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alias F4 { /editbox -p $editbox($chan) $$1



will incert the nick u have highlighted in the nick list



example im saying something to pony this is a test

example im saying something to (hit F4) this is a test - while the nick pony is highlighted

comes in handy witht he funny looking nicks

can also set multi nicks also click nick 1 hit f4 click nick2 hit f4 ext.....


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#page on
menu @Page {
  %page.nick %page.chan:/join %page.chan
  clear:/clear | .set %page.nick | .set %page.chan
  .join %page.nick 
  ..justjoin:/join %page.chan 
  ..hello:/join %page.chan | msg %page.chan hi there %page.nick | msg %page.chan how u doing 
  ..tyback:/join %page.chan | msg %page.chan Ty %page.nick :P
  ..loliseen:/join %page.chan | msg %page.chan LOL i seen that %page.nick
  ..youthink:/join %page.chan | msg %page.chan You think so %page.nick
  ..IMhere:/join %page.chan | msg %page.chan im here %page.nick how can i help you
  ..you rang:/join %page.chan | msg %page.chan im here | msg %page.chan u rang %page.nick | msg %page.chan how can i help u
  .kicks %page.nick
  ..SHUTAP %page.nick:/raw kick %page.chan %page.nick SHUTAUPPPP :P:P
  ..You think %page.nick:/raw kick %page.chan %page.nick HAHA-YOU-THINK
  .OPS %page.nick
  ..+Owner in %page.chan:/join %page.chan | /mode %page.chan +q %page.nick
  ..+Host in %page.chan:/join %page.chan | /mode %page.chan +o %page.nick
  ..+Voice in %page.chan:/join %page.chan | /mode %page.chan +v %page.nick
  ..-deop in %page.chan:/join %page.chan | /mode %page.chan -qov %page.nick
on *:TEXT:*:#:{
  if (yournickhere isin $1-) && ($nick != $me) && (%pager == ON) { /splay PAGE.wav | /window -mk0 @Page | /echo @Page 4‹14 $+ $time(h15:14nn15t14) $+ 4!14 $+ $Buzz.decode($nick) Paged You4!14 $chan 4!14 $1- $+ 4› | .set %page.nick $converter($nick) | .set %page.chan $chan | dialog -m page page | did -ra page 3 %page.nick  | did -ra page 7 $date - $time | did -ra page 5 %page.chan  | did -ra page 9 $1- | halt | haltdef }
  if (yourothernickhere isin $1-) && ($nick != $me) && (%pager == ON) { /splay page.wav | /window -mk0 @Page | /echo @Page 4‹14 $+ $time(h15:14nn15t14) $+ 4!14 $+ $nick Paged You4!14 $chan 4!14 $1- $+ 4› | halt | haltdef }

dialog page {
  title "Pager System"
  size -1 -1 123 83
  option dbu
  box " ", 1, 0 -1 123 25
  text "You have been paged by:", 2, 1 4 64 8
  text " ", 3, 66 4 55 8
  text "Room:", 4, 1 13 17 8
  text " ", 5, 19 13 31 8
  text "Date:", 6, 51 13 14 8
  text " ", 7, 65 13 56 8
  box " ", 8, 0 20 123 50
  list 9, 1 24 121 44, size
  box " ", 10, 0 66 123 17
  button "Ok", 11, 84 71 37 10,ok

on *:dialog:page:init:*:{
  mdx SetMircVersion $version
  mdx MarkDialog $dname
  mdx SetFont $dname 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 -9 400 lime
  mdx SetBorderStyle $dname 11 clientedge
#page end
menu menubar {
  » Pager
  .$iif(%pager == ON,$$style(1)) on:/set %pager ON | /enable #page | /echo -a 15(14Pager On!!15)
  .$iif(%pager == OFF,$$style(1)) off:/set %pager OFF | /disable #page | /echo -a 15(14Pager Off!!15)



replace yournickhere with your own

also replace this with what u use from your script $Buzz.decode($nick)

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on *:text:*:#: {
  if (yournick isin $strip($1-)) nick-reply $chan $nick 
on *:action:*:#: {
  if (yournick isin $strip($1-)) nick-reply $chan $nick 
alias -l nick-reply {
  if (!$editbox($1)) || (($len($editbox($1)) < 18) && ($mid($editbox($1),$calc($len($editbox($1)) -1),1) == $chr(58)) && ($right($editbox($1),1) == $chr(32))) {
    editbox -p $1 $2 $+ $chr(58)

alias nick-paste {
  if (!$editbox($1)) || (($len($editbox($1)) < 18) && ($mid($editbox($1),$calc($len($editbox($1)) -1),1) == $chr(58)) && ($right($editbox($1),1) == $chr(32))) {
    editbox -p $1 $2 $+ $chr(58)


replace yournick with your own nickname

what this will do when your nick is said it will auto paste the persons name in the start of the txt edit bar who said your nickname


example Travis said my nick with in the sentance

Travis: hey pony how are you

Now His nick auto paste to the start of the edit bar for my reply

pony: Travis: im doing just fine



[2.10a¬+Q/admïn]: CAUTION! a script has entered the room. ( Apony_1 )

[02:10] <Apony_1> admïn: lol realy now

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