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Posts posted by S0RD3N

  1. You and Kahaled had wonderful timing, eh TGK :P You release a new version that's been anticipated for a looooong time and what does Kahaled do? He releases a new version of mIRC that interferes with what you just released. Hope you can get 'er resolved :)

  2. I *don't* think so.. I'm not sure though. While you have the chance, head over to mircscripts.org, find ClickHere and ask him to put the support for coloring different parts of sentences in controls while he's working on DCX (an MDX alternative). :)

  3. Hey,

    I'm having a little problem with my toolbar. I figured instead of having a custom dialog showing the server list (since mIRC's is just fine and dialogs would be very limited and small for the list) I would just put the /list command on a button in my toolbar. Yeah, it doesn't work too well.


    Here's my coding:


    on *:dialog:toolbar:sclick:1:{
    ;Set the buttons id in %click
     var %click $did($dname,1).sel
    ;Make the events happen; Buttons start at "2"
     if (%click == 2) return
     if (%click == 4) .list
     if (%click == 6) $dialog.open(about)


    Now let me explain the situation. I join a server. Click it and it works perfectly. Great! So now I connect to another server and click the button again. It brings up the list for the first server.


    How can I fix this?


    Thanks in advanced,



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