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Gatekeeper Auth


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Hello! I would like to ask about the GateKeeper authentication used on MSNChat-like servers...


I'll explain: i'm developing a simple PHP Bot (it's must be PHP for them take data from a MySQL table). To connect to an IRC server, i just put the code:

$socket = fsockopen($config['SERVER'],$config['PORT'],$errno,$errstr,30);
fputs($socket,"USER $config['NICKNAME'] Castelo $config['SERVER'] : Jonathan\r\n");
fputs($socket,"NICK $config['NICKNAME']\r\n");
fputs($socket,"PRIVMSG NickServ IDENTIFY $config['PASSWORD']\r\n");
fputs($socket,"JOIN #$config['ROOM']\r\n");

To connect to a IRCx server, i tried to use the AUTH parameter...

fputs($socket,"AUTH ??? I\r\n");

... but i have no idea of how it works :(


Someone can help?

Edited by jonixp13
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I could be way off the mark but your best bet would be to use an ODBC server so you can communicate between them. I do have my old msn clone site in storage i could possibly take a look but if i remember right thats what i used.


I'm not too sure thats what you want though, I know in ircd's and such you can also use a LDAPAuth module , that would be a better fit for what your wanting to do.



For example:

unrealircd -> https://modules.unrealircd.org/modview.php?mod=8


Inspircd -> https://wiki.inspircd.org/Historical:Modules/1.1/ldapauth


If your just trying to get data from a sql data base then you don't need the windows auth tools anyway, it can be done with a simple string of code in the ircd/ircx to fetch the data or you could use something like anope. That also has a LDAPAuth module in it as well as the basic sql connection.


Hope this helps

Edited by Groovyaxis2
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