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Posts posted by 0bscuridad

  1. This is how it my look like ( my current theme, fugly i know, so save coments that says so )



    ( cant post this picture with the Picture tool, or set the link, cuz it converts some Caracters to their hex value (%20.....)


    btw theres a space after the _Secure/ and i cant take it off, when i submit the edited post it automaticly set the space there

    IPB Image

  2. on ^*:TEXT:*:#:{
     if ($nick isowner $chan) { echo $chan 4,0 $+ $str($chr(160),$calc(20 - $len($msn.decode($nick)))) $+ $msn.decode($nick) $chr(124) $+ 1 $+ $chr(187) $+ +q $+ $chr(171) $+ 4 $+ $chr(124) $+ $chr(58) $msn.decode($1-)  | halt }
     if ($nick isop $chan) { echo $chan 4,0 $+ $str($chr(160),$calc(20 - $len($msn.decode($nick)))) $+ $msn.decode($nick) $chr(124) $+ 1 $+ $chr(187) $+ +o $+ $chr(171) $+ 4 $+ $chr(124) $+ $chr(58) $msn.decode($1-)  | halt }
     else { echo $chan 4,0 $+ $str($chr(160),$calc(20 - $len($msn.decode($nick)))) $+ $msn.decode($nick) $chr(124) $+ 1 $+ $chr(187) $+ +v $+ $chr(171) $+ 4 $+ $chr(124) $+ $chr(58) $msn.decode($1-)  | halt }


    Use one of these font types: Lucida Console, Lucida Sans Typewriter, Fixedsys, Courier New.

  3. he wants something like:

    ..........................X-Fusion: Try this

    ..............The GateKeeper: Nah, do this. By the way, get Guardog.

    ......................0bscuridad: I have tryed to do this before.


    or something like this:

    X-Fusion...................: Try this

    The GateKeeper.......: Nah, do this. By the way, get Guardog.

    0bscuridad...............: I have tryed to do this before.


    ( dots are spaces )


    but look u may use a font that all letters aling like Fixedsys, Lucida Console, or courier new.

    set an specified lengt to the line so u may know how many spaces u want to add

    in here i chosed 20

    on *:TEXT:*:#:{

    echo $chan $str($chr(160),$calc(20 - $len($yourdecodealias($nick))) $+ $yourdecodealias($nick) $+ $chr(58) $1-


    This will make an echo to your script with the number of spaces needed to complete 40 caracters added with the $len of the decoded nickname,

    doesnt matter what nickname it is it will make a 20 character line with nickname and $chr(58) so the text follows the :


    decoded nick $len = 14

    number of spaces needed to get 20 = 6

    $str($chr(160),6) $+ Decodenickname $+ $chr(58)

    Aligned fonts




    Courier New




    Lucida Console





    ( lol i had never tryed this but it will work, i'll probably make my theme this way )


    ( dots are spaces )

  4. [users]

    I noticed the nickname is decoded, so u r using mIRC 6.17, on the on join command when u look for the link i think u r gonna have to use the $utfdecode to decode that nickname and look for it on the users ini, so try this

    on *:TEXT:!pic*:#:{
    if ($readini(userpics.ini,Users,$utfdecode($2)) {
    msg # $2 $+ 's pic is located here: $readini(userpics.ini,Users,$utfdecode($2))
    else halt

    if doesnt work, i'll have to use mIRC 6.17 to find a way to do it. Easy stuff, i just havnt tryed mIRC 6.17.

    mIRC 6.16 is the best one. the only thing that amazed me on 6.17 was the utf-8 decode feature.

  5. X-Fusion code should work for the picture link.

    on *:TEXT:!pic*:#:{
     if ($readini(userpics.ini,Users,$2-) {
       msg # $2- $+ 's pic is located here: $readini(userpics.ini,Users,$2-) 
     else halt

    Because the Value of the nickname on the ini file is the URL to his/her picture.

  6. im not sure if you can have the name on the url, because sometimes some characters rename by default to their value on hex, for example the "@" character its hex value on hes is 40 so the url will kind of like http://blahblahblah.com/userpics/blah%40blah.jpg so i think it would be a bad idea to do that, it could be better if you change his nickname to the hex value ( i dont know if you have an alias to do so ) but when u do that the whole nickname is converted to hex, like this:

    Nickname: ǿвšçµяίđลđ_м-т

    Hex Value: C7BFD0B2C5A1C3A7C2B5D18FCEAFC491E0B8A5C4915FD0BC2DD182

    u may want to set the picture name to the nickname hex value, that wopuld be easier.



