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Posts posted by Daniel_gr

  1. the bot is not me.

    if i was the bot. i would have had it echo to the info screen at the same time id send the msg :P


    i added your code btw, and tried with the old one: it picks up on texts that look like this : [ blah blah blah]

    but somehow it still doesnt pick up on the [New Shit]


    only difference i see between what it picks up and what it doesnt is the space between [ and the text

  2. It should work fine. If it still gives you the insufficient parameters error, add else halt to it.


    it works fine, when someone else says the trigger,

    but when the bot says it it doesnt respond

    only difference between the 2 is is that the bot uses a red color.


    and i changed the * in the if for 'New Shit' (without the ' ) cause there are some other responses on the server that use []

  3. you need to put the echo on the same line.


    If you actually enclosed your commands in brackets this would have been pretty apparent.


    You were also missing the last colon in the on event.


    if (this matches) { do this }


    on *:text:*:*:{
    if ($+($chr(91),*,$chr(93),*) iswm $1-) { echo @info $1- }


    told you guys i was gona feel real stupid

    ok. so im not really well at the moment and cant really concentrate..


    thanks all you guys, it works now


    now off to learn regex to catch the specific parts of that line :P


    edit: i had a friend say those lines for testing purpose. and it worked fine.

    however when the bot finally came with a line it didnt work.

    is it possible that the color makes it not work?? the bot uses red text for the "[New Shit] part, and other colors for the other parts

  4. heres another on text question for you


    heres the sentence

    <+FFBot> [New Shit] blah blah blah


    the [New Shit] part is the only constant

    i tried isin , i tried iswm.

    either im doing something wrong or the [ is throwing me off

    i just want a trigger to activate on the new shit part so i can echo it to another window


    edit: the full format is in the form of [New Shit] name [description] @ link

    i asume i have to learn regex to get the seperate parts of the sentence so i can store am in a dbase or hash table i asume??

  5. based on "MSN Servers", the text "Access Ban set for ... minutes" was actually manually added to the kick message. This means that it could be easily changed, and especially with bots/scripts, they didn't need to tell you that you were banned for a specific time, they just did so. If you are using IRCx related chat servers, when they use /access, they can set the ban time, you will most likely not see the ban being set, even if you are owner of the room. Pretty much you would need to use these lines of code...


    on *:KICK:#: { if ($knick == $me) { .timerkicked $+ $chan 0 15 join $($chan,0) } }
    on me:*:JOIN:#: .timerkicked $+ $chan off


    the server is actually an unreal ircd server.

    tried your code non the less. but it doesnt seem to store the channel name


    the error i get is:

    * /join: insufficient parameters

  6. The issue with your idea is that everyones ban message is different.


    Instead, why don't you attempt to rejoin the room every so often.


    not really what i have in mind. seeing one ban is standard 15 secs, and the other varies from 9 secs to 3 mins


    that and i forgot how to check if the ban is me

  7. You were kicked from #by nick (Dead people can't speak. Bye Bye. (Banned for 15 sec to catch your breath))
    You were kicked by nick (Dead people can't speak. Bye Bye. (Banned for 15 sec to catch your breath))
    You were kicked from #by nick (*KABOOOOOOOOOM!* - The Bomb went Off  - Tops: nicka nickb- 4 -- Flops: nick c - 31 -- You: 1 (Yep strange hae.. You got banned for 9 seconds))


    i was wondering if there is a way to store the amount of time of the ban in a variable or timer. so you can have the script autorejoin the room when the ban expires

    these bans happen mostly when im away, but id like to be in the room fulltime

    also the bantime isnt set on the server but a bot bans and unbans you


    also(in case the bot lags you could get this message in status

    # unable to join channel (address is banned)

    in wich case you most likely have to start another timer i asume


    if anyone can help me with getting the time so i can use it in a timer. please help me




  8. first of. thank you all for your help.


    that said. in the text bar all works.

    however, :oops: in my hurry to get to work on time. i forgot to mention i meant for in remotes.

