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Posts posted by Luky¬

  1. X-Fusion i want to ask some question about "THE CHAT THAT WE DARE NOT SPEAK IT'S NAME" from jay my english is poooooor so please understand and ask him. My friend i don't mention his name he buy a chatroom in "THE CHAT THAT WE DARE NOT SPEAK IT'S NAME". when he pay for the chatroom for some reason he don't visit his room . After 2 weeks later the room is not in list and when he join that room its want to create. He going to BSR helpdesk and they said for supporting a chatroom you need to idle there. looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool. My friend also don't understand the policy for Buzz*en if they want us to idle there then what we pay for? 2nd think on my view "THE CHAT THAT WE DARE NOT SPEAK IT'S NAME" thinks they rocks but tell me 1 thing when msnchat alive wherez buzz*n then? i bet if msnchat he reopen again they die within 1 sec. Last thing is they use msnchat ocx and its not good its a crime even in future no company will accept bu*zzen to with contract with them or give him advertise. So there is not good image of "THE CHAT THAT WE DARE NOT SPEAK IT'S NAME" at this time and in future too because they start with msn ocx. And last thing if they made his own ocx its good if they but they never ever beat microsoft ocx. Because MS is best and rocks. MS is a big company and legends of computers. :( thats all

  2. in old i see in oak scripts i saw a nicklist same like in msn shows.. but in mirc... i guess they edit mirc or don't know if we use nicklist.. some time its create problem for us... like when flooder comes its invisble and some time not shows nick in chatrooms. why u r not edit mirc or make any command who shows us real nicks in mirc nick menu ?

  3. Ozzy i have a question i guess there is not a right place.. in someone else message but would you fix a command for me to join script when d/c (disconnect) i have the command but when i reconnect it can't be join group chat give me a message like group does not create etc...but in group chat lots of ppls there so could you help me with it ? i want to join group too when i was dc as well

  4. ;Auto rejoin when disconnected - Vincula 
    ;What makes this different to all other auto rejoin when disconnected? 
    ;Answer: this rejoins all the rooms that you've been disconnected from. 
    ;  - It gets back into all the rooms you've been disconnected from. 
    ;  - Leaves twice as many status windows open [when you d/c, it doesn't replace status windows] 
    ;  - May not rejoin the first room you joined [glitches in the variable] 
    ;Created by The Gate Keeper for Vincula Purposes Only 
    ;Modifications are allowed to suite your needs and your connections 
    ;Please leave credit somewhere though :D 
    ;Note: This requires you to be disconnected from all chatrooms 
    ;before it kicks in and starts rejoining again. 
    menu * { 
     Rejoin when Disconnect 
     .$iif(%msn.rjwd == on,$style(2)) Turn On : %msn.rjwd = on 
     .$iif(%msn.rjwd != on,$style(2)) Turn Off : unset %msn.rjwd 
    alias msn.arecon { 
     if (!$sock(msn.look.main)) || (!$sock(msn.look.comm)) msn.lookcon 
     elseif ($hget(hold.room,0).item == 0) .timerrecon1 off 
     else msn $chr(37) $+ $hget(hold.room,1).item 
    on *:START: hmake hold.room 1 
    on me:*:JOIN:#: { 
     if (%msn.rjwd == on) && ($hget(hold.room,0).item > 0) { 
       var %r = $hget(hold.room,1).item 
       msn $iif(#G_* iswm %r,-c) $chr(37) $+ %r 
       hdel hold.room %r 
    on *:DISCONNECT: { 
     if (%msn.rjwd == on) { 
       var %l = 1 
       while ($scon(%l)) { 
         scid $ifmatch 
         if ($scid($ifmatch).status != disconnected) { break | return } 
         elseif ($hget(msn. $+ $cid)) hadd -m hold.room $right($hget(msn. $+ $cid,fullroom),-1) $right($hget(msn. $+ $cid,shortroom),-1) 
         scid -r | inc %l 
       msn.arecon | .timerrecon1 20 10 msn.arecon 