    This is vincula's tohex converter

    alias msn.tohex {
     var %l 1, %r
     while (%l <= $len($1-)) {
       %r = %r $+ $base($asc($mid($1-,%l,1)),10,16,2)
       inc %l
     return %r

    so as i wxplained, to you on my first response, use same 2 things but with some litle changes on it

    on *:JOIN:#:{
    if ($readini(userpics.ini,Users,$nick)) {
    ;$readini(userpics.ini,Users,$nick) this will send the value given to the nick on the ini file, in this case, the link
    msg $chan $nick Picture: $readini(userpics.ini,Users,$nick)
    else { msg $chan User with no picture }
    menu nicklist {
    Picture Stats
    .User $iif($readini(userpics.ini,Users,$1),Have a picture,Do not have a picture) :/
    .Add/Replace picture :/writeini -n userpics.ini users $1 http://clahblah.com/userpics/ $+ $msn.tohex($1) $+ .jpg
    .Delete Picture :/remini userpics.ini users $1

  7. u could use writeini to save name on an ini file but about the picture, where do u want to get the picture from? or r u gonna set a picture for each user?

    on *:JOIN:#:{

    if ($readini(userpics.ini,Users,$nick)) { msg $chan $nick Picture: $readini(userpics.ini,Users,$nick) }

    else { msg $chan User with no picture }


    menu nicklist {

    Picture Stats

    .User $iif($readini(userpics.ini,Users,$1),Have a picture,Do not have a picture) :/


    .Add/Replace picture :/writeini -n userpics.ini users $1 $??="Picture URL"

    .Delete Picture :/remini userpics.ini users $1




    If need me to explain let me know

  8. sockwrite back to the user on the same sockname, this will replay like if u were a webchat user, not a script

    elseif ($2 == PRIVMSG) {
    if (:* iswm $4) {
    if (:TIME* iswm $4) {
    echo -a 9,1[ 0TIMECHECK 15by 0 $+ $yourdecodealias($remove($gettok($1,1,33),:)) $+  8]
    sockwrite -n $sockname NOTICE $remove($gettok($1,1,33),:) : $+ TIME $date(m/dd/yyyy) $+ $chr(44) $time(h:nn:ss TT) $+ 
    ;u may add a ping reply in here too
    elseif (:PING* iswm $4) {
    echo -a 9,1[ 0PINGCHECK 15by 0 $+ $yourdecodealias($remove($gettok($1,1,33),:)) $+  8]
    sockwrite -n $sockname NOTICE $remove($gettok($1,1,33),:) : $+ PING $5-

  9. Hello can someone tell me the code for a sidebar


    i want it so like when i click Kick on the sidebar it props up saying "Reason" and you enter the reason into there click ok and then it kicks them with that reason?


    and can you do one for Quick Ban Too so it Props Up And Says "Minutes" and you put in there how many minutes hes going to be banned for and the u click oka dn then it props up again saying "reason" and then you put your reason in there so when it kick it will say

    on *:dialog:blah:sclick:IDNo:{
     kick $active $gettok($did(37).seltext,6,32) $??="Reason"
    on *:dialog:blah:sclick:IDno:{
     set %timetoban $??="Time[On Minutes]"
     access $active add DENY $+(*!,$ial($gettok($did(37).seltext,6,32)).addr)) %timetoban :Baned By $me
     kick $active $gettok($did(37).seltext,6,32) $??="Reason" Baned For %timetoban Minutes

    Ok look at the $gettok thats cuz on my nicklist i have colors and Icons on it,

    and when i use the $did(IDno).seltext which is the sellected test on the Nick List, there are several numbers and stuff that came up there cuz of the colors and icons.

    if you dont use colors or anithing on there you may have to change that lil thing on the code.


    I recomed to add on the sclick code an echo -a $did(ListIDno).seltext so u can see where the nickname is, to edit the $gettok.

  10. 1. This updater only retrieves profile and ticket, what about the rest? You need more than that to get into groups or subscription rooms....

    As i said, u may add the old way of getting your subscriber info and user role by sockopen and sockwrite the renderchat.msnw web page on chat.msn.com

    and the group chat url to get the subscriber info, no problem if some one needs it, let me know to post the code.


    And i apologize to non windows 2000/XP users, i didnt test the updater on a operating system lower than windows XP ( i dont have Window 98 no more )


    I recommend using this updater by xnextx edite by me, because it uses Windows XP dll, not a dll made by someone else, this one is more secure, and do all the job faster, thnx to xnextx.

  11. Settings are saved on the mirc.ini file, u can save that file in other folder or back it up on a floppy disk, CD, wherever u want to.

    at the time u install mIRC again, do not open it, repleace the original mirc.ini file with the one u saved with your settings, and then open mIRC.exe.

