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Posts posted by Eaglenest25311

  1. At first, it worked great, and only send the message once, then I was testing emergency reload, and reload the spec message, and now when they come into the room it does twice, why would it causes that? I tried to look for double command line but I can't find it, Does any one got any idea's? sad.gif

  2. Until you get an answer here is alittle trick I use, If you have a scroll button on mouse, hold ctrl button over room text and scroll up and down to make text bigger and smaller, also on some you can click on scroll button on mouse and it will do the same. Hope that helps some, Enjoy smile.gif

  3. Yeah, I read it, I was just wondering if a code could be added to it to recreat a room also, and have it close status window if can't conect, Other wise it works great wink.gif A good job at it too, Gate thumbup.gif

  4. offtopic.gif Dippy


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    Why don't you just get the trivia files from NuClear and put in Hybrid directory and Load it. I have lots diffrent files from diffrent scripts that I like loaded into one script

  5. Sorry it didn't work But I did find one in the arcives works but don't close the old status windows, and don't recreat the room if room is closed by Msn.



    ;Auto rejoin when disconnected - Vincula 
    ;What makes this different to all other auto rejoin when disconnected? 
    ;Answer: this rejoins all the rooms that you've been disconnected from. 
    ;  - It gets back into all the rooms you've been disconnected from. 
    ;  - Leaves twice as many status windows open [when you d/c, it doesn't replace status windows] 
    ;  - May not rejoin the first room you joined [glitches in the variable] 
    ;Created by The Gate Keeper for Vincula Purposes Only 
    ;Modifications are allowed to suite your needs and your connections 
    ;Please leave credit somewhere though :D 
    ;Note: This requires you to be disconnected from all chatrooms 
    ;before it kicks in and starts rejoining again. 
    menu * { 
    Rejoin when Disconnect 
    .$iif(%msn.rjwd == on,$style(2)) Turn On : %msn.rjwd = on 
    .$iif(%msn.rjwd != on,$style(2)) Turn Off : unset %msn.rjwd 
    alias msn.arecon { 
    if (!$sock(msn.look.main)) || (!$sock(msn.look.comm)) msn.lookcon 
    elseif (!$gettok(%msn.gochans,1,32)) .timerrecon1 off 
    else msn $gettok(%msn.gochans,1,32) 
    on me:*:JOIN:#: { 
    if (%msn.rjwd == on) && (%msn.gochans) { 
      %msn.gochans = $remove(%msn.gochans,$right($chan,-2)) 
      if ($remove(%msn.gochans,$chr(32)) == $null) unset %msn.gochans 
      else msn $iif(G_* iswm $gettok(%msn.gochans,1,32),-c $gettok(%msn.gochans,1,32),$gettok(%msn.gochans,1,32)) 
    on *:START: unset %msn.gochans 
    on *:DISCONNECT: { 
    if (%msn.rjwd == on) { 
      var %l = 1 
      while ($scon(%l)) { 
        scid $ifmatch 
        if ($scid($ifmatch).status == connected) { break | return } 
        else var %x = %x $right($chan(1),-2) 
        scid -r | inc %l 
      %msn.gochans = %x | msn.arecon | .timerrecon1 20 10 msn.arecon 

    Found in MSN ADD ON Arcives


    Can Ya Help?

  6. I would like help finding an add on that will auto creat a room if I'm disconected or as MSN has done twice today to all chat, Closed the rooms, Would like it to recreat if room is no longer there, when I'm not there. I know there are add on's What is the best one out there that I should use? Thanks

    Signed Clueless

  7. Bush collides with police officer during bike ride


    Wednesday, July 6, 2005; Posted: 5:42 p.m. EDT (21:42 GMT)

    AUCHTERARDER, Scotland (CNN) -- President Bush collided with a British police officer during a bike ride Wednesday evening, suffering scrapes on his hands and arms that required bandaging, White House spokesman Scott McClellan said.


    The officer, from the Strethclyde Police Department in Scotland, was taken to a local hospital as a precaution. He was treated and released, after an evaluation revealed no fractures, McClellan said.


    Bush "visited" with the police officer for some time after the accident and asked White House physician Dr. Richard Tubb to monitor his situation at the hospital, McClellan said. The president was expected to call the officer later, McClellan said.


    Despite a steady rain and chilly temperatures, Bush, a avid mountain biker, went for a ride at the Gleneagles resort in central Scotland, where he and other leaders of the Group of Eight economic powers will begin a two-day summit Thursday. (Related story.)


    'A pretty good speed'

    According to McClellan, the accident occurred shortly after 6 p.m. (1 p.m. ET), about an hour into the ride. Bush was going at "a pretty good speed" when he collided with the officer, who was in a security detail on the resort grounds.


    The president, who was wearing a helmet, slid on the pavement, suffering scrapes on his hands and arms that were bandaged by Tubb.


    McClellan declined to speculate about whether anyone was a fault in the crash.


    The president's bicycle was damaged, and he returned to his hotel in an SUV that had been trailing him as he rode with a Secret Service agent, McClellan said.


    This is not the first time Bush's mountain biking habit has led to injury. In May 2004, he suffered minor abrasions to his chin, upper lip, nose, right hand and both knees when he took a spill near the end of a ride at his ranch in Texas.


    lol_sign.gif Our Great Leader

  8. Must be something wrong sad.gif

    I Get This

    [17:34] -> *$chr(37)* $+ #!West\bVirginia! Hello Beth•š Message


    [17:34] 401   $chr(37) No such nick/channel

    $chr(37) No such nick/channel


    Say's that in wrong chanel, The [17:34] -> *$chr(37)* $+ #!West\bVirginia! Hello Bethâ•š Message

  9. Can't find it sad.gif, How does it look for nonsub $nick == ?


    This don't work


    #submessage on
    on *:JOIN:#: { 
    set -u8 %sn.nick $nick | set -u8 %sn.chan $!chr(37) $!+ $right($chan,-1) | .timersubcheck 1 1 subcheck } 
    alias subcheck { { if (%sn.nick ison %sn.chan) ctcp $nick PING } | /msg $nick $chan Message }
    #submessage end

  10. I would like a code for Spec for them when they enter our room


    on *:JOIN:#: {  if ($nick != $me) && (if $nick == spec) /msg $nick $chan Message) }


    By the way, who ever changed the Quote and Code, Good Job smile.gif Much easer

  11. You must be Ass Mngr Or Mngr, There is no code, If you was either ass/mngr, You could use the profile (look) and banned them that way

    None Manager/Ass Can't Banned. If They could, they may take over the group



    Oh Yeah Good Morn and Hi Bonty

  12. In Groups, no need for code to banned, MSN Group has a banned built in, goto member list if your ass mngr or mngr, and find name, and select banned, to remove, To Un-Banned, goto banned and un banned, Else in room the banned should work as normal

  13. No Problem:)

    Just a query:

    Have you tride to go back to old script and see if still works? Might be from where are and your server?

    Oh you have, Hummm, sound like you have a bug then.

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