; Script: Extract.mrc ; Author: SReject ; Version: v1.0 ; Contact: SReject on irc.undernet.org:6667 (#mIRCScripting) ; on irc.dalnet.org:6667 (#helpdesk) ; on irc.SwiftIRC.net:6667 (#mSL) ; on irc.Entropyirc.Net:6667 (#Help) ; Email @ froggiedafrog@aim.com ; ; ; ; Over View: ; This snippet allows you to extract .zip files from within mIRC. If successful "1" is returned, ; if not, "0" is. ; ; : ; To Load: ; save file in your mIRC directory as Extract.mrc ; Type in any mIRC editbox: /load -rs Extract.mrc ; ; To Unload: ; Type in any mIRC Editbox: /unload -rs Extract.mrc ; ; ; ; To Use: ; ; The format is $extract(Path\File.zip,Directory).show ; ; Path\File.zip (Required) ; This is the full path to the zip file you want to extract ; ; Directory (Optional) ; This is the full path to the directory inwhich you wish to extract the .zip file. If it doesn't ; exist, it will be created. If not specified, then the files are extracted to the .zip's parent folder\zip filename\ ; ; .Show (Optional) ; if you specify the .Show prop, then after the files are extracted, the directory inwhich the files were extracted ; will be opened for your viewing. ; alias Extract { if (!$isid || $0 > 2 || *.zip" !iswm $qt($1) || !$exists($1) || ($prop && $Prop != show)) { return 0 } var %from = $qt($1), %to = $iif($0 == 1 || !$2,$qt($regsubex($noqt(%from),/\.zip$/i,)),$qt($2)), %r, %a = $& Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") $lf $& set S = CreateObject("Shell.Application") $lf $& set F = S.NameSpace( $+ %From $+ ).items $lf $& S.NameSpace( $+ %To $+ ).CopyHere(F) if ($com(Extract)) { goto error } if (!$isdir(%to)) { if ($isdir($mircdir $+ $noqt(%to))) { %to = $qt($mircdir $+ $noqt(%to)) } else { mkdir %to } } .comopen Extract MSScriptControl.ScriptControl if ($comerr) { goto error } var %r = $calc($com(Extract,language,4,bstr*,vbscript) + $com(Extract,executestatement,1,bstr*,%a)) if ($comerr) { goto error } if ($prop == show) { run %to } :error if ($com(Extract)) { .comclose Extract } return $iif($error || $comerr || %r != 2,0,1) }