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Posts posted by Rhys

  1. stained, it was an idea for tgk, if he wanted to do it and had the time to. doesen't have to be out in the next week, just gave an idea because i'm sure theres a few people on here who use irc aswell as me, and hearing all these great things about guard-dog, yet not being able to use it.


    i know what you mean by not putting guard-dog before school work. thats more important than anything, so do your school work first! just thought it would be a good idea you could do when you have the time.

  2. hey the gatekeeper. i am always checking on techgear007 and just reading through all the new posts. guard dog is always something someone posts about daily, and sounds like such a great script. the screenshots i've seen are great, just i do not go on msn. it would be great if there was an irc version of guard dog.


    just a thought if it wouldn't be too much work :)

  3. it sets the font and color of other id's. just not this one. might it be something to do with my window theme?


    edit: yes, it's my windows theme. works fine for windows xp theme. that really sucks!

  4. yea thats all i need are play, pause etc... but when i try put the play character from character map into mirc, it changes it to the number 4. i have set the font of the button to webdings and symbol char set. why won't it show correctly?

  5. i've given it a go using the toolbar control, and it looks crap and ugly! on the left is no mouse over, which looks like a list with an icon, on the right it still looks like a list, but a button inside.


    IPB Image


    the way i want it to look is how err0r's does in his screenshot (mp3 player on left)




    nice, clean button. looks like a normal button with text. could someone maybe create a dialog and give make a button like the one shown in the screenshot, and reply with the code so i can see how you've done it. thanks!

  6. i've looked at some of the mp3 players in the downloads section here at tg, and downloaded 2 which has icons on buttons. when i opened them in mirc, neither of them actually showed an icon on the button.. they were just numbers and funny letters. why's that? they should still work right?


    is it even possible on a standard button?

  7. is it possible to add an icon to a standard button? i know you can do it using the toolbar style with a dll, but i don't want it for a toolbar, i want some buttons on my switchbar with icons on them. any idea how? or will it have to be using the toolbar method?

  8. that will put you as idle if your sitting there doing stuff to mirc, or doing some webdesign and keep checking mirc. thats not very advanced. mouse co-ordinates would be better, because your away if your not using the mouse, right?


    and anyone have ideas about the opening a certain file it puts me away?

  9. is there a way for mirc to do something a certain file is opened? like on *:join but for when a certain file is opened?

    i want to make a script that will put me as away automatically when i open up counter strike. this possible?


    also, how do auto away scripts work? the ones where they put you away after 30 minutes of idling? would it be something to do with the $mouse.x and $mouse.y identifiers?

  10. not quite sure about this code, but i see you have it to check if whatevers in %g... you haven't set %g anywhere in that script. just a thought.

  11. is there a way to make this alias faster? it's getting on my nerves now, when i open my mp3 player, it takes like a minute because mirc freezes.


    alias loadsongs {
     var %i = 1
     while (%i <= $lines(mp3s.txt)) {
       did -a mp3 1 $replace($duration($calc($mp3($read(mp3s.txt,%i)).length / 1000)),mins,m,secs,s,min,m,sec,s) $chr(9) $remove($nopath($read(mp3s.txt,%i)),.mp3)
       inc %i



  12. on *:text:!kira-cinta*:#:{
    if ($2 == $null) || ($3 == $null) { msg # Please enter 2 names. | halt }
    set %kira-cinta1 $2
    set %kira-cinta2 $3
    alias kira-cinta {
    set %percintaan $rand(1,99) 
    if ((%percintaan >= 0) && (%percintaan < 10)) msg # Do You kNow This Each othEr ? :-(
    if ((%percintaan >= 10) && (%percintaan < 20)) msg # NoT YouR MatcH :-(
    if ((%percintaan >= 20) && (%percintaan < 30)) msg # BeppPppPPPPpPppP - Bad Match - :-(
    if ((%percintaan >= 30) && (%percintaan < 40)) msg # Try someOne elSe :-(
    if ((%percintaan >= 40) && (%percintaan < 50)) msg # JuSt ... OK :-)
    if ((%percintaan >= 50) && (%percintaan < 60)) msg # Ya Ya Ya :-)
    if ((%percintaan >= 60) && (%percintaan < 70)) msg # KeeP WorkiNg oN thIs RelatiONshiP :-)
    if ((%percintaan >= 70) && (%percintaan < 80)) msg # WoW !! NiCe MatcH !! :-)
    if ((%percintaan >= 80) && (%percintaan < 90)) msg # My ooo My ... ThiS iS TruE LovE :-)
    if ((%percintaan >= 90) && (%percintaan <= 99)) msg # WhEn YoU Guys GoiNg To GeT MarriEd? :-)
    msg # 4,0L14ove 4B14etween : 12 $+ %kira-cinta1 13&12 %kira-cinta2
    msg # 4,0Y14our 4R14esult : 13 %percintaan $+ % 4 %cinta-ork
    unset %percintaan
    unset %kira-cinta1
    unset %kira-cinta2
    unset %cinta-ork

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