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Posts posted by DJ24966

  1. We are using ChatCore as a webchat base, and for weeks now everything has been fine. Now starting today I can still connect through mirc without an issue, but when trying to use the webchat I get the following.


    Unknown command

    Error: Error


    According to Chatcore that means your banned from the network... I've tried using /msg ChanServ UNBAN Channel to remove any bans that could actually be there (We are not public yet, so it does not matter), but it makes no difference.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.




    BTW - Here is a link to one of the Webchats if you need to check it out as well.



  2. what are the commands you type to get the list...?

    what is returned...?


    These questions need to be asked so i can parse the information for you.


    Sorry for the delay, We took some time off for the Holidays. Happy New year.


    Anyway, back to business.


    As of right now, you can just do /list and it will return every channel opened up on the server. I'm wanting it to display a logo beside the registered channels.

  3. Ok, I've been able to get it working for the most part, but the rooms show up like this in the room list.




    It will join the correct room though, but is it possible to get rid of the ] in the text?


    error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
        $botnick = "Chatterup";
        $server = "chatterup.webhop.net";
        $port = "6667";
        $channel = "GN";
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en">
    <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 5.0">
    <meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
    <title>Room List</title>
    <table width="98%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="AutoNumber1" style="border-collapse: collapse">
        <td width="8%" height="20" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="#FFFFCC" style="border-left:1px solid #333333;border-bottom:1px solid;border-top:1px solid #333333;FONT-FAMILY: verdana;FONT-SIZE: 8pt;TEXT-DECORATION: none;"> Users</td>
        <td width="15%" height="20" align="left" valign="middle" bgcolor="#FFFFCC" style="border-bottom:1px solid;border-top:1px solid #333333;FONT-FAMILY: verdana;FONT-SIZE: 8pt;TEXT-DECORATION: none;"> Roomname:</td>
        <td width="77%" height="20" align="left" valign="middle" bgcolor="#FFFFCC" style="border-right:1px solid #333333;border-top:1px solid #333333;FONT-FAMILY: verdana;FONT-SIZE: 8pt;TEXT-DECORATION: none;"> Topic:</td>
        $fp = fsockopen($server, $port, $errno, $errstr, 30);
        if (!$fp) {
            echo "$errstr ($errno)<br />\n";
        else {
            fputs($fp,"USER $botnick $botnick :php\n");
            $nick = $botnick . rand(10000,99999);
            fputs($fp,"NICK $nick\n");
            while (!feof($fp)) {
                $fget = @fgets($fp, 128);
                //echo "$fget <br>\n";
                $match = explode(" ", $fget);
                $fget = ereg_replace ("\n", "", $fget);
                $fget = ereg_replace ("\r", "", $fget);
                if ($match[1] == "001") {
    else if ($match[0] == "PING") {
                    fputs($fp, "PONG " . $match[1]);
                else if ($match[1] == "433") {
                    $nick = $botnick . rand(10000,99999);
                    fputs($fp,"NICK $nick\n");
                else if ($match[1] == "323") {
                    fputs($fp, "QUIT :bye!\n");
                else if ($match[1] == "322") {
                    $match[3] = ereg_replace ("#", "", $match[3]);
                    if (eregi ("$channel(.*)", $match[3], $chan)) {
                        $topic = explode(":", $fget);
                        $topic = implode(":", $topic);
                        if ($color == "FBFBF7") {
                            $color = "FFFFFF";
                        else {
                            $color = "FBFBF7";
        <td width="8%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="#<?php echo $color; ?>" style="border-top:1px solid #333333;border-left:1px solid #333333;border-bottom:1px solid #333333;FONT-FAMILY: verdana;FONT-SIZE: 8pt;TEXT-DECORATION: none;"><?php echo $match[4]; ?></td>
        <td width="15%" style="border-bottom:1px solid #333333;bordertop:1px solid #333333;border-top:1px solid #333333;FONT-FAMILY: verdana;FONT-SIZE: 8pt;TEXT-DECORATION: none;" bgcolor="#<?php echo $color; ?>"> <a href="http://chatterupchat.webhop.org/chat/channel.aspx?value=[GN<?php echo $chan[1]; ?>&member=XS803m">
          <?php echo $chan[1]; ?>
        <td width="77%" style="border-right:1px solid #333333;border-bottom:1px solid #333333;FONT-FAMILY:;border-top:1px solid #333333; verdana;FONT-SIZE: 8pt;TEXT-DECORATION: none;"bgcolor="#<?php echo $color; ?>"> 
          <?php echo $topic; ?></td>



  4. I was asking err0r on MSN, and he told me to ask here, so here it goes.


    Is it possible to split your chats up into categories with Anope, or Unreal? I noticed in my roomlist file it had a Category field that was left blank, and was wondering if it were possible. It would be nice to have to make things cleaner.