    /msg or //msg wont work there.(or at least not with the connection im using).

    i tried the $chr solution and that worked fine in remotes. so i assume the % $+ # might work as well

    havent gotten around to testing it yet.

    and prolly wont either. seeing the post you made all seem to suggest that i either remove the % while working with the roomname. or use the $chr() solution .


    and yes, as you guessed its for a site using the ocx. a modded paperirc.

    i dont have any docs on that server and since i dont know what is modded. expect more stupid questions of me :P


  9. ok one last try.

    for those of you that used hybrid in some distant past.

    when you opend the nicklist dialog and selected a nick hybrid showed the decoded nick in a textfield. without having to push a button.

    THAT is what im trying to get.


    when you click a nick in the nicklist i want to do something with the selected nick(in this case display username.gatekeeper and asl info) without having to press a <get info> button.


    now my question again: is this possible using the standard mirc nicklist and if yes, how.

    or do i need to script my own nicklist???


    thanks in advance for anyone who can shine some light on this

  10. If you use the standard Phreik addon, there is an alias called accnick that returns the accountname of the nick.

    So %somevar = $accnick(<nickname>) would put the accountname of <nickname> in %somevar.


    dank u, dank u, dank u.

    im just being stupid. :oops:

    looked at the connection a hundred times. i just didnt see that the accnick returned the accountname.

    thought it had to do with the webnick.

    anyways. ive put the development on hold for now. (thought it smarter to write down all the ideas first)


    btw petertje. would you mind if i integrate your trivia into the script(instead of having it as an loose addon).


    ...wondering if i should start a wishlist for functions ppl like to see....


  11. yeah once again its related to my petproject for phreik.

    on a user connect i get this in my debug screen:

    <- :·°·€lm¡ns†er·°·'[email protected]$Caligula JOIN :#The\bMafia\btestroom
    -> Caligula PROP ·°·€lm¡ns†er·°·' profile
    -> Caligula WHO ·°·€lm¡ns†er·°·'
    <- 818 celtics_bot ·°·€lm¡ns†er·°·' PROFILE MY elminster|·°·€łм¡иѕ†єÑ·°·' 27 m greece
    <- 819 celtics_bot ·°·€lm¡ns†er·°·' End of properties


    and this when i do a /whois

    -> Caligula WHOIS ·°·€lm¡ns†er·°·'
    <- :Caligula 311 celtics_bot ·°·€lm¡ns†er·°·' xxx.xxx.xxx.NDQ1MTYXMT otenet.gr$Caligula * :elminster
    <- :Caligula 319 celtics_bot ·°·€lm¡ns†er·°·' :.#The\bMafia\btestroom
    <- :Caligula 312 celtics_bot ·°·€lm¡ns†er·°·' Caligula :PhreikNET
    <- :Caligula 317 celtics_bot ·°·€lm¡ns†er·°·' 1541 1133790456 :seconds idle, signon time
    <- :Caligula 318 celtics_bot ·°·€lm¡ns†er·°·' :End of /WHOIS list

    (((only thing changed in the code windows is the ip)))


    now is there an easy way to retrieve/store the "elminster" part.(i think its the realname part of the wois)

    phreik uses it for the username wich you need to set access/denies etc


    i want to be able to put it in a variable when the nick is selected so i can then use it in a dialog

  12. i meant more like an on select put nick in var, get nicks username get gate kind of thing.(phreik chat)


    for now im gona use a roundabout kind a way(hide nicklist, and make a docked nicklist dialog)

    but if someone knows how to do it with the normal nicklist i would be very gratefull if they can tell me how

  13. since im started asking dumb questions anyway. lets continue


    is there a way to use the nick selected in the nicklist in dialoggs.

    or do i have to script a nicklist into the dialog like in hybrid??

    the basic idea is to have a docked dialog at the botom of the screen with kick/access add options etc.

    so it would look rather stupid if i had to code a nicklist there as well.


    thanks for the help in advance

  14. maybe a stupid question, but how do i get a script to do things when it connects to a room.

    am i supposed to use a on join combined with a nick = me,

    or is there another way.

    its only supposed to check when it enters the room.

    after that the changes are done true remote commands or in dialog


    thanks in advance

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