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Everything posted by Warrior124

  1. Just got through submitting an addon for upload. This addon does two things. One is a direction finder from Mapquest where you type in two addresses (directions <starting address> - <ending address>) to find your destination. The other gives you information on current weather situations from The Weather Channel. Just type in (weather <city>, or <city, state>, or just the zipcode)
  2. Nah, it was because they weren't hosting then. The nikclist recognizes sysops, and admins by taking a look at a certain thing contained in their gates, and that is why you still see the (Admin), or (Sysop).
  3. New image of webchatz.koach.com. I added new icons to the status list.
  4. Thanks, bro. This will be ready soon.
  5. Sorry Travis. It is resized.
  6. Here is a screen shot I did of the current addon I'm working on, WebchatZ.Koach.com.
  7. When reading from a text file you need to use a special code to do that with. I've noticed that simply having... if ($nick isin $read(sometext.txt))... or if (* $+ $nick $+ * iswm $read(sometext.txt)) won't work most of the time. So, try this code... on *:JOIN:#: { if ($read(File.txt,w,* $+ $nick $+ *)) mode $chan +v $nick else { mode $chan +b $ial($nick).addr 5 kick $chan $nick Sorry $nick $+ , but you aren't on my list. } }
  8. I want to grow up to be like x-fusion. Just kidding, bro, lol. It seems you do have some admirers, though.
  9. Warrior124


    I'm currently working on one where you can use on just about any chat site. It should be released soon.
  10. Thanks, x-fusion, and hixxy. I'll give it a try.
  11. Yes. Just use //msg %#b-Room Blah
  12. The IRC Challenge is over. This challenge was extended to a total of 4 forums in the hopes of getting alot of people involved. However, there were just a total of 2 entries . The winner is Hixxy from Techgear for being the least in size... alias c var %i $len($1),%r | while $mid($1,%i,1) { %r = $+($iif($v1 !isalnum,$v1,$chr($calc(219-$asc($v1)))),%r) | dec %i } | return $left(%r,$len($1)) size: 69kbs Congradulations, Hixxy
  13. Awwwww Just kidding, lol. Here is another hint. Well, I'll just go ahead, and give it away, lol. Now, with this hint can anyone guess what needs to done to decypher the code, and implement it into an alias?
  14. lol, I thought there would be more entries than this about now. Is it too hard, or something? Are there anyone else working on this, or has everyone given up, already, lol?
  15. Even though regex is used in mirc this challenge is to make your own code. Great work with the first code. One more day, people.
  16. lol, I wanted to make a simple one for people to do, but yes. You need to make a code to decode the text since this is an mirc challenge.
  17. lol, the code actually says something in english. Try again.
  18. This is an irc challenge. The challenge is to decode the text listed below. Decode the text, and display the code you used to decode the text. The code with the least size wins. This challenge will go on for two days. Hint: The key lies inside the alphabet. This is a complete sentence.
  19. I was wondering if this is possible? The reason I would like an addon like this is because I would like to see an addon where you can mute the CD you are watching from your pc's cd-rom whenever it spots certain words in the closed captioning. I'm currently about to start on an addon that will make a window in mirc to where you can watch your cd movies.
  20. HA, I've been here for quite awhile now. You all have driven me nuts. Just kidding, lol. You all have been a great bunch of people, and I believe you will think so, too, Game Master. Welcome to TechGear.
  21. You can use this. Don't know if this is something you're looking for. If it isn't can you go more into detail? menu menubar,channel,status { Edit Colors:/colors - Edit Font:/font - } alias colors { if ($com(colors)) .comclose colors .comopen colors WScript.Shell .comclose colors $com(colors,Sendkeys,3,bstr,$+($(%,0),K)) } These are remote commands to open mircs color dialog, or font dialog box. You can also do this just from the "View" menu as well.
  22. You can return how many lines are in the window though $line(@windowname,0)
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