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Everything posted by Dippy

  1. Dippy

    Windows 8

    windows 10 is great faster then windows 8 and has the start menu back
  2. ok looked into your idea about ircd shell account and made my moved $9 a month that all it cost me $9 max to 800 users but I get to 500 users I simply change to the next package which is 1000+ users but even that is only $14
  3. ok cool thanks I stick with anope
  4. got a question what you guys think of atheme or should stick with anope?
  5. so far I not had a dos attack but that could be because I'm a small network and worth the time or resource but if it happens then I look in to a server for irc
  6. well it true why waste money on something you can do yourself? is it any different to what it does on a host server? if something goes wrong on a server you not there to fix it you have to wait for it to be fix I dont see anything wrong with running it from a home computer if you got the right computer and internet?
  7. $300 a month :| do you run the irc server on server or run it your self? see I run it myself I have virgin media business pack which allows me 160mb download unlimited and 20mb upload unlimited and it only cost 15 pounds more then what u get on the home packages so if you include broadband around $60 to $90 which is all u need really for small network not include the $13,702 super computer lol
  8. $11 is all it cost me to run my site cheap as chips
  9. in windows 8 you should't have to install anything as windows 8 comes with it own system and by using windows app you are less likely to catch a virus or back door Trajan
  10. anyone else find the 8.1 buggy?
  11. Dippy

    Roomlist Help

    ok I knocked this up but unsure how to get the rooms to the mysql <? $cat = $_GET['cat']; if ($cat == "") { include_once('pages/list-blank.php'); return; } if ($cat == "CC") { $category = "City Chats"; } else if ($cat == "CP") { $category = "Computing"; } else if ($cat == "EA") { $category = "Entertainment"; } else if ($cat == "GN") { $category = "General"; } else if ($cat == "LS") { $category = "Lifestyles"; } else if ($cat == "SP") { $category = "Spirituality"; } else if ($cat == "NW") { $category = "News"; } else if ($cat == "PR") { $category = "Peers"; } else if ($cat == "RL") { $category = "Religion"; } else if ($cat == "RP") { $category = "Roleplay"; } else if ($cat == "RM") { $category = "Romance"; } else if ($cat == "TN") { $category = "Teens"; } $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM rooms WHERE category = '$category'"); ?> <table wpgidth="2100" border="0"> <tr> <td> <? $pgid = $_GET["pgid"]; if ($pgid == "") { $pgid = "0"; } ?> <div id="tnt_pagination">Pages <span class="active_tnt_link"> <? for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_rows($result); $i++) { if (!strstr($i/"10", ".")) { if ($pgid != $i) { ?> <a href="?pgid=<?=$i?>"><? } ?><?=$i/"10" + 1?><? if ($pgid != $i) { ?></a><? } } } ?></span> </div> <img src="http://bumblebeechat.net/icons/earth.png"><strong>Official Groups <img src="http://bumblebeechat.net/icons/users.png">Supported Groups</strong></p></td> </tr> </table> <table style="border:1px solid #2E64FE; background-color:#E9F4FA; width:100%;"> <tr> <td align="center" width="29%"><p class="bing"><strong>Roomname</strong></p></td> <td align="center" width="60%"><p class="bing"><strong>Topic</strong></p></td> </tr> </table> <? # display pgid number links $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); if(!$result || ($num_rows < 0)){ echo "<strong>Couldn't show you my results!</strong>"; return; } if($num_rows == 0){ echo "<strong>Couldn't find any rooms! Someone still need to create a first room!</strong>"; return; } # Display table contents */ $e = true; for($i=$pgid; $i < $pgid + "10"; $i++){ if ($i >= $num_rows) { ?> <? return; } $name = mysql_result($result,$i,"name"); $epuid = bin2hex($name); $about = mysql_result($result,$i,"about"); $level = mysql_result($result,$i,"level"); //echo $about; ?> <table width="100%"> <tr> <td width="200" style="border:1px solid #2E64FE;"><p class="bing"><?php if($level == 1) { echo "<img src='http://bumblebeechat.net/icons/earth.png' width='25' height='25'>" ; } else if($level == 2) { echo "<img src='http://bumblebeechat.net/icons/users.png' width='25' height='25'>" ; } ?></p><p class="bing"><strong><a href="chat.php?rm=<?=$name;?>"><?=$name;?></a></strong</p></td> <td width="500" style="border:1px solid #2E64FE;"><?=$about;?></td> </tr> </table> <? } ?> many thanks
  12. Dippy

    Roomlist Help

    At the moment I just got the basic that you did for me a while back with a little edit to it there no category on it yet and no I not got rooms stored on the mysql yet as I'm not sure how it done Many thanks for reply
  13. Hello I have a room list by php and now I like to make the roomlist in category order and room order such as offical room and such to do this I'm guessing it has to be done by mysql how do I go about doing this ? how do I make the mysql get the rooms and update? Many thanks for replys
  14. so would u say inspicd is better then unrealircd or the same just inspircd has more options?
  15. Remember in the old days when there was a spam kick bot that act as a normal user but host up kick and ban user who whisper spam to them can anyone remember what the bot was called or if there is one out there for ircd Many Thanks Whatnot
  16. ahhh crap lol trust me when I tell you this officeIRC is not a good for a msn like and I know because I been there done that and fail with it best option is go unrealircd with anope and then make modules for unrealircd and anope and work around it from that and if you work really hard you can make anope work with your mysql server from your host and just use the site to login and not having to register site then chat or login site then chat you can also make a module to make the (passport) to gatekeeper auth. then in anope you can add prefix . or ' for oper and set the icon that way. Or you can be like me look around and pray for a good irc designer who wants to support you and help you. P.S I am still praying for this person lol or at lease win the lotto so I can spend a million or 2
  17. so your irc server is custom made one ?
  18. hello first off you want to go in anope if u use it and set the oper mode to something else then set the userlist icon to fit that mode hope that helps you on the right path
  19. hello as you know unrealircd has only one nick per server is there a way I get rid of that so that nick can be use in more then one browser Many Thanks for Replies
  20. Dippy

    Windows 8

    about time getting bored of pokki start menu
  21. Dippy


    ok Thank you will have a look and play around see if I can get right
  22. Dippy


    They are DLLs and NETWORK File (.network) as always Thank you for replys
  23. Dippy


    What software do you use to edit unrealircd files so can change the way it auth so it reads as 1899908939@gatekeeperpassport and not [email protected] As Always Thanks For Replys
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