    If someone could give me some insight I'd really appreciate it.



  5. Here is the final code.


    error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
        $botnick = "";
        $server = "";
        $port = "6667";
        $channel = "";
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en">
    <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 5.0">
    <meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
    <title>Room List</title>
    <table width="98%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="AutoNumber1" style="border-collapse: collapse">
        <td width="8%" height="20" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="#FFFFCC" style="border-left:1px solid #333333;border-bottom:1px solid;border-top:1px solid #333333;FONT-FAMILY: verdana;FONT-SIZE: 8pt;TEXT-DECORATION: none;"> Users</td>
        <td width="15%" height="20" align="left" valign="middle" bgcolor="#FFFFCC" style="border-bottom:1px solid;border-top:1px solid #333333;FONT-FAMILY: verdana;FONT-SIZE: 8pt;TEXT-DECORATION: none;"> Roomname:</td>
        <td width="77%" height="20" align="left" valign="middle" bgcolor="#FFFFCC" style="border-right:1px solid #333333;border-top:1px solid #333333;FONT-FAMILY: verdana;FONT-SIZE: 8pt;TEXT-DECORATION: none;"> Topic:</td>
        $fp = fsockopen($server, $port, $errno, $errstr, 30);
        if (!$fp) {
            echo "$errstr ($errno)<br />\n";
        else {
            fputs($fp,"USER $botnick $botnick :php\n");
            $nick = $botnick . rand(10000,99999);
            fputs($fp,"NICK $nick\n");
            while (!feof($fp)) {
                $fget = @fgets($fp, 128);
                //echo "$fget <br>\n";
                $match = explode(" ", $fget);
                $fget = ereg_replace ("\n", "", $fget);
                $fget = ereg_replace ("\r", "", $fget);
                if ($match[1] == "001") {
    else if ($match[0] == "PING") {
                    fputs($fp, "PONG " . $match[1]);
                else if ($match[1] == "433") {
                    $nick = $botnick . rand(10000,99999);
                    fputs($fp,"NICK $nick\n");
                else if ($match[1] == "323") {
                    fputs($fp, "QUIT :bye!\n");
                else if ($match[1] == "322") {
                    $match[3] = ereg_replace ("#", "", $match[3]);
                    if (eregi ("$channel(.*)", $match[3], $chan)) {
                        $topic = explode(":", $fget);
                        $topic = implode(":", $topic);
                        if ($color == "FBFBF7") {
                            $color = "FFFFFF";
                        else {
                            $color = "FBFBF7";
        <td width="8%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="#<?php echo $color; ?>" style="border-top:1px solid #333333;border-left:1px solid #333333;border-bottom:1px solid #333333;FONT-FAMILY: verdana;FONT-SIZE: 8pt;TEXT-DECORATION: none;"><?php echo $match[4]; ?></td>
        <td width="15%" style="border-bottom:1px solid #333333;bordertop:1px solid #333333;border-top:1px solid #333333;FONT-FAMILY: verdana;FONT-SIZE: 8pt;TEXT-DECORATION: none;" bgcolor="#<?php echo $color; ?>"> <a href="http://chatterupchat.webhop.org/chat/channel.aspx?value=<?php echo $chan[1]; ?>&member=XS803m">
          <?php echo $chan[1]; ?>
        <td width="77%" style="border-right:1px solid #333333;border-bottom:1px solid #333333;FONT-FAMILY:;border-top:1px solid #333333; verdana;FONT-SIZE: 8pt;TEXT-DECORATION: none;"bgcolor="#<?php echo $color; ?>"> 
          <?php echo $topic; ?></td>

  6. I don't think you should try run a chat network, if you don't know any basic coding towards it. Instead of asking here have either of you looked into learning the basics of PHP and how the IRC daemon works?


    I know the basics of php, and know a good deal about the irc, but like everybody else, you learn new things everyday. However, this problem still exists, even after countless hours of trying things.

  7. I talked with Kevin after he posted this, and thats all he was wanting to do was show the rooms. I figured out how to do the join now. I could help him with that much.


    When I tried it with IRCD, even the one that was corrected for me in the other thread, It would just sit, take forever to load, show the top table (Users, Room, Topic). Then have nothing under it. However it works fine for IRCX.

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