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  1. tzrtim


    I've not really been active since MSN Days! But use to follow Ozz10 and err0r. There own network and use to hang around msn chat before it went to groups only then closed. Use to be friends with Maria from Spain. I thought it was time to see what everyone is up too! - sorry to wake up an old post!
  2. Thank you very much! - Could anyone explain to me about the workings done to make it work fine in multi rooms? atm my one undocks and so does this one err0r gave on the above post? is it that or could I have another line in mIRC that is having a conflict?
  3. Random I know but I fixed it with I guess in my 1st post it don't like the | if (Inf isin $1) return 1 Now to try make it work for more then one room, If I go into another it undocks it lol. Am sure there was another post from Haggis with the information?
  4. Yeah, I did change it to Return 1 when i noticed that
  5. maybe because the name is inf|Timmy it needs a ? but still does not show but shows the @ fine and v
  6. hmm does not seem to change the icon they still have the icon for @
  7. Thank you for the very fast reply!
  8. alias nickicon { if (inf|* isin $1) return 1 if ($left($nick($active,$1).pnick,1) == @) return 2 if ($left($nick($active,$1).pnick,1) == +) return 3 else return 4 } did -i $dname 1,2 1 seticon normal 0, $+ $iconsnl( $+ staff $+ ) did -i $dname 1,2 1 seticon normal 0, $+ $iconsnl( $+ owner $+ ) did -i $dname 1,2 1 seticon normal 0, $+ $iconsnl( $+ voice $+ ) did -i $dname 1,2 1 seticon normal 0, $+ $iconsnl( $+ blank $+ ) This works fine with Quakenet Server, but how could I get it so if ppl had inf| in there name they would have a different icon?
  9. Sorry if anything is weird about the post below! We have setup a irc chan for a Cup, I want them to be able to submit the score in a format like : !Score : Team-X 13 vs Team-Z 5 and for the reply to go into another channel? - Am New to mIRC and our cup is for 64 teams! - Any help would be great on :TEXT:score*:?:/msg #adminchan $2- | .timer 2 1 /msg $nick Thanks $Nick the score $2- has been added (i've tried on 1:NOTICE:*score*:?:/ ) aswell Also for a flood control on input per nick just incase someone floods the command - I've tried and looked over the help file
  10. Am very new to mIRC! and would like some help I would like to open a room on vsixc(how ever its spelt again :$) in the computer area for a game , am on another server alot and wanted to know how to get mIRC on 2 servers so when someone does a command on 1 server it goes into our new room on vsicx(how ever its spelt again :$) 1st server : !say Messages here new room 2nd server: nick says : msg Sorry new to mIRC and not sure how to code thing and would make it better
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