;$utf8 conversion for mIRC by Ford_Lawnmower irc.mindforge.org #USA-Chat alias UTF8 { if ($1 < 255) { return $chr($1) } if ($1 >= 256) && ($1 < 2048) { return $+($chr($calc(192 + $div($1,64))),$chr($calc(128 + $mod($1,64)))) } if ($1 >= 2048) && ($1 < 65536) { return $+($chr($calc(224 + $div($1,4096))),$chr($calc(128 + $mod($div($1,64),64))),$chr($calc(128 + $mod($1,64)))) } if ($1 >= 65536) && ($1 < 2097152) { return $+($chr($calc(240 + $div($1,262144))),$chr($calc(128 + $mod($div($1,4096),64))),$chr($calc(128 + $mod($div($1,64),64))),$& $chr($calc(128 + $mod($1,64)))) } } alias H2U { return $utf8($base($1,16,10)) } alias -l div { return $int($calc($1 / $2)) } alias -l mod { return $calc($1 % $2) } ;Examples of use: octatext will display the text you type with octagon letters and Flip will print the text upside-down. ;Syntax /octatext some text here -- /Flip some text here Menu channel,status { .Text Tricks ..Fliptext:flip $?="Enter the text to be fliped" ..Octatext:Octatext $?="Enter the text for Octagon conversion" } alias octatext { var %octa $regsubex($1-,/([abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz])/g,$utf8($calc($asc($regml(\n)) + 9327))) %octa = $regsubex(%octa,/([ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ])/g,$utf8($calc($asc($regml(\n)) + 9333))) $iif($isid,return,$iif($active ischan,say,echo -a)) $regsubex(%octa,/([123456789])/g,$utf8($calc($asc($regml(\n)) + 10063))) } alias flip { var %flip, %end $len($1-) while (%end) { %flip = $+(%flip,$replace($mid($1-,%end,1),$chr(32),$chr(7))) dec %end } %flip = $replacex(%flip,a,$h2u(250),b,q,c,$h2u(254),d,p,e,$h2u(259),f,$h2u(25f),g,$h2u(253),h,$h2u(265),i,$h2u(26a),j,$h2u(27e),k,$h2u(29e),$& l,$h2u(131),m,$h2u(26f),n,u,o,o,p,d,q,b,r,$h2u(279),s,s,t,$h2u(287),u,n,v,$h2u(28c),w,$h2u(28d),y,$h2u(28e),.,$h2u(2d9),?,$h2u(bf),z,z,$chr(7),$chr(32)) $iif($isid,return,$iif($active ischan,say,echo -a)) %flip }