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$bvars Help Anyone?

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ok i'm having a bit of troulbe authing using bvars on sparkpea..


if i do

on *:sockread:?#*:{

var %x = ""

sockread -f %x

tokenize 32 %x

if ($1-3 = AUTH GateKeeperPassport S) { }




it works fine,


but if i do

on *:sockread:?#*:{

sockread -n &x

if ($gettok($bvar(&x,1-).text,1-3,32) = AUTH GateKeeperPassport S) { }




i get an error..


* Invalid parameters: $bvar (line 66, connection.mrc)


if anyone can help me out would be great thanks. =)

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well for one thing, you are forgetting that the sockets send blank lines as well, as terminals. So you need to compensate for that as well.


on *:sockread:?#*:{
  sockread -n &x
  if ($bvar(&x,0) > 0) {
    if ($gettok($bvar(&x,1-).text,1-3,32) = AUTH GateKeeperPassport S) { }

I believe that's the only problem. You could use a tockenizer so save you from doing $gettok for everything. So the above code becomes...

on *:sockread:?#*:{
  sockread -n &x
  if ($bvar(&x,0) > 0) {
    tokenize 32 $bvar(&x,1-).text
    if ($1-3 = AUTH GateKeeperPassport S) { }

Basically, you can specify a range ($1-3) to give you a defined from-to comparison. You could also do something like $1 $2 $3 =...


I know it's a bit scrutinising, but i would also recommend following mIRC's structure and doing the "if statement" correct. You are doing a comparison using 1 "=" sign. With mIRC you should use 2 or 3 "=" characters. Please refer to the mIRC help file under "if then else" for correct syntax. This is just good programming practice if you want to better your knowledge in programming.

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Perhaps the line doesn't end in a CRLF, which would cause no bytes to be read into &x. Try using sockread -fn instead.


What The Gate Keeper recommended should stop the error, but it might mean that you miss data.


TGK: Fyi, you could use $sockbr there instead of $bvar(&x,0)

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