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Posts posted by Antics

  1. I've been keeping up on Geohotz story for awhile now.


    Its incredible that Sony is this butt hurt over the leak of their keys. After 3 consoles, you think they (like Nintendo should as well) have corrected their security flaws.


    Sure, this paves the way for piracy, but that's all companies think about nowadays - lost profits.


    If it wasn't for homebrew, I would have sold my original Xbox, my Wii, my DS, and my PSP LONG ago. Homebrew brings new life into a system that the OEMs refuse to allow. To date, I still play every one of my modified consoles, I even fired up the original Xbox instead of my 360 yesterday to play some modified Halo 2.


    As with Geohotz iPod Touch cases, I'm sure the courts will find that although he shouldn't have released keys (as they are Sony's intellectual secrets) the system is his property after the initial purchase.


    I'm in full support of this man. He understands that a piece of equipment that you spend hundreds of dollars on becomes YOUR property to do as you wish.


    Suing Geohot for enabling homebrew on the PS3 is like suing someone for installing Windows on a laptop that came with the Mac OS.

    Its strictly for the profit of the manufacture, and honestly, quite pitiful.

  2. Since I hadn't seen one, I figured I would write a tutorial for it.



    Before reading this, even as simple as it is, you should make sure that you know how to work in remotes with the topics of dialogs and raw events.


    Raw events are used on -every- IRC server.

    Regulations require some (around 98% actually) of all raws to be stock. This includes /map, which shows a server 'map', such as all the servers linked to it. This information requested by using /map, and returns the tree with raw numeric 6, and ends with numeric 7.

    One thing I cant stress enough, is make sure you use $dialog to verify that a dialog is open. Otherwise, you could end up with a very messy status window of errors.



    This little snippet, which I just wrote for a friend, shows a server tree in a very simple dialog.


    alias dmap { if (!$dialog(Map)) { dialog -m Map Map } }
    dialog Map {
      title "Servers Map (Antics)"
      size -1 -1 182 189
      option pixels notheme
      list 1, 5 7 174 153
      button "Close", 2, 59 157 65 25
    on *:DIALOG:Map:init:*:{ did -a Map 1 Beginning of /map | set -u5 %dialog.mapraws true | map }
    on *:DIALOG:Map:sclick:2:{ if ($dialog(Map)) { dialog -x Map } }
    raw 6:*:{ if ($dialog(Map)) && (%dialog.mapraws) { did -a Map 1 $2- } }
    raw 7:*:{ if ($dialog(Map)) && (%dialog.mapraws) { did -a Map 1 End of /map } }

    Now, if your wondering what all of this bundled code is, allow me to explain;


    alias dmap { if (!$dialog(Map)) { dialog -m Map Map } }

    Creates a very easy to remember alias, dmap (dialog map. Catchy huh?) for the end user, and checks to see if the dialog isnt already open.


    Then we have our classic dialog creation process (as I stated, you should have already been working with dialogs before reading into this, so I'll just skip past it)


    Next, we have our dialog events.

    on *:DIALOG:Map:init:*:{ did -a Map 1 Beginning of /map | set -u5 %dialog.mapraws true | map }

    This event triggers on the dialog "Map" being opened.

    It prints "Beginning of /map" into the dialog, sets a variable which will be used later for error checking (unsets after 5 seconds), and finally calls /map.

    on *:DIALOG:Map:sclick:2:{ if ($dialog(Map)) { dialog -x Map } }

    This tells the dialog "Hey there, the ID 2 on dialog Map was single clicked. Lets close this dialog if its open."


    Next, our raw events.

    raw 6:*:{ if ($dialog(Map)) && (%dialog.mapraws) { did -a Map 1 $2- } }

    raw 7:*:{ if ($dialog(Map)) && (%dialog.mapraws) { did -a Map 1 End of /map } }

    As I have stated, MAKE SURE you use $dialog(dialogname) to verify the dialog is open.

    These come into play when the /map command is called. They both check to see if the dialog is open ($dialog(Map)) and if the variable we set earlier is still active (%dialog.mapraws). If both meet to $true, then it prints the data into the dialog "Map" in ID 1.

    Reason for using $2- instead of $1-, all raw events are triggered with $1 being your nickname.

    As for raw 7, since its the end of the /map's tree, we print our own custom text into the dialog, "End of /map".



    Dialogs can be used to do wonderful things with raw events.

    Your own room lists, access dialogs, even a MOTD reviewer. They can also be used for debugging.



    I leave you with this tip, if you ever need to find out which raws do what--

    raw *:*:{ echo -s $numeric ::: $1- }

    Before ::: will be your numeric, after, the text following.



    I hope you have as much fun learning mIRC's multiple uses as I did, and if you ever need any help, you know where to find me. :)

  3. Access checkers are always a good thing, but it should be warned that they can cause -heavy- lag.


    A small tidbit for you Zant, in the alias set a variable for about 5 seconds and have the raws only take action if the variable is active.

    That way it has a much lower chance of conflicting with access dialogs, if you maually type '/access <chan>', and if your lagging heavily already.

  4. If you are looking to just send your own reply:



    ;;Trying to remember the way ctcp commands go off the top of my head, its been awhile so dont quote me--
    ctcp *:VERSION:{
    .ctcpreply $nick VERSION Look mommy, I made my own reply.


    Other wise, if you are using Vincula, it has a built in version reply that you must edit.


    It will look simular to this a good ammount of the time:


    elseif (:* iswm $4) {

    if (:VERSION* iswm $4) {

    if (!%msnc.dover) sockwrite -tn msn.server. $+ $gettok($sockname,3,46) NOTICE $gettok($gettok($1,1,33),1,58) :VERSION Half Breed(MSN) by Antics


    What is bolded, you will have to edit, like I did. :)

  5. Wheeee....I get first showoff-ness ;x


    Basically something I started while on vacation and have been working on.

    Keep in mind its been massivly updated since lol.

    Keep in mind, since I didnt have a decent program, these are huge in size [About 500kbs each]


    Screen 1

    Screen 2


    Edit: Forgot that Raspy now has a domain name, so I edited the links straight to the domain rather then using the hosts redirect to it.

  6. lmao err0r, you still havent changed. tongue.gif



    I'm agreeing with err0r here though on the if-then-else choices.


    Set it like

    on *:JOIN:#:{

    if ($level($nick) == Admin) { msg $chan Welcome Admin $nick }

    elseif ($level($nick) == Remote) { msg $chan Welcome $nick $+ , you have Remote Access. }

    elseif ($level($nick) == Kicklist) { access $chan add deny $nick 60 :Kicklist | kick $chan $nick Kicklisted }



    Its also a little quicker at times using just a single on join statement for multiple things that are mostly the same.



    Ignore err0r on the variables though angel.gif



    Edit: Its been awhile since I've used /access, so I might have it backwords between the mask and time tongue.gif

    Also edit: Mail, wouldn't that cause a 'ON is not a valid command' styled error? ;\ It always did when I screwed up brackets..

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