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Connection Dll

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Just curious if there is anyboy that can help me create a connection dll from a open source. I dont know if many remember me but I use to chat on MSN and use to help out on the Viper Central forum. As MSN was closing down Vipers connection became a open source as to allow users to connect to the different "MSN clones" by means of changing the ip. Well they have all closed and gone away with the exception of SPCN and Net4110 as they use the MSN chat control.


I can connect to 4110 and in Bot Mode but I have to fine tune the connection. My feeling is that with the current universal connection dll it could work but I have to get Viper to see as it is blind. The Control board is totally blind but I get raw data from both the connection window and the raw data of the CB. The user window is blank.


If any one knows how to create a dll and would help walk me through the steps as I have Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and a decompiler just have no clue as to what to do or make save changes I need to make.



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Well I can now make a dll and It works up to a point. I connect in Bot mode but the raw data in Viper and the onJoin data from the server is incomplete. I need to get the server IPs correct in the following code.


strServ1 = "", 6668


I need for "", 6668 to switch to 6667 to make the connection to the chat control


My connection is hung here:


Private Sub sck_serv1_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
Dim strServ1 As String

sck_serv1.GetData strServ1, vbString
If strServ1 Like ":* 613 * :*" Then
ServerIp = Split(strServ1, " ")(3)
ServerIp = Replace(ServerIp, ":", "")
End If
Select Case Split(strServ1, " ")(1)
Case "702"
MsgBox "The room may need to be created first (create room via normal webchat first, and use another account to connect with Viper)"
'RaiseEvent REventDisconnectVp
RaiseEvent REventCloseServ1
RaiseEvent REventConnectionState(0)
End Select


The split and replce lines have me confused. Can you help me??

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I know nothing of making viper work. I can shed some light on the split and replace. Based upon this thread, I understand a little.


:TK2CHATWBA10 613 NickName : 6667 .. is an example of what that routine would receive.


ServerIP is split into an array at each space. So, ServerIP(0) would be :TK2CHATWBA10, (1) would be 613, (2) Nickname, (3) :, (4) 6667


ServerIP then replaces all ":"s with nothing "". Now, (3) is .. without the :


All I will say is this code is based upon ancient code that will barely run on newer machines (If at all). My best recommendation is to dump the OCX and Viper, become friends with someone familiar with this antiquated setup, or spend hours and hours on an old language, code, and setup which time is better spent in learning .NET.

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:yes: Thanks Pablo for the link to that thread. I knew there was a post on the dll somewhere that would help some. As for the "dump the OCX and Viper", well thats like telling a car collector to dump his collection because they are out of date, lol. Viper was a very enjoyable part of my life. I loved the challenges and just making it work and work right. I love the web chat aspect of Viper. It was so much easier on my eyes and scripts, allthough some are nice and all, just make it hard to see things. I am not a programmer and I dont code, BUT I am a mechanic and if it is possible to fix something I will always give it a go before I junk it :D Again thanks for the link, maybe I can start to piece together a working connection.

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  • 4 weeks later...

i don't know if if its still around but maybe you can pop on over to Buzzen as i be leave theirs a Viper bot room there .. the VB coder is extremely busy but you maybe able to get some helpfull hints/pointers on getting what you need .... please correct me if i'm wrong for the room location i havnt jumped onto buzzen in a bit

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