    If you repleace mirc.ini while mIRC is open no changes will be made, and when u close mIRC it will save the settings it has at that time.

  12. Ok u guys, i fixed xnextx updater, just after it stop working, but i was gonna wait a few days to see what u guys will came up with lol,

    xnextx is the one who gave the best updater, but not 100% eficent, so here it is the Fixed, edited version that will work well on vincula:

    No other dll, no sockopen to any other server ( like this updater i saw on other webpabe ), just xnextx idea of using windows .dll

    u may repleace existing alias msn.sgetpp name or delete it to add this one on your script( on a separate document, or on the place the old updater was )

    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; MSN Updater by xnext Edited by 0bscuridad_M-T;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    ;;;;;;;;;;;;; Edited to work with Vincula 4.9, mIRC 6.x.x and Windows XP;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    alias msn.sgetpp {
     if (!%msnpp.email) || (!%msnpp.passwd) { 
       set %msnpp.email $??="E-mail[User Name]?"
       set %msnpp.passwd $??="Password?"
     set %msnpp.udurl /login2.srf
     if (*@hotmail.com iswm %msnpp.email) { set %msnpp.udpath loginnet.passport.com }
     elseif (*@msn.com iswm %msnpp.email) { set %msnpp.udpath msnialogin.passport.com }
     else { set %msnpp.udpath login.passport.com }
     set %msnpp.udinfo  Passport1.4 OrgVerb=GET,OrgURL=http%3A%2F%2Fchat%2Emsn%2Ecom,sign-in= $+ $replace(%msnpp.email,@,$+(%,40)) $+ ,pwd= $+ %msnpp.passwd $+ ,id=2260
     set %msnpp.udfurl %msnpp.udpath $+ %msnpp.udurl 
     set %msnpp.updt $ticks
     echo -at 9,1[ 0Updating 14PAssport Informacion for 0" $+ $msn.ini(selpp) $+ " 9]
     if ($com(auth)) { .comclose auth } 
     .comopen auth WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1 
     if ($comerr) { 
       .comreg winhttp5.1.dll 
       .comopen auth WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1 
       if ($comerr) { msnauths2 } 
     if (!$com(auth,Open,1,bstr,GET,bstr,https:// $+ %msnpp.udfurl)) { return } 
     if (!$com(auth,SetRequestHeader,1,bstr,Authorization,bstr,%msnpp.udinfo)) { return } 
     if (!$com(auth,SetRequestHeader,1,bstr,Host,bstr,$gettok(%msnpp.udfurl,1,47))) { return } 
     if (!$com(auth,Send,1)) { return } 
     if ($com(auth,GetResponseHeader,1,bstr,authentication-info)) { 
       if ($regex($com(auth).result,/'t=(.+)&p=(.+)'.+/)) { 
         msn.pticket $regml(1)
         msn.pprofile $regml(2)
         echo -at 9,1[ 15Passport 0Info for 0" $+ $msn.ini(selpp) $+ " 14has been 0Updated in ( $+ $calc(($ticks - %msnpp.updt) / 1000) secs.) 9]
       if ($com(auth)) { .comclose auth } 
     else { echo -at 4,1[ 0ERROR 4] - [ 15Updating proccess 0FAILED 15Check your e-mail and password 4] }


    if you r using xnextx original one, just repleace this line

    hadd msnauth info  Passport1.4 OrgVerb=GET,OrgURL=http%3A%2F%2Fmessenger%2Emsn%2Ecom,sign-in= $+ $hget(i,email) $+ ,pwd= $+ $hget(i,pass) $+ ,lc=1033,id=507,tw=40,fs=1,ru=http://messenger.msn.com,ct=1144530311,kpp=1,kv=7,ver=2.1.6000.1,rn=ceg1*TVA,tpf=9faff083fd5c6d2f96a5d8fca35dde0d

    with this one

    hadd msnauth info  Passport1.4 OrgVerb=GET,OrgURL=http%3A%2F%2Fchat%2Emsn%2Ecom,sign-in= $+ $hget(i,email) $+ ,pwd= $+ $hget(i,pass) $+ ,id=2260

    Thats the whole thing u guys should had done since it stoped working.

    Keep in mind that you should repleace the "@" simbol on the E-mail as a $replace(%var,@,$+(%,40)) or $repleace(%var,@,$chr(37) $+ 40)

    ( if you dont it stil work but takes like .1 secs more to upload lol )


    I apologize for my bad english.


    sorry for never posting :P


    U may add a sockopen and a sockread to chat.msn.com/renderchat.msnw like the old updater to get the subscriber info,

    the same thing for moneycentral.groups.msn.com/ $+ %groupname $+ /chat.msnw to get your UserRole

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