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Everything posted by hixxy

  1. hixxy


    To be quite honest I think it's funny if people rip my scripts. I like it when people ask them questions they can't answer, it teaches them a lesson. It's also a complement if somebody rips your script, but to each their own I guess.
  2. hixxy


    Anything above 100 means the ban will be permanent in the above alias.
  3. Just a basic channel lister for ChatsUSA.. (Click to enlarge) Edit: oh great.. I had a certain option set in mIRC which hid non-text channels so I thought you couldn't get the list via /list, so I made a lister that parses the website
  4. hixxy


    I made this.
  5. Another stupid mistake (making a lot of them lately :\). $gettok should be $deltok: alias loadsongs { if ($isfile(mp3s.txt)) filter -fk mp3s.txt addtodialog } alias addtodialog did -a mp3 1 $replace($duration($calc($mp3($1-).length /1000)),mins,m,secs,s,min,m,sec,s) $chr(9) $deltok($nopath($1-),-1,46)
  6. Yes they do. That limit is the amount of RAM you have left. You could write millions of entries to a single table without any problems except a huge speed drop as the table gets bigger. The size that you give to a hashtable when you create it using /hmake is not a size limit, but it is the size at which the table is created. Once you fill up the table it is expanded. This is why adding 10,000 items to a table with 100 as the size wouldn't be very efficient (because instead of just adding data, the table needs to be enlarged and the data is then added). Sorry about that I forgot to change %i to $1-: alias loadsongs { if ($isfile(mp3s.txt)) filter -fk mp3s.txt addtodialog } alias addtodialog did -a mp3 1 $replace($duration($calc($mp3($1-).length /1000)),mins,m,secs,s,min,m,sec,s) $chr(9) $gettok($nopath($1-),-1,46)
  7. Using one or a few hashtables will be quicker than a file, using a huge amount, however, will not.
  8. hixxy


    alias hop { inc -u2 $+(%,hop.,$cid,$iif(#* iswm $1,$v2,$chan)) .hop $1- echo <text for attempting to rejoin> } on me:*:join:#:{ if ($eval($+(%,hop.,$cid,$chan),2)) echo <text for successful rejoin> }
  9. Yes, it's possible, but you'll have to edit one of the mIRC options and use something like the following code: on *:dialog:info:init:*:{ ; Add the nick information into the dialog controls here. $snick($active,1) is the first selected nickname in the active window. } The mIRC option you have to change is in Alt+O > IRC > Mouse. Change the part next to "Nicklist:" under "Command to perform on double click" to "/dialog -m info info" without the quotes.
  10. Ugh I've got no idea where you read that but that is definitely not the best way to do it.
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