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Whois Dialog

Guest LAS

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alias dwho { if ($dialog(whois)) dialog -x whois whois | dialog -m whois whois }
dialog whois {
 title "Whois[ /dwho ]"
 size -1 -1 232 122
 option dbu
 box "", 1, 4 4 82 114
 list 2, 8 10 74 104, size vsbar
 box "", 3, 90 4 138 114
 edit "", 4, 94 10 64 10, read autohs
 edit "", 5, 160 10 64 10, read autohs
 edit "", 6, 94 22 130 92, read multi vsbar
on *:dialog:whois:init:*:{  
 mdx SetMircVersion $version
 mdx MarkDialog $dname
 mdx SetColor $dname 2,4,5,6 text $rgb(255,255,255)
 mdx SetColor $dname 2,4,5,6 textbg $rgb(0,0,0)
 mdx SetColor $dname 2,4,5,6 background $rgb(0,0,0)
 mdx SetFont $dname 2,4,5,6 %fsize 500 %font
 mdx SetBorderStyle $dname 2,4,5,6 staticedge
on *:dialog:whois:dclick:2:{ did -ra whois 4 %whois | did -r whois 6 | .whois %whois }
on *:dialog:whois:sclick:2:{ %whois = $did(2).seltext }
on *:dialog:whois:close:*:{ unset %whois }
alias wnicks {
 did -r whois 2
 %i = 1
 while (%i <= $nick($active,0)) {
   did -a whois 2 $nick($active,%i)
   inc %i

raw 307:*:{ 
 if ($dialog(whois)) { did -a whois 6 $3- $crlf | haltdef }
 else { echo $color(whois text) -a $2- | haltdef }
raw 308:*:{
 if ($dialog(whois))
 else { echo $color(whois text) -a $2- | haltdef }
raw 309:*:{
 if ($dialog(whois))  { did -a whois 6 $3- $crlf | haltdef }  
 else { echo $color(whois text) -a $2- | haltdef }
raw 310:*:{  
 if ($dialog(whois)) { did -a whois 6 $3- $crlf | haltdef }
 else { echo $color(whois text) -a $2- | haltdef }
raw 311:*:{  
 if ($dialog(whois)) { did -a whois 6 $3- $crlf | haltdef }
 else { echo $color(whois text) -a $2- | haltdef }
raw 312:*:{ 
 if ($dialog(whois)) { did -a whois 6 $3- $crlf | haltdef }
 else { echo $color(whois text) -a $2- | haltdef }
raw 313:*:{  
 if ($dialog(whois)) { did -a whois 6 $3- $crlf | haltdef }
 else { echo $color(whois text) -a $2- | haltdef }
raw 317:*:{ 
 if ($dialog(whois)) { did -a whois 6 $duration($3) $asctime($4,mm/dd/yy) $5- $crlf | haltdef }
 else { echo $color(whois text) -a $duration($3) $asctime($4,mm/dd/yy) $5- | haltdef }
raw 318:*:{ 
 if ($dialog(whois)) { did -a whois 6 $3- $crlf | haltdef }
 else { echo $color(whois text) -a $2- | haltdef }
raw 319:*:{ 
 if ($dialog(whois)) { did -a whois 6 $3- $crlf | haltdef }
 else { echo $color(whois text) -a $2- | haltdef }
raw 379:*:{  
 if ($dialog(whois)) { did -a whois 6 $3- $crlf | haltdef }
 else { echo $color(whois text) -a $2- | haltdef }
raw 378:*:{
 if ($dialog(whois)) { did -ra whois 5 $remove($6-,$chr(42),$chr(64)) | haltdef }
 else { echo $color(whois text) -a $2- | haltdef }
raw 320:*:{ 
 if ($dialog(whois)) { did -a whois 6 $3- $crlf | haltdef }
 else { echo $color(whois text) -a $2- | haltdef }
alias mdx { dll mdx.dll $1- }

Now this is my whois dialog from my personal script. I have modified it; so you can edit it for your own theme. Als you need mdx.dll. Hope this comes in handy to anyone who like to learn; or just want to spice up their scripts. wink.gif And I again, I dont mind good and bad comments; as long as you dont tell me I'm a crappy. lol

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