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Posts posted by Angelia

  1. personally, i think it's too cluttered because everything i can see in that right-hand dialog can be done in the nicklist menu but i've never been a fan of docked options dialogs (tried it once but didnt like it). other than that it looks ok.

    msn uk

    has anyone else noticed an increase in loading time for msn's homepage? takes ages to load for me lately unless it's cached but all other websites are fine

  2. on *:start:{ splay myfile.mp3 }

    as for the bg pics, if you're in fullscreen mode, click the lil icon just below the mirc icon and select background. if you're not, click the icon in the top-left corner of the window you wanna change the background of.

    otherwise, just use: /help /background :)

  3. close but it removes all spaces because it would be three dashes in a row, not two. i tried 3 too but that didnt work either - mirc takes the 3 spaces as 1 space then processes the result

  4. yeah, there's a space between each chatacter, as well as around each space, so it's quite literally where i've put the dashes (there's a space between each character and the original spaces have become 3 spaces)

  5. can anyone make me a snippet that removes every second character from a text document starting from the first character?

    -h-e-l-l-o- -t-h-e-r-e


    i got a corrupted file that has added an extra character every second character. i'd use $remove but it's a space so that doesnt really help

  6. i would've thought he meant virc, the visual irc client. it's pretty much a simplified version of mirc but it's definitely harder to make scripts if you're used to mirc. you can customise mirc to, really, anything.

  7. dialog kicker {
     title "Kicks"
     size -1 -1 346 66
     option pixels
     text "Kick for reason:", 1, 5 9 76 16
     combo 2, 88 7 245 100, size drop
     check "Ban for:", 3, 5 36 67 20
     edit "", 4, 87 36 50 21, disable
     text "Minutes", 5, 150 39 38 16
     button "Done", 6, 277 38 56 18, default
     button "Cancel", 7, 217 38 56 18
    on *:dialog:kicker:init:0:{
     didtok $dname 2 44 Disruptive Behaviour,Using Profanity,I just plain don't like you
     did -f $dname 2
    on *:dialog:kicker:sclick:3:{
     if ($did(3).state == 1) { did -e $dname 4 }
     else { did -b $dname 4 }
    on *:dialog:kicker:sclick:7:{ dialog -x $dname }
    on *:dialog:kicker:sclick:6:{
     if ($did(3).state == 1) {
       kick $active %kicker.nick $did(2).seltext
     elseif ($did(3).state != 1) {
       kick $active %kicker.nick $did(2).seltext $+ $chr(32) $+ (Access Ban Set for $did(4).text Minutes) $calc($did(4).text * 60)
     dialog -x $dname

    that should be right (havent done a dialog in ages)... just store the nickname as %kicker.nick when you click to kick :)

  8. on 1:TEXT:!mik:#:{
    msg # Now Playing : Greenday - Holiday
    msg # that should wake him up !
    splay Greenday-Holiday.mp3
    .enable #alarm
    #alarm off
    on *:mp3end:{ splay Greenday-Holiday.mp3 }
    #alarm end
    alias f2 { .disable #alarm | echo -a Alarm stopped }

    hope that helps :)

  9. $os returns the windows version you're using. i think wine returns an early windows version but i cant remember which.

    i havent had much experience with wine but maybe you could use something like

    if ($exists(/root)) { echo -a linux }


    try this

    on &*:INPUT:*:{
      if ($0) && ((/* !iswm $1) || ($ctrlenter)) && (($active ischan) || ($query($active)) || (=* iswm $active)) && ($window($active, 0) = 1) {
        .!msg $active $iif(%talk == on,%talker,$1-) | halt

    that what i used anyway, near enough

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