 $ifmatch
    alias h_top20 {
    if ($hget(top20)) hsave -o top20 top20.txt
    on *:exit:h_top20
    on *:disconnect:h_top20
    on *:text:*:#:hinc top20 $address
    on *:action:*:#:hinc top20 $address


    This should count every text and action and store it in a hash table named 'top20' based on their $address.


    You can use $hget(top20,0).item to get the total number of users logged then use a while loop to scan the table. I think I would /hadd -m a second temporary table to store the top20, then /hfree the table after I finished with it. Or you could write it to a text file and /play it.


    well ... thats not working i tried it ... it keeps the gate address .. not the nicknames .. and i want the nicknames to be auto messaged every 6 hours in the channel

  10. well .. im using this code with users so they can get +v .. they have to say 2000 letters and 150 lines , if we can make a code which tells me the top 20 who get +v in a single room ... related with that code .. i'd be very thankfull !!!

    On @*:text:*:#:if ($nick isreg #) { inc -u2000 %av. [ $+ [ # ] $+ ] . [ $+ [ $nick ] ] | if (%av. [ $+ [ # ] $+ ] . [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= 125) { mode # +v $nick 125.lines | msg # 4 $nick , 11 You Have Been Voiced Due to ur Activity in the last minutes | unset %av. [ $+ [ # ] $+ ] . [ $+ [ $nick ] ] } }
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