    This code is not working for groups in vincula.. When i was dc in my group like iam using dialup and my internet dc (disconnect ) its again join but gives me error like this group is not created blah blah... i guess its do /msn G_group name but if we join group the command is like /joins -c G_group name could you fix it for group please ? Iam really thankfull to you and hole tg007 team Thanks in advance


  5. I have the same problem in ISA server client.. Iam on Net cable through LAN. Iam homeuser.. When i join msnchat/groups in few mins my cup is disable and starting retry message even i trying to join chatrooms with script but i can't its not connect...

  6. I just come here to need a help..This days some lamers disturb us in group using passport flooder they come with lots of ids ping the chatroom , away flood , emoticons flood and disconnect members in group.Our group is running well so we can't off the membership some time 3 users join our group chatroom in 1sec.So i need a simple addon but 1st to tell you..That iam using dialup 3kb/sec and when flooder is come my script is floodout or don't know it dc so have any command who works in 3kb/sec and protect room though 50 flood nicks ? Im using vincula 4.9 edited who enable to run in groups chat.. so any good idea how we protect room from flooders? any socket ? raw? Thanks in Advance..


    This code i use i don't made but change some lines.

    --------------------------------------------- Passportflood Protection
    on @1:JOIN:#: {
     if (%passportflood == On) {
       inc -u3 %ppf. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
       var %p = %ppf. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] , %s = sockwrite -n msn.server. $+ $cid
       if (%p == 3) %s access $msn.get($cid,fullroom) add deny $address 0 : $+ Passport Flooding
       if (%p >= 3) { 
         %s kick $chan $nick : $+ Please Stop flooding / Identity $mask($fulladdress,1) / Reason: Violation of Microsoft Code of Conduct!
         writeini banlist.ini banlist $address($nick,1) Flooder
    on @1:PART:#: {
     if (%passportflood == On) {
       inc -u3 %ppf. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
       var %p = %ppf. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] , %s = sockwrite -n msn.server. $+ $cid
       if (%p == 4) %s access $msn.get($cid,fullroom) add deny $address 0 : $+ Passport Flooding Left
       if (%p >= 4) { 
         writeini banlist.ini banlist $address($nick,1) Flooder Left
    --------------------------------------------- Passportflood Protection End
    --------------------------------------------- Limit Protection
    #limitprot off
    on *:JOIN:*: { 
     if ($nick != $me) { 
       if ($calc($nick($chan,0) + 3) <= 100) { 
         .timer.limit 1 3 mode $!chr(37) $!+ $right($chan,-1) +l $calc($nick($chan,0) + 3) 
    on *:PART:*: { 
     if ($calc($nick($chan,0) + 3) <= 100) { 
       .timer.limit 1 3 mode $!chr(37) $!+ $right($chan,-1) +l $calc($nick($chan,0) + 3) 
    on *:KICK:*: { 
     if ($calc($nick($chan,0) + 3) <= 100) { 
       .timer.limit 1 2 mode $!chr(37) $!+ $right($chan,-1) +l $calc($nick($chan,0) + 3) 
    on *:MODE:#: { 
     if ($nick != $me) || ($nick !isowner $comchan($nick,1)) { 
       if ($calc($nick($chan,0) + 3) <= 100) .timer.limit 1 3 mode $!chr(37) $!+ $right($chan,-1) +l $calc($nick($chan,0) + 3) 
    #limitprot end
    --------------------------------------------- Limit Protection End
    --------------------------------------------- Menu
    menu * {
     Passport Flood
     .On: /set %passportflood On
     .Off: /unset %passportflood
     $iif($group(#limitprot) == On,$style(1)) $+ Room Limiter
     .$iif($group(#limitprot) == On,$style(3)) On:enable #limitprot
     .$iif($group(#limitprot) != On,$style(3)) Off:disable #limitprot
    --------------------------------------------- Menu End

    writeini banlist.ini banlist $address($nick,1) this thing is mybanlist when 5 nicks left in 1 sec my banlist add gates its good command but not well in 3kb/sec

  7. Oh My God... I create account in @msn.com my friend send me old msn explorer 7.0 or guess 6.0 exe setup i install latest explorer on my pc uninstall old one its create my id [email protected] but when its signin its ask me for update explorer i close it but but but when i signin My @msn.com account is open and activate Koooooooooooooooooooooool

  8. I just ask you don't know or what i want to make a email account of @msn.com not hotmail.com in old its possible but now i won't see any option to create account for @msn.com any idea ? Thanks in Advance.

  9. Hi Guys i need a little help but only a person who knows about xp lots he can help me.. Iam on cable 100MBPS. Im go to chat.msn.com and join a chat then install MSNCHAT ocx i mean see a smily face but when i join room its still connection but not connected.I think my cable server block msnchat but my friend whos same in my network join msnchat with XP. I have WIndows XP sp2 pro. I guess but not sure there some little proble or messup with my msnchat.. I install XP NTFS systems. I open Windows messengers when i open its always open a dialoge 1st for passport but today when i open its only asking my signin name and signin. 2nd thing windows messenger always want a update but today he don't warn or update.. So i there any setting who create problem with me? I delete MSNCHAT in download programe files clear my history , temp files and again install but still a problem. I use a way everytime go to system32 and paste msnchat45.ocx and inf file and register it manual but this thing also not works now... and still have problem to join a chat...in past i have same problem but when i restart my pc and open windows messenger he ask me to update it when its done msnchat problem is fisnish but today i restart my pc 6 times but windows messenger wont ask me for update and chat have still connecting problem so is there any way to solve it Thanks in advance. I open vincula4.9 edit register MSNCHATX.ocx but connection not establish and in nuclear ocxless connection also give me same problem.

  10. Some time peopls add members in owner level only a nick not a full gatekeeperpassport . Check your access level if you use owner,host access levels or in room access find if you put some one auto entry with nickname. always use full gatekeeper if you want to owner,host anyone.

  11. Hello Guys now a days iam using IE7.0 Explorer by Microsoft its create problem to me to establish chatconnection via script. When iam using 6.0 explorer with XP its done but create problem with IE7.0. I register MSNCHATX.ocx but done nothing anyone help to fix it?

  12. Hi Guys.... 1st i will explane something... These days some lamer use passport flooder in Groups. i need passport flooder kick addon i have but want to change or make it new..

    on ^*:join:#: {
     set -u1 %ppf. [ $+ [ $right($chan,-1) ] ] $addtok(%ppf. [ $+ [ $right($chan,-1) ] ],$nick,32)
     var %l = $count(%ppf. [ $+ [ $right($chan,-1) ] ],$chr(32))
     if (%passportflood = On) && (%l > 3) { sockwrite -tn msn.server. $+ $cid kick # $nick | return }
     if (%passportflood = On) && (%l == 3) {
       sockwrite -tn msn.server. $+ $cid kick # $replace(%ppf. [ $+ [ $right($chan,-1) ] ],$chr(32),$chr(44))
       writeini banlist.ini banlist $address($nick,1) Flooder
    }Code By Gatekeeper Edit by Me.

    in this code i'll edit it but this detect morethen 1 nick when joined room it kick and put in banlist and next time it will autobanlist them... I want code like if 2 user join chatroom they wont kicked but if user joined chatroom morethen 2 nicks Like 3,4,5 it will work and kick/banlist them... Help me.Some time if nick join morethen 30 nicks my script flood out and dc.... So i need code that my nick never dc and kick them all but remeber i need addon who kicked 3 nicks join not 2 nick command work 3 nicks and uper... Thankyou


    (using Vincula connection